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Evergreen - Charlotte - Sunday 10/5

Evergreen Nature Preserve surprised us this morning (10:00 -12:00) with 7
migrating species, the best being a new species for Evergreen:

PHILDELPHIA VIREO, in the opening near Winterfield Elementary School.

In addition, we had

Black-throated Blue Warbler,
Blackburnian Warbler,
Pine Warbler
Brown-headed Nuthatch,
Swainson's Thrush, and
Scarlet Tanager at the basketball court in Sheffield Park

Redstart and
Bluebirds (12)  behind Winterfield Elementary

Phoebe and E. W. Peewee at the wetland

We met Martha and Robert Bustle, who had seen

Red-headed Woodpecker in the large opening along road behind cemetery
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (many) in the opening behind Winterfield Elementary.

Larry and Louise Barden, Charlotte, NC