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June Gannet in SC

The message below is from Phillipp Waggett of Alabama, forwarded by request 
via Bob Wood.

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I was vacationing at Pawleys Island  SC last week, when a single
Gannet flew just beyond the breakers, then took a dive into the water,
came up set on top for a few seconds and then flew on off. My
sister-in-law took a picture, I have not seen the developed shot.
This occurred on June 25, and I am not familiar with SC bird
spottings in June for Gannets. I recall they are winter birds and I
have spent several winter afternoons observing them off Wrightsville
Beach. The bird books I have say they are only winter visitors. What
is recent SC history on this species?

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Charles W. "Will" Cook                  w 919-660-7423
http://www.duke.edu/~cwcook            cwcook@duke.edu
Box 90340, Biology Dept., Duke Univ., Durham, NC 27708