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Ring-billed Flycatchers?

Hey Carolina Birders,

I'm wondering if anyone can shed some light on something that has puzzled me
for some time now.  I was out with a couple of local folks from the SCDNR in
late spring.  We were in Cape Romain and noticed a large flock of gulls
maneuvering above a sizeable stand of live oaks and wax myrtles.  We decided
to ease closer for a better look.  As we drifted close to this stand of
trees, it appeared to each of us that these gulls were catching some type of
a small insect on the wing.  Neither of us had ever noticed this before and
thought it interesting.

A week or so ago, I got a note from a friend.  She and her husband had been
at Huntington Beach and had seen the same thing.  This time the birds
appeared to be "flycatching" over a dune line on the north end of the beach.
I had never mentioned to her having seen a similar sight a few months

Is this a common thing that I just haven't noticed before?  If there is any
possibility that they were not "flycatching" as all five of us felt they
were, what else might they have been doing?  This inquiring mind would love
to know the rest of the story.

Ritch Lilly
Myrtle Beach (Horry County), SC