
14th Congress.]

No. 129.

 [1st Session.



Navy Department, December 7, 1815.


In obedience to the resolutions of the Honorable Senate of the United States, of the 28th of January, and the 28th of February last, I have the, honor to report upon the several subjects as per papers enclosed, numbered one to six inclusively.

I am, very respectfully, sir, your most obedient servant,


Hon. John Gaillard, President of the Senate.

No. 1.

Navy Department, Accountant's Office, December 4, 1815.


I now hand you a statement of the amount expended under the third section of the act of Congress of the 30th March, 1812, prepared in pursuance of the resolution of the Senate of the 28th of February, 1815.

The account required by the resolution of the Senate of the 28th of January, 1815, cannot be furnished from this office. The aggregate amount expended by the several Navy Agents in each year could be furnished, but there is no distinct account rendered by them for the disbursements at the navy yards; if reference could be had to the agents' accounts, with considerable labor, perhaps a dissection might be made, and the expenditures at the navy yards selected so as to render a tolerably correct account; but it is understood that all the accounts settled at this office, prior to the year 1812, were destroyed by the burning of the Treasury Office by the enemy in August, 1814. With great respect, I have the honor to be, sir, your most obedient servant,


The Hon. B. W. Crowninshield.

No. 2.

A statement of the amount expended under the third section of the act of Congress of the 30th March, 1812.

Viz: Purchase of timber,  - - - - - $128, 774 15

THOMAS TURNER, Accountant.

Navy Department, Accountant's Office, December 4, 1815.

No. 3.

Report relative to the gradual and permanent increase of the navy.

The importance of a permanent naval establishment appears to be sanctioned by the voice of the nation, and I have a satisfaction in stating that the means of its gradual increase are completely within the reach of our national resources, independently of any foreign country. The materials for building and equipping ships of war are all at command. Steps have been taken to ascertain the best growth and quantities of timber for naval construction, preparatory to contracts and purchases. The want of a mould loft for the naval constructor to lay out the moulds, "by which the timber is to be cut and shaped previously to transportation, has delayed the completion of arrangements for an adequate supply. A building has been erected at the navy yard in this city for that purpose, and will soon be finished, when the business will progress.

Cannon foundries, manufactories of sheet copper, cordage, canvass, and all the mechanical branches, are in a state to furnish the several supplies which may be required.

The commerce of the United States, increasing with the resources and population of the country, will require a commensurate protection, which a navy alone can afford; and the experience derived from the active and vigorous employment of a limited navy, during the period of the late war, has demonstrated its efficient utility.

I do, therefore, with confidence, recommend an annual increase of our navy of one ship, of the rate of 74 guns; two frigates of the first class, rated at 44 guns; and two sloops of war, which can be built with the surplusage of smaller timber, and with a great saving in that material.

The act to increase the navy, passed January 2d, 1813, authorized the building of " four ships, to rate not less than 74 guns, and six frigates, to rate 44 guns each." This act has been partly carried into effect, by building three ships of the rate of 74 guns, and three frigates of 44 guns, in the Atlantic ports; the residue of the appropriation under that act was applied to the building of large ships and frigates upon Lake Ontario.

The concentration of our navy in one or two of the principal ports of the United States, where the depth of water is sufficient for the convenient ingress and egress of the larger vessels, will necessarily lead to the enlargement of the navy yards at such places, with docks for repairs, and the collection of all important materials for the armament and equipment of the different classes of vessels, in order to bring them into active service upon any emergency, with the advantage of combined force.

A general system for the gradual and permanent increase of the navy, combining all the various objects connected with an enlarged naval establishment, such as building docks, and extending the accommodations of navy yards and arsenals of general deposite, will form the subject of a more extensive report, to be laid before Congress during the present session.

No. 4.

Report relative to the measures taken respecting navy hospitals.

The subject of navy hospitals was necessarily suspended during the late war, in consequence of the more imperious duties of the commissioners appointed under the act of Congress of February 26, 1811.

