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If You Need a Wildlife Rehabilitator

Hi Carolinabirders,

If any of you should find an injured bird you can contact any of the
following to locate a wildlife rehabilitator in your area:

    National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association    www.nwrawildlife.org
    International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council    www.iwrc-online.org
    Wildlife Rehabilitators of North Carolina        www.ncwildliferehab.org

I have birded the beaches here on Ocracoke daily for the past two weeks.
Thought that the combination of remnants of Henri, a cold front and the
approach of Isabel would bring in pelagic birds.  In short, there has not
been anything unusual here on Ocracoke.  There are lots of kestrels and
several merlins. Susse saw a N. Goshawk in her yard.

Various herons, flying over the house, trying to get back to the nesting
area are flying frantically but remain almost still against the wind.

Will go out when the weather clears and let you know of anything when we get
the power back on.

Stay safe,

Elizabeth Hanrahan
Wildlife Rehabilitator
State & Federal Permits
Ocracoke, NC