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Seabrook Is. Reddish Egret, etc.

This is my first post to Carolina Birds. I've been reading posts for about a 
year, after vacationing at Seabrook last year and getting interested in 
birding again after about a 15-year hiatus (kids, other important life events). When 
I last did a lot of birding there were no list servers, Peterson was the 
standard guide (still is for me), and no one here ever heard of Eurasian collared 

Saw the following at Seabrook Island, SC Aug 8-9. Numbers are maximum in 
sight at one time. These were mostly at Cap'n Sam's Creek inlet at North Beach. 

Brown Pelican   23
Double-cr. Cormorant    3
Great Blue Heron    1
Great Egret 3
Snowy Egret 2
Tricolored Heron    1
Reddish Egret   1 (gray morph)
Cattle Egret    1
Green Heron 5
Wood Stork 1 (over Jenkins Point)
Black Vulture   2
Turkey Vulture  1
Black-bellied Plover    1
Semipalmated Plover 3
Oystercatcher   2
Greater Yellowlegs  1
Willet  8
Marbled Godwit  5
Ruddy Turnstone 5
Sanderling  20
Long-billed Dowitcher   3
Laughing Gull   100s
Ring-billed Gull    6
Royal Tern  60
Least Tern  40
Black Tern  5
Black Skimmer   8
Mourning Dove   2
Belted Kingfisher   1
Blue Jay    3
Fish Crow   1
Barn Swallow    12
Carolina Wren   3
Mockingbird 2
Cardinal    3

Drew Grainger
Aiken, SC