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100+ Species in SC

Hey Carolina Birders!

Although I missed the best three hours of the day, there were still a good
number of birds seen in the Horry and Georgetown County area today.

I started on Punchpole Landing Road (southwestern Horry County) at around
10:00 this morning and found several nice birds.  (This road is now
completely dry.  It had been under water throughout much of the spring and
summer.)  From there, I stopped by the sod farm at Bucksport and found
virtually nothing there.  I arrived at the Conway Wastewater Treatment Plant
at approximately 1:00 pm and birded there and along New Road (which is
adjacent to the plant) until 4:00 pm or so.  When I got back to the house, I
began to look at my list for the day and realized I might have a shot at 100
species for the day.  I then headed back out and checked the Murrells Inlet
area, Sandy Island Road and, of course, Huntington Beach.

In all, 11 Warbler species were seen, as were 6 species of woodpeckers.  A
real nice variety of shorebirds were located as well.  I was especially
excited to find a Blue-winged Warbler on Punchpole Landing Road.  That is a
bird that I rarely see here along the coast.  It and an immature
Chestnut-sided Warbler were both new year birds for me in SC.  I had never
had a Chestnut-sided Warbler or a Stilt Sandpiper in Horry County prior to
today either.

I was finally able to come up with 115 species for the day.  A location key
is given below and the list will follow.

C = Conway Wastewater Treatment Plant (includes New Road area)
F = Forestbrook Road area
H = Huntington Beach State Park
M = Murrells Inlet
P = Punchpole Landing Rd.
S = Sandy Island Road

Pied-billed Grebe   H
Brown Pelican   H
Double-crested Cormorant   H, M
Great Blue Heron   H, P
Great Egret   H, M
Snowy Egret   C, H, M
Little Blue Heron   C, H
Tricolored Heron   C, H, M
Cattle Egret   F
Green Heron   H
Black-crowned Night-Heron   H
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron   H
White Ibis   H
Wood Stork   H
Black Vulture   P
Turkey Vulture   C, H, P
Canada Goose   F
Mute Swan   M
Wood Duck   C
Mallard   F
Blue-winged Teal   H
Northern Shoveler   C
Red-breasted Merganser   H
Osprey   H, M
Bald Eagle   H
Red-shouldered Hawk   C, P
Red-tailed Hawk   C, P
American Kestrel   F, P
Merlin   H
Clapper Rail   H
Black-bellied Plover   H
Semipalmated Plover   H
Piping Plover   H
Killdeer   C
American Oystercatcher   H, M
Greater Yellowlegs   H
Lesser Yellowlegs   C, H
Solitary Sandpiper   C
Willet   H
Spotted Sandpiper   C, H
Ruddy Turnstone   H
Red Knot   H
Sanderling   H
Semipalmated Sandpiper   C, H
Western Sandpiper   C, H
Least Sandpiper   C, H
Pectoral Sandpiper   C
Stilt Sandpiper   C
Short-billed Dowitcher   H
Wilson's Snipe   C
Laughing Gull   H, M
Ring-billed Gull   H, M
Herring Gull   H, M
Caspian Tern   H
Royal Tern   H
Forster's Tern   H
Black Skimmer   H
Rock Dove   F, M
Eurasian Collared-Dove   M
Mourning Dove   C, F, H, M
Yellow-billed Cuckoo   C, P
Barred Owl   P
Chimney Swift   C, P
Ruby-throated Hummingbird   F
Belted Kingfisher   C, P
Red-headed Woodpecker   C, S
Red-bellied Woodpecker   C, P
Downy Woodpecker   C, P
Red-cockaded Woodpecker   S
Northern Flicker   C, H, P
Pileated Woodpecker   P
Eastern Wood-Pewee   P
Empidonax sp.   P
Eastern Kingbird   C
White-eyed Vireo   C, P
Red-eyed Vireo   C, P
Blue Jay   C, H, P
American Crow   C
Tree Swallow   C, P
Northern Rough-winged Swallow   P
Barn Swallow   H
Carolina Chickadee   C, P
Tufted Titmouse   C, P
Brown-headed Nuthatch   F, P, S
Carolina Wren   C, P
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher   C
Eastern Bluebird   H, S
Veery   P
Swainson's Thrush   P
Gray Catbird   C, P
Northern Mockingbird   C, H
Brown Thrasher   C, P
European Starling   M
Blue-winged Warbler   P
Northern Parula   C, P
Yellow Warbler   C
Chestnut-sided Warbler   P
Pine Warbler   P
Prairie Warbler   C
Palm Warbler   C
Black-and-white Warbler   C, P
American Redstart   C, P
Ovenbird   P
Common Yellowthroat   C, P
Summer Tanager   C
Scarlet Tanager   C
Eastern Towhee   S
Seaside Sparrow   H
Northern Cardinal   C, H, P
Painted Bunting   H
Red-winged Blackbird   C
Common Grackle   C
Boat-tailed Grackle   H, M
Baltimore Oriole   C
House Sparrow   M

Good Birding!
Ritch Lilly
Myrtle Beach (Horry County), SC