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Horry County, SC Birds

I checked the northern coast of Horry County, SC very briefly this evening.
I was actually looking for a Red Knot which, I'm embarrassed to say, I still
don't have for my Horry County list.  Although I had no luck with the knots,
there was a bird or two of interest around the southern end of Waites
Island.  (Being private, I actually had to scope the birds there from the
north end of Cherry Grove Beach.)  There were four Lesser Black-backed Gulls
in a large mixed group on that extreme southern end of Waites.  A couple of
Great Black-backeds were thrown in for comparison.  Additionally, an adult
Northern Gannet was spotted offshore.  This was the first gannet I'd seen of
the fall.

A stop by the Myrtle Beach wastewater treatment plant yesterday produced
five duck species.  They included Mallards, Wood Ducks, Green-winged Teal,
Northern Shovelers and the first Ring-necked Ducks of the season for me as

Good Birding!
Ritch Lilly
Myrtle Beach (Horry County), SC