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After reading Kate's sighting of a first

> From: Kate Finlayson <katefin@yahoo.com>
> Date: 2003/08/14 Thu PM 02:53:09 EDT
> To: carolinabirds@duke.edu
> Subject: eagles, frogs and butterflies
> Hey all,
> Led a hike this AM for Carrboro Recreation and Parks
> to the Eagle Platform. Awesome sightings along the way
> included a splotchety red and yellow summer tanager
> first year male, singing male indigo, a female summer
> tanager, great views of Yellow-billed Cuckoo, two
> young great blue herons splashing around and honking
> at each other, tons of Fowler's toads, and beautiful
> Green Frog with copper eyes on a log beside the vernal
> pool, red spotted purple butterflies everywhere, pearl
> crescent, silver-spotted skippers, E. Tiger
> Swallowtails,& a question mark that probiscised on all
> of us at the platform site. And oh so many
> dragonflies, but alas, I did not have my Dragonfly
> field guide with me. While on the platform, watching
> an Osprey coming straight for us, I put my binos down
> for a moment and saw a bald eagle right in front of us
> swoop in front of the Osprey. All got great close-up
> looks as the eagle flew and perched on a naked branch
> and I put the scope on her. One fellow was 85 years
> old and all were very excited to see this awesome
> sight.
> It wasn't even that hot out there. Improvements are
> being made to the trail. It should be awesome when
> they are finished.
> Kate
> =====
> Kate Finlayson
> N. Chatham Co.,N.C.
> katefin@yahoo.com
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Shelley Theye
N. Chatham County, NC