The commissioners met in the early part of the year 1812, and surveyed the several sites in this city most eligible for the erection of an hospital, and directed an able architect to prepare a plan of the building and estimate of the cost. The eldest and most skilful surgeons of the navy have reported upon the general system, organization, and economy of an hospital; all which are now under consideration, and the commissioners are preparing a report upon the subject.

The appropriation of fifty thousand dollars, by the abovementioned act, "out of the unexpended balance of the marine hospital fund, " has not been drawn out of the treasury; and it is considered that this sum, in addition to the contributions by the officers and men of the navy of twenty cents per month, will be inadequate to carry the intention of Congress into full execution, without further provision.


The subject merits the attention of Congress, and will receive all the consideration of the commissioners, to complete such an establishment as may meet the public expectations, and furnish relief to those brave officers and men, whose faithful services and wounds entitle them to all the benefits, accommodation, and comfortable maintenance which such an asylum can afford.

No. 5.

Report relative to the establishment of a dock-yard.

The act of March 3, 1813, appropriating " one hundred thousand dollars for the purpose of establishing a dockyard, for repairing vessels of war," &c. could not be carried into effect during the late war, from the multiplicity of imperious duties which devolved upon the Secretary of the Navy in the active operations of the general service. The subject, however, received all the attention which the Secretary could bestow upon it; surveys of particular sites, and the opinions of experienced and scientific men, were collected, preparatory to a decision, which was suspended by the events of the year 1814; and no further measures were taken until after the peace. During the summer past inquiries and surveys have been made, the result of which will be laid early before Congress. The importance of this appendage to the naval establishment, the necessary arrangements connected with it, and the amount requisite to carry the system into complete effect, require a more detailed statement and estimate than can be embraced in the present report, without anticipating the result of a survey in the southern section of the United States, which is not yet completed.

I cannot omit this occasion of repeating the opinion of the absolute necessity and urgency of having docks constructed as soon as possible, for the repairs of our vessels of war.

No. 6.

A register of the commissioned and warrant officers of the United States' navy, and officers of the marine corps, with the dates of their commissions and warrants.

Names and rank.

Dates of commissions.

Names and rank.

Dates of commissions.



Alexander Murray,

July 1, 1798.

Nathaniel Harradan,

March 31, 1807.

John Rodgers,

March 5, 1799.

Francis J. Mitchell,

February 18, 1809.

James Barron,

May 22, 1799.

George Merrill,

April 30, 1809.

William Bainbridge,

May 20, 1800.

Samuel Woodhouse,

++May 4, 1808.

Hugh G. Campbell,

October 16, 1800.

Charles C. B. Thompson,

May 15, 1809.

Stephen Decatur,

February 16, 1804.

Joseph Nicholson,

June 15, 1809.

Thomas Tingey,

November 23, 1804.

Alexander P. Wadsworth,

April 21, 1810.

Charles Stewart,

April 22, 1806.

John Pettigrew,

April 22, "

Isaac Hull,

April 23, "

George W. Rodgers,

April 24, "

Isaac Chauncey,

April 24, "

George C. Read,

April 25, "

John Shaw,

August 27, 1807.

Henry E. Ballard,

April 26, "

John H. Dent,

December 29, 1811.

Thomas Gamble,

April 27, "

David Porter,

July 2, 1812.

William Carter, Jr.

April 28, "

John Cassin,

July 3, "

Benedict J. Neale,

June 4, "

Samuel Evans,

July 4, "

Joseph J. Nicholson,

June 4, "

Charles Gordon,

March 2, 1813.

Walter Stewart,

June 4, "

Jacob Jones,

March 3, "

Wolcott Chauncey,

June 7, "

Charles Morris,

March 5, "

John H. Elton,

June 8, "

Arthur Sinclair,

July 24, "

Edmund P. Kennedy,

June 9, "

Oliver H. Perry,

Sept. 10, "

Jesse Wilkinson,

June 10, "

Thomas Macdonough,

September 11, 1814.

