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Savannah River NWR

On my way home from Florida today (10/24) I stopped at Savannah RiverNWR and spent a couple of hours on the loop drive. The ducks were not in and I saw very few waders. In fact, the only ones I saw at a reasonable viewing range was a flock of cattle egrets.
At the point where the road makes its first hard left turn, I stopped to look for sparrows. I turned up a house wren, swamp sparrows, savannah sparrows, and a first-winter white-crowned sparrow.
Much farther along, in an open stretch of marsh between two of the copses of trees, I spent ten minutes observing a merlin that was using a dead tree as a perch and catching (I think) dragonflies over the marsh. I did not see it catch any birds but it did make a run at one.
The only warblers that I saw were palms (plentiful) and common yellowthroats (at least 3)

Robert C. Perkins, Ph.D.
Historian and General Outdoorsman
Fayetteville, NC 28311