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Bald Eagle

I've been a Carolinabirds member for about 6 months and have really enjoyed
reading everyone's postings (via the digest). I'm a neophyte when it comes
to birding, but had to share an exciting moment:

I was sitting in our sunroom about 9:30 am yesterday watching 2 Belted
Kingfishers chase each other all over the place, chattering like crazy. They
were zooming up really high and then diving low. (This went on for about 10
minutes--territorial behavior?) Suddenly, I spotted a huge dark bird
circling over the yard to the north of us. Then it soared across our yard
along the water and landed in a tall pine in the yard to the south of us.
Got excellent looks as it flew and then thru binos while it was perched for
about 10 minutes before flying off to the south. Unmistakable white head and
white tail, brown body, yellow legs and yellow beak--an adult Bald
Eagle--the very first one I've ever seen along this part of Adams Creek!!
What a yard bird! (WoooooHoooooo as gary would say!!!) While it was perched,
a small bird (couldn't ID thru binos) seemed to be hassling it. (Is this
common behavior?)

We had a lot of flood damage from Isabel and got winds close to 100 mph, but
like others, we had a group of Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds who continued to
drink throughout the entire storm from the one feeder I left up in a
protected corner of our deck . We have video of them at the swaying feeder
at the height of the hurricane. We also have video from our deck of the
flood waters receding after the wind swung around to the south; the most
striking feature of that segment is all the birdsong you can hear. I had to
rush to put the seed and suet feeders back up. 

I'm still seeing at least one RT hummer each day. 

This is my first posting to Carolinabirds, so please forgive any formatting

-- Holly Powell
Beaufort, NC 28516
On Adams Creek near Merrimon