Alexander J. Dallas,

June 13, "

Lewis Warrington,

November 22, "

John P. Nicolson,

May 20, 1812.

Joseph Bainbridge,

November 23, "

Beekman V. Hoffman,

May 21, "

William M. Crane,

November 24, "

George Budel,

May 23, "

* Johnstone Blakely,

November 25, "

Thomas A. C. Jones,

May 24, "

James T. Leonard,

February 4, 1815.

Joseph S. Macpherson,

May 26, "

James Biddle,

No. 1

February 28, "

John Porter,

May 27, "

Charles G. Ridgely,


" "

+John T. Shubrick,

Robert T. Spence,


" "

William Finch,

January 4, 1813.

Daniel T. Patterson,


" "

William B. Shubrick,

January 5, "

Henry Wells,

January 6, "


Benjamin W. Booth,

January 7, "

Alexander Claxton,

January 8, "

Samuel Angus,

July 24, 1813.

Enos R. Davis,

January 10, "

Melancthon T. Woolsey,

" "

Charles W. Morgan,

March 3, "

John Orde Creighton,

" "

Samuel P. Macomber,

March 4, "

Edward Trenchard,

" "

Raymond H. J. Perry,

March 5, "

John Downes,

" "

Lawrence Kearney,

March 6, "

John D. Henley,

" "

Wm. H. Watson,

March 7, "

Jesse D. Elliot,

" "

Thomas Hendry, Jr.

March 8, "

Robert Henley,

August 12, 1814.

Foxall A. Parker,

March 9, "

Stephen Cassin,

September 11, 1814.

Edward R. McCall,

March 11, "

Daniel S. Dexter,

No. 1

December 10, 1814.

Daniel Turner,

March 12, "

James Renshaw


" "

William H. Allen,

July 24, "

David Deacon,


" "

David Connor,

" "

Lewis Alexis,


" "

John Gallagher,

" "

Michael B. Carroll,

February 4, 1815.

Thomas Holdup,

" "

Sidney Smith,

February 28, "

James A. Dudley,

" "

Thomas Brown,

March 1, "

James P. Oellers,

" "

f William Lewis,

March 3, "

William M. Hunter,

" "

* In the Wasp, supposed to be lost,

+ In the Epervier, supposed to be lost.

++ This date has been entered in the Register one year too late, as appears by the nomination to, and the confirmation of, the Senate.



Names and rank.

Dates of commissions.

Names and rank.

Dates of commissions.

John D. Sloat,

July 24, 1813.

William Lowe,


December 9, 1814.

John Packett,

" "

Walter G. Monteith,


" "

William H. Cocke,

" "

David Geissinger,


" "

+ John J. Yarnall,

" "

Charles F. McCauley,


" "

Matthew C. Perry,

" "

John H. Bell,


" "

Charles W. Skinner,

" "

Francis B. Gamble,


" "

Joseph Wragg,

" "

John H. Aulick,


" "

James Saunders,

" "

Charles T. Clark,


" "

* James Reilly,

" "

George Vancleave,


" "

Samuel W. Adams,

" "

Richard G. Edwards,


" "

John R. Madison,

" "

William K. Lattimer,

February 4, 1815.

Dugomier Taylor,

" "

Edward B. Babbitt,

May 1,

George Pearce,

" "

George Hamersley,

" 5, "

Frederick W. Smith,

" "

Henry S. Newcomb,

" "


Nathaniel D. Nicholson

" "

* Thomas Tillinghast,

" "

Edward Cutbush,

June 24, 1799.

Otho Norris,

" "

Peter S. Medard,

July 14, "

John T. Newton,

" "

George Davis,

" 22 "

P. A. J. P. Jones,

" "

Samuel R. Marshall,

January 16, 1800.

