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after several weeks absence, I returned to the pond hoping for some ducks. 
I had a small (10) flotilla of coots, and a larger one of American Widgeon,
several pie-billed grebes, one DC cormorant, and 2 of what I think were
Ruddies based on size and form.  Maybe this year will be a good one despite
the Mute swans.  Also had my first white-throated sparrow at the pond and
one I could not readily id.  Great blue heron was present along with
cardinals.  Many butterflies and dragonflies.  Pond is in NE Orange Co  I
had my first RC kinglet in the yard along woth a mature Red Winged
blackbird.  It is not a common visitor but ususally I have juveniles.  Yard
is in Hillsborough.  barb brooks  

Barbara Brooks
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