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Blue headed vireo

Hello.  I'm new to Carolinabirds and am glad I found you.  I was doing some
birding in my yard yesterday and have had a lot of species here lately.  The
highlight however was a Blue Headed Vireo which was a life bird as well as a
backyard bird.

Birds seen this weekend:

Brown Thrasher
American Robin ( quite a few of them)
Red-Bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (adult and immature)
Northern Flicker
Carolina Chickadees
Tufted Titmice
White Throated Sparrow
Eastern Towhee
Carolina Wren
Pine Warbler
Yellow-Rumped Warblers (quite a few)
Ruby Crowned Kinglets
European Starlings
Eastern Phoebe
House Finches
Brown Headed Nuthatches
Blue Headed Vireo

Lois Stacey
North Augusta, SC