Samuel Henley,

" "

Lewis Heerman

November 27, 1804.

Augustus H. M. Conkling,

" "

Joseph G. P. Hunt,

" "

Joseph Smith,

" "

Jonathan Cowdery,

" "

Laurence Rousseau,

" "

Samuel D. Heap,

" "

George W. Storer,

" "

Robert L. Thorn,

March 3, 1809.

Henry B. Rapp,

" "

Samuel R. Trevett, Jr.

" "

Lewis German,

" "

William P. C. Barton,

April 28, "

Joseph Cassin,

" "

Joseph S. Schoolfield,

June 18, "

Robert M. Rose,

" "

George Logan,

April 14, 1810.

Beverly Kennon,

" "

Amos A. Evans,

" 20, "

Edward Shubrick,

October 9, "

Robert Morrell,

May 31,

Charles A. Budd,

June 18, 1814.

Robert S. Kearney,

July 28, "

Francis H. Gregory,

" 28, "

James Page,

March 5, 1811.

Edward Barnewall,

July 22, "

John D. McReynolds,

October 2, "

John M. Maury,

No. 1

December 9, "

Thomas Harris,

July 6, 1812.

* Frederic Baury


" "

William Turk,

No. 1

July 24, 1813.

Benjamin Cooper,


" "

Hyde Ray,


" "

Philip F. Voorhees,


" "

William Baldwin,


" "

John H. Clack,


" "

Walter W. Buchanan,


" "

Isaac Mayo,


February 4, 1815.

Samuel Ayer,


" "

William L. Gordon,


December 9, 1814.

E. L. Lawton,


" "

James Ramage,


" "

Charles Cotton,


" "

Robert F. Stockton,


" "

Gerard Dayers,


" "

Thomas M. Newell,


" "

William Caton, Jr.


" "

Dulany Forrest,


" "

Robert A. Barton,


" "

Eli A. F. Vallette,


" "

Benjamin P. Kissam,


" "

Silas Duncan,


" "

John A. Kearney,


" "

Thomas Cunningham,


" "

Richard C. Edgar,


" "

Isaac McKeever,


" "

Bailey Washington,


" "

Paul Zantzinger,


" "

*William M. Clarke,


" "

John W. Gibbs,


" "

Thomas Chidester,


" "

Henry Gilliam,


" "

James Inderwicke,


" "

William D. Salter,


" "

George T. Kennon,


" "

William A. Spencer,


" "

Walter W. New,

October 6, "

Silas H. Stringham,


" "

Samuel Horsley,

April 15, 1814.

William Laughton,


" "

Robert C. Randolph,

" "

Edward Haddaway,


" "

Charles B. Hamilton,

" "

Nelson Webster,


" "

Usher Parsons,

" "

William Mervine,


February 4, 1815.

William Swift,

" "

Richard Dashiel,


December 9, 1814.

Josephus M. S. O'Conway

June 27, "

Richard Winter,


" "

Richard K. Hoffman,

July 16, "

John Percival,


" "

Richmond Johnson,

March 1, 1815.

William V. Taylor,


" "

Thomas B. Salter,

May 22, "

Mervine P. Mis,


" "

Bladen Dulany,


" "


Thomas W. Magruder,


" "

John Tayloe,


" "

John Harrison,

January 16, 1805.

Robert Spedden,


" "

Gustavus R. Brown,

March 1, 1809.

Thomas F. Webb,


" "

Thomas A. Vanwyck,

" 3, "

James McGowan,


" "

Manuel Phillips,

July 18, "

Nath'l L. Montgomery,


" "

William Barnwell,

" 28, 1810.

A. C. Stout,


" "

William Belt,

September 23, 1811.

+ John T. Drury,


" "

John D. Armstrong,

May 27, 1812.

Charles E. Crowley,


" "

William C. Whittelsey

July 7, "

W. A. C. Farragut,


" "

Peter Christie,

" 8 "

Gustavus W. Spooner,


February 4, 1815.

