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Lake Crabtree yesterday


Sterling Southern and I spent about an hour and a half looking for migrants in the tres around lake Crabtree (RTP) yesterday. Notable birds were two Cape Mays, two rose-breasted grosbeaks, yellow warbler, redstart and several resident species. I kept looking for the chickadee that would have the really big flock of migrants with it, but we never heard one while Sterling and I were together. However, when we returned to our trucks and started out of the parking lot, I finally heard a chickadee before my vehicle had traveled 20 yards. I hopped out and tried to flag Sterling, but on he went, so I shushed a bit, and with the chickadee I saw a bay-breasted, two scarlet tanagers, and I think the best find, a cerulean warbler, along with several pine warblers, titmouses, and a couple red-eyed vireos. I think a magnolia was in the mob too, but I lost it too rapidly for a solid ID. Keep your ears tuned to chickadee calls!

I believe I'll be back out there this afternoon.
Take care,

Clyde Sorenson
Clayton and Raleigh, NC