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Red-billed Tropicbird; PARTICIPANTS NEEDED f/ July Trips

Dear Carolinabirders,

This must be the year of the Red-billed Tropicbird.  I saw another =
yesterday near the Diamond Shoals Light Tower.  I have now seen six =
since May 25th.  It is worth mentioning that back in '95, when I saw =
five, I did not see one until early July.  With that in mind, I would =
like to make a plea for anyone who wants to see a Red-billed Tropicbird =
to sign up for our trips this month so we don't have to cancel any =
dates. =20

Though our spring trips were well attended this year, it is not the only =
time to see rare and uncommon seabirds off Cape Hatteras.  Summer is =
also an excellent time, and July has been a good month for us in years =
past.  We have seen just about everything that we have seen in spring =
during this period, and it is a usually a better time for tropicbirds =
and Band-rumped Storm-Petrels.  We spend considerable time in deep water =
looking for these species and also the rare gadfly petrels.  That is, if =
we can get enough participants to run these trips.  Right now we need =
quite a few more people to run our trips on July 19 and 20 from Hatteras =
and on July 26 and 27 from Manteo.  We need to know that we have enough =
passengers BY THE END OF THE WEEK if we are going to run these trips.  =
In the past, we have cancelled trips and then had several inquiries =
about space just after that.  We cannot afford to hold these dates until =
the last minute, gambling on getting more reservations, as our cost to =
charter these boats is considerable.  So, if you have an interest in =
these trips, please let us know as soon as possible.   Our August trips =
have received more interest, but those dates are far from full at this =
point.  Information about all of our departures can be found on our =
website at http://www.patteson.com/.

I hope that you can join us on a trip or two this summer.  Even if you =
cannot, please take time to visit our website at =
http://www.patteson.com/, where we have added some nice images of birds =
which I photographed this spring off Cape Hatteras.


Brian Patteson
Hatteras, NC