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Black-bellied Whistling Duck

Dear C'Birders:

Today, Tuesday, I made the 3and1/2 hr. trip to Donnelly for the
Black-bellied Whistling Duck.  About 30 minutes after going through the
entrance I arrived at what I thought was the right impoundment.  I started
at the far end and worked my way back parking in the shade when possible and
just as I was moving the car for the second time to the section just left of
the shorebirds and their flats, not one, but two Black-Bellieds landed about
50 yards in front of me.  I love it when that happens!!

They proceeded to feed in the shallow water, but mostly what I assumed was
the male stood guard, eyeing me anxiously.  The female (?) showed no
interest in my presence, just did her mid-morning snack.  It was about 10:30
AM.  I watched them for a few minutes and then decided to check out the
shorebirds with the scope, so moved to my right.  Suddenly after about 15
minutes the BBWDucks flew up and headed to my right and in the direction of
the lodge and the last line of trees.  They disappeared.  I figure they may
have gone to roost somewhere behind the lodge on the edge of the big
impoundment since there are lots of scraggly  branched oaks there.

The White Pelicans that Nathan mentioned were floating in the same
impoundment in the distance, but mostly hidden by an island.   The
shorebirds were the same as he reported.  I saw no storks.   Plenty of
Wading Birds and Alligators.

I stopped about 5 other birding spots on the way home, without anything
interesting being seen, but my Good-bye birds were 3 Swallow-tailed Kites, a
couple of Mississippis and a stork  all flying over the North Santee River
Bridge.  I had stopped at the boat launch landing there and was really
surprised to see the Kites at 3:30 in the afternoon.

Good Birding,
Mary McDavit, Sunset Beach, NC.