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RE: Hermit Thrushes

I haven't received my issue of Chat yet, but on the Hermit Thrush issue that 
Harry commented on I also find it curious that they have expanded so much into 
the North Carolina mountains recently.  They are quite regularly found now at 
several locations in the spruce fir zone in the southern mountains.  It 
doesn't surprise me when I hear or read about southern birds moving farther 
north because of the milder climate and feeders, etc., but it seems more 
curious when northern birds, such as the Hermit Thrush and the Tree Swallow, 
move farther south to breed.  Expanding populations sounds like a reasonable 
argument.  Subtle habitat changes may also be a factor.  It would be 
interesting to find out where the Hermit Thrushes that breed in the southern 
Appalachians spend the winter.  

Marilyn Westphal
Environmental Quality Institute
University of North Carolina-Asheville
One University Heights
Asheville, NC  28804