John Young, Jun.

" 9 "

William W. Brailsford,


" "

Samuel Jackson,

" 10 "

William Elliott,


" "

Andrew B. Cook,

December 21, "

Thomas Crabb,


" "

James C. Garrison,

" 22, "

John T. Wade,


December 9, 1814.

E. D. Morrison,

July 24, 1813.

George B. McCulloch,


" "

John H. Gordon, A. S.

" "

"Walter G. Anderson,


" "

Samuel M. Kissam,

" "

Stephen Champlin.


" "

Leonard Osborne.

" "

* In the Wasp, supposed to be lost.

+ In the Epervier, supposed to be lost.



Names and rank.

Dates of commissions.

Names and rank.

Dates of warrants.

Thomas Williamson,

July 24, 1813.

James H. Clark,

July 24, 1813.

John Dix,

" "

William V. Zantziner,

" "

Benjamin Austin, Jun.

" "

Joseph North,

" "

Thomas Cadle,

" "

Joseph Wilson, Jun.

" "

Leucco Mitchell,

" "

Herman Thorn,

" "

Silas D. Wicks,

" "

Thomas Waine,

" "

Isaac Baldwin, Jr.

" "

*Lewis Fairchild,

" "

Wilmot F. Rogers,

" "

John S. Skinner,

March 26, 1814.

*Thomas Rogerson,

October 25, "

Joseph B. Wilkinson,

" "

George Sproston,

November 8, "

Ezekiel Solomon,

" "

John C. Richardson,

May 17, 1814.

Benjamin F. Bourne,

" "

John W. Peaco,

June 23, "

William Sinclair,

" "

Archimedes Smith,

July 5,

Richard T. Timberlake,

" "

Alexander M. Montgomery,

16 "

Samuel Livermore,

" "

Oliver Le Chevalier,

December 10, "

Matthew C. Atwood,

" "

William Butler,

" "

Greome K. Spence,

April 8, "

Thomas McKissock,

" "

Melancthon W. Bostwick,

July 16, "

John Wise,

" "

John N. Todd,

March 1, 1815.

Thomas J. H. Cushing,

" "

Timothy Winn, (Acting)

May 17, "

John H. Steele,

" "

William M. Sands, "

" 20, "

S. B. Whittington,

" "

Thomas Breese, "

July 8, "

Francis Gerrish,

" "

Joseph H. Terry,

" " "

Edward Woodward,

" "

Benjamin A. Welles,

" "


Frederick P, Markham,

" "

William D. Conway,

" "

Andrew Hunter,

March 5, 1811.

James N. Tunstale,

" "

David P. Adams,

May 10, "

Davis G. Tuck,

" "

William H. Briscoe,

July 11, 1812.

Robert C. Wardle,

" "

Colden Cooper,

April 24, 1815.

James Norris,

" "

Cheever Felch,

May 12, "

Thomas C. Gardner,

" "

John Cook,

" 9, 1812.

William F. Bradbury,

" "

Benajah Tickner,

" "


William P. Jones,

" "

Thomas G. Peachy,

" "

James Adams,

January 16, 1809.

John Mairs,

" "

James Armstrong, A. L.

May 18, "

John M'Adam,

" "

Albert A. Alexander,

September 1, 1811.

John S. Mershon,

" "

Walter Abbot,

January 1, 1812.

Charles Chase,

" "

Joel Abbot,

" 1 "

Thomas W. Wiesenthal,

" "

George Avery,

" 28, "

George B. Doane,

" "

Joseph H. Ashbridge,

August 14, 1813.

Pliny Moreton,

" "

Henry A. Adams,

March 14, 1814.

Benjamin S. Tyler,

" "

A. McKim Andrews,

April 13, "

Nathaniel Miller,

January 6, 1815.

