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pictures Mississippi and Swallow-tailed Kites

Hi again,

Finally plowed through the 400 mostly blurred, poorly exposed or
non-centered kite pictures; taking pictures from a moving boat of flying
birds isn't as easy as I hoped it would be. As usual I took too many, so the
first 4 are pretty good and you can look at the rest if curious. The 4th
picture, W4892, has a Swallow-tailed feeding on something held in its talon.
Again, I enjoyed the taking; hope you enjoy looking. By the way, someone
contacted me who didn't realize there are different sizes of pictures and
once enlarged you can navigate using previous and next in top right corner.

These pictures are in the very LAST gallery: Cape Fear Kites, which is
located at   http://www.pbase.com/sellbirding

Harry D Sell
Boiling Spring Lakes, NC