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Migratory Bird Strategy

I was asked by the Public Affairs Officer, USFWS, Charleston Office to
post this to carolinabirds.  If you go to the link, there is a place
thats requests input from the public.


To: All Service Employees

From: Director

Subject: A Blueprint for The Future of Migratory Birds

There has never been a more exciting time for migratory bird
conservation in the Service. We are conserving millions of acres of
upland and wetland habitats throughout the Hemisphere for migratory
birds. We are employing adaptive harvest management to guide our
regulatory decision-making for waterfowl. And we are working with
partners across geopolitical boundaries, sociocultural divides, and
taxonomic interests to develop and carry out conservation plans for the
majority of the continent=s bird species of concern.

The Service and its partners are making considerable strides for
migratory birds on a host of fronts. But we still face great challenges
as widespread habitat loss and deterioration continue to harm bird
populations and a host of other threats continue to cause direct loss of
bird life, such as pesticides and other contaminants, wildlife diseases,
such as West Nile Virus, entanglement in fishing lines, and collisions
with towers and other structures.

To confront these challenges, Migratory Birds and State Programs has
produced A Blueprint for the Future of Migratory Birds, a draft
strategic plan to strengthen and guide the Service=s migratory bird
program over the next ten years.

Many Service programs contribute in various ways to migratory bird
conservation, whether it=s habitat management on our National Wildlife
Refuge System, estuarine habitat restoration through our Coastal
Programs, grassland restoration through our Partners for Fish & Wildlife
Program, or contaminants monitoring and cleanup activities by our
Division of Environmental Quality. So, it is absolutely essential that
we develop our migratory bird strategic plan in consultation with the
many individuals and programs of the Service that share interest and
involvement in conserving these international avian treasures that have
been entrusted to our care.

As a valued Service colleague, you are key to making this effort a
success. From whatever your vantage point within the Service, we ask
that you please provide your views and recommendations on this draft
plan. Your input is important to us!

Please access the draft strategic plan entitled A Blueprint for the
Future of Migratory Birds and provide comments by October 10, 2003 at
the following internet address
http://migratorybirds.fws.gov/mbstratplan/mbstratplan.htm. We look
forward to hearing your recommendations regarding the future migratory


Our mission is, working with others, to conserve, protect and enhance
fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit
of the American people. Craig Watson
Mt. Pleasant, SC