Robert Armistead,

July 30, "

William Burchmore,

" 10

William H. Allen,

Nov. 30, "

Solomon D. Townsend,

May 3, "

Nathaniel Alexander,

" "

Richard Derby, Jr.

" "

William H. Armstrong,

" "

James R. Boyce, (Acting)

January 10, "

Thomas C. Abbot,

December 6, "

David H. Frazer, do.

February 21, "

Roderick R. Adams,

March 2, 1815.

Thomas S. Brown,

December 17, 1810.


J. A. D. Brown,

" "

William Berry,

" "

Isaac Garretson,

April 25, 1812.

Samuel L. Breese, A. L.

" "

Clement S. Hunt

" "

Charles Boarman,

June 9, 1811.

Gwinn Harris,

" "

William J. Belt,

Sept. 1, "

John H. Carr,

" "

John A. Belches, A. L.

" "

Nathaniel Lyde,

" "

Charles Berry,

" "

James R. Wilson,

" "

William Boerum,

" "

Samuel Robertson,

" "

Samuel Barron,

January 1, 1812.

Samuel Hambleton,

" "

Thomas H. Bowyer,

" "

Robert C. Ludlow,

" "

Horatio Beatty,

" "

Robert Pottinger,

" "

Richard Brashears,

" "

John B. Timberlake,

" "

Franklin Ballinger,

" "

Thomas S. Chew,

" "

William Baldwin,

" "

Thomas Shields,

" "

Thomas N. Bonneville,

" "

Richard C. Archer,

" "

Yorick Baker,

June 18, "

Lewis Deblois,

" "

William H. Bell,

" "

George S. Wise,

" "

Eliphalet Ball,

" "

Francis A. Thornton,

" "

Abraham Bigelow,

" "

James M. Halsey,

" "

William Boden,

" "

Edward Fitzgerald,

" "

John C. Benson,

August 22, "

Alexander P. Darragh,

" "

Samuel Beck,

April 12, 1813.

Edward W. Turner,

" "

Russell Baldwin,

May 17, "

Robert Ormsby

" "

Thomas H. Brown,

Nov. 9, "

Henry Dennison,

" "

Henry Bruce,

" "

Ludlow Dashwood,

" "

John Bubier,

" "

William S. Rogers,

February 26, 1813.

Edmund Byrne,

Feb. 1, 1814.

Henry Fry,

" 27,

John D. Bird,

April 16, "

John R. Shaw,

" 28, "

Timothy G. Benham,

Nov. 30, "

Samuel P. Todd,

March 1, "

Benjamin Brewster,

" "

Nathaniel W. Rothwell,

" 2,

Cyrus A. Branch,

" "

George Beall, Jun.

July 24, "

Benjamin Bartholomew,

" "

* In the Wasp, supposed to be lost.



Names and rank.

Dates of warrants.

Names and rank.

Dates of warrants.

John P. Babbidge,

Nov. 30, 1814.

Frederick Engle,

December 6, 1814.

James Boughan,

January 11, 1815

Ambrose Field,

December 1, 1809.

Franklin Buchanan,

" 28, "

David G. Farragut,

" 17, 1810.

Arthur Bainbridge,

Feb. 22, "

French Forrest,

June 9, 1811.

John M. Boardly,

March 7, "

Andrew Fitzhugh,

" "

Joseph Bowman,

July 8, "

Edgar Freeman,

" "

William H. Chaille,

Dec. 17, 1810.

Robert Field,

September 1, 1811.

Richard Caton, Jun.

June 9, 1811.

John D. Fischer,

June 18, 1812.

Joseph Cross,

" "

T. W.Freelon,

" "

Charles H. Caldwell,

Sept. 1, "

Thomas E. Finnemore,

February 20, 1813.

John A. Cook,

January 1, 1812.

James M. Freeman,

May 24, 1814.

John S. Chauncey,

" "

Benjamin Follet,

December 6, 1814.

Thomas A. Conover,

" "

John Gwinn, A. L.

