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Horry County birding

Hi Carolinabirders,
This morning Paul Rogers and I birded in southern Horry County, SC.  We
covered Punchbowl Landing Road and then two areas in Bucksport; The sod
farm and Port Harrelson Road. 29 species recorded.
Best birds were: Am Kestrel at Bucksport Sod Farm, 3 Yellow-billed
Cuckoos at Punchpole Landing Rd, Ruby-throated Hummingbird at Bucksport,
Acadian Flycatcher, heard only at Punchpole Road, 5 White-eyed Vireos
along Punchpole Rd, 3 Red-eyed Vireos along Punchpole Landing Road, one
each of Louisiana Waterthrush, Hooded Warbler, Prothonotary Warbler, and
Worm-eating Warbler all along Punchpole Landing Road, 1 Summer Tanager
(heard only) along Punchpole Landing Road, family group of 4 Blue
Grosbeak seen along Port Harrelson Road in Bucksport.
Entire data is on http://www.ebird.org/content/
Also found some butterflies.
Good company, good birding

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC