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Re: Lapland Longspur

I have seen a Lapland Longspur in the woods in Chatham County once a
couple of years ago...at least, that was the best ID I came up with,
although totally unexpected.  I got a long look at it.  Never came back.

Today was a good day for soaring birds around the WUNC tower.  There was
a "kettle" of about twenty turkey vultures, soaring in a tight circle,
with lots of rapid turns, near misses, bumps, and other seemingly
agressive (almost) behavior.  My guess was that this was a preliminary
"meet and greet" among various birds that may or may not have known each
other, prior to taking off for, say, Panama.  (I saw a lot of similar
action over the bay in Panama City just prior to the return of these
birds a couple of years ago.)

I know, I'm anthropomorphizing.  Sue me.

Today was also a good day for warblers: black throated blue, black and
white, and various and sudry confusing fall warblers, following the
Chickadees around.  Also a probable Oriole.

Fred Houk
Chatham County