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Jordan Lake area


I tried to get some "hurricane rarities" on southern Jordan Lake this morning. Unfortunately Ebenezeer point was rather empty except one Caspian Tern and one Laughing Gull on the water far off (the latest was in very bed shape rather laying on the water). Nevertheless I tried some Warblers and found a few trees and bushes at the end of the parking and boom! Got one NICE flock:
White-eyed Vireo - 2
Red-eyed V. - 5
Blue-gray Gn. - 3
Tennessee Warbler - 1 (new for NC for me)
N. Parula - 4
Chestnut-sided W. - 2
Cape May W. - 1
Magnolia W. - 2
B & White W. - 3
Yellow-throated W. - 3
Bay-breasted W. - 5
Pine W. - 2
American Redstart - 8
Scarlet Tanager - 2
Summer Tanager - 5

on the beech there was one juvenile Sanderling

in additional in the other area on E side of the Jordan Lake (with small kit airplane "landing strip")
Yellow-throated W. - 2
Palm W. - 2
Pine W. - 10
Am. Redstart - 2

Michal Skakuj  Ph.D.
2420 Perkins Rd.
Durham, NC 27705
phone:        919 402 9961
mobile phone: 919 599 3040