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Delayed HBSP report

The Mecklenburg Audubon Society joined Jack Peachey at HBSP on Saturday,
October 11, for some very nice Audubon moments.  Jack stepped in to help
when our usual leader, Judy Walker, took some time off from traveling.
Thanks, Jack, for the HBSP pointers, especially the "hollow."

Eugene Sokolov took some wonderful pictures of bazillions of Tree Swallows
landing in a shrub 25 feet from our group along the boardwalk to the beach
(see http://www.bioweb.uncc.edu/faculty/barden/zOtherImages/treeSwallows.htm
to be posted after 5:00 PM Sunday 10/19/03).

Best birds among the 85 species seen were

Reddish Egret in the pond near the jetty
Peregrine Falcon plucking a Robin in a dead tree at the east end of the
Blue-winged and Green-winged Teal in Mullet Pond
Ground Dove and female Painted Bunting at the nature center feeder
Piping Plover (4 on beach halfway to jetty, one banded one that Jack will
report to USFWS)
Salt marsh Sharp tailed Sparrow and Seaside Sparrow
Wood Thrush, Blue-headed Vireo, White-eyed Vireo, Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Redstart, Black-and-White Warbler, Palm Warbler
Merlin, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Red-shouldered Hawk
Black-crowned Night Heron (flock of 50 at Mullet Pond!) and one immature
Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Many Wood Storks in trees at west end of causeway
Dunlin, Ruddy Turnstone, Oystercatcher, Black Skimmer

Lots of very tame Clapper Rails along the salt marsh boardwalk
Eurasian Collared Dove at Litchfield Beach

Larry and Louise Barden, Charlotte, NC