May 18, 1809.

Archibald Campbell,

" "

Edward Greenwell,

June 9, 1811.

Lodowick Crarey,

" "

Frederick S. Gibbon,

" "

Joseph S. Cornwall,

" "

Charles Gaunt,

September 1, 1811.

Lachlan A. J. Cuthbert,

" "

Peterson Goodwin,

January 1, 1812.

Harrison Cocke,

June 18, "

Henry Gray,

" "

Enos Childs,

" "

James Greenlaw,

June 18, "

James F. Curtis,

" "

James Goodrum,

" "

John P. Cambrelling,

" "

John H. Graham,

" "

Nathaniel Carter, Jun.

" "

Lewis M. Goldsborough,

" "

James Connor,

" "

Jacob Gilmeyer,

January 1, 1813.

James M. Cutts,

" "

Thomas Grieves,

November 9, "

Thomas B. Curtis,

Sept. 28, "

Daniel Goodwin,

" 30, 1814.

John L. Cummings,

Oct. 8, "

Benj. S. Grimkie, 2d,

" 3, "

Edward Carpenter,

July 10, 1813.

Willis M. Green,

" "

John M. Channing,

Nov. 9, "

Thomas R, Gerry,

December 6, "

Hill Carter,

" "

Walter Gardner,

" "

Augustus Cutts,

" "

William H. Gardner,

" "

Hercules Cottineau,

" "

Thomas R. Gedney,

March 4, 1815.

John Chew, (of Benjamin)

Feb. 1, 1814.

Timothy Gay,

June 6, "

Robert Carson,

" "

John Hill, Jr. A. L.

February 6, 1809.

David Conyngham,

" "

Richard Heath,

December 17, 1810.

Joshua W. Cochran,

" "

Thomas P. Harrison,

June 9, 1811.

Joseph S. Cannon,

" 26, "

Richard Hunter,

September 1, 1811.

James Campbell,

Nov. 30, "

Benjamin Harrison,

January 1, 1812.

+ James Colter,

" "

Joseph L. Harper,

June 4, "

Robert B. Cunningham,

" "

Moses Hunter,

June 18,

Charles Corlis,

" "

David Hunter,

" "

John Collier,

November 30, 1814.

* William House,

" "

Joseph Cutts,

December 6, "

Delozier Higginbothom,

" "

James S. Cose,

January 10, 1815.

Levi Harby,

" "

Charles B. Childs,

" 28, "

J. C. Hardy,

" "

Richard Cochrun,

February 7, "

Edward W. Hamilton,

" "

Wm. E. Cambridge,

March 6,

James Hodges,

November 9, 1813.

Jacob Crowninshield,

" 11, "

Joseph Hull,

" "

James H. Clinton,

April 24, "

Thomas B. Handy,

January 28, 1814.

Benjamin Clapp,

November 20, "

John F. Howell,

February 1, "

Edward Dowse,

December 17, 1810.

+George W. Hunter,

" "

T. W. H. Dayton,

September 1, 1811.

George N. Hollins,

" "

Samuel W. Downing,

" "

John L. Hopkins,

" 26, "

James W. Dulany,

" "

Thomas Hayes,

June 16, "

Maximilian De Vaux,

" "

John Heth,

" 25, "

Peleg K. Dunham,

January 1, 1812.

William H. Homer,

November 30, "

Oscar Davis,

February 1, "

Samuel Horton,

" "

John M. Dale,

June 18, "

Harry D. Hunter,

" "

James H. Dobbin,

" "

William Harvey,

" "

John Dennis, Jr.

" "

John Hunt,

" "

Thomas W. Daily,

November 9, 1813.

John L. Harris,

" "

Charles P. Derby,

" "

William S. Harris,

" "

Daniel S. De Saussure,

" "

George Hobart,

December 6, "

Owen Davis,

February 1, 1814.

Ogden Hoffman,

" 31