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Little Gulls off Emerald Isle

I've had a little trouble getting on to my e-mail today or I would have responded sooner.

Yesterday I posted seeing 2 Little Gulls. After reviewing what I reviewed before posting yesterday I'd say I did see 2 Little Gulls although I'd agree with anyone who doesn't think so.

The birds Sally Carter and I saw looked very much like the Little Gulls on page 208 of Sibley. The birds we saw were in Adult nonbreeding plumage. Both birds had dark underwings and they also had the white border pointed out on page 176 of the Sibley field guide to birds of Eastern North America. They also had paler upper wings than underwings. The fairly uniform color and white tail were also easily seen.

For size comparisions there were larger than the Least Terns and smaller than the Forster's Terns they were seen with. The birds came as close as twenty feet away from us and they were very busy feeding on the bait fish.

As far as comparing these birds to Black Terns all I can say is I've seen Black Terns twice this summer (although I haven't seen them either time in flight). Both times I saw Black Terns they were at Rachael Carson. Both times I saw 5 Black Terns. 

The last time I saw Black Terns (which was last Wed.) there was
only one which hadn't really started to molt from breeding plumage.

Also, I realize these birds were not seen with Bonaparte's Gulls (which they often are).

I'm not an expert birder, but I do think I saw Little Gulls.
The white border was the field mark that made be pretty sure
of the ID. Also these birds were seen from very close range and hung around for a reasonable amount of time.