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Harnett County, NC on Oct. 15

I spent the morning birding in Harnett County, spending most of my time at Raven RockState Park and the remainder on the Upper Little Rive at US 401. I found all of the possible woodpeckers except yellow-bellied sapsucker. Raptors included three red-shouldered hawks and several kestrels. At Raven Rock I saw the park's flock of wild turkeys, a black-throated blue warbler and a blue-headed vireo. I saw two probable kinglets but couldn't get positive ids on either.
Toward the end of my hike at Raven Rock, I encountered a small bird on a bare sapling. I thought "kinglet" and quickly focused my binoculars on it. No, it was a warbler, olive green on top, yellowish (unstreaked) underneath with an indistinct dark eyeline and a yellowish eyebrow line, I observed it for several minutes as it flitted about. The best fit I could find, using the NG and Sibley, is Tennessee Warbler. I don't know when I've seen a more nondescript bird.

Robert C. Perkins, Ph.D.
Historian and General Outdoorsman
Fayetteville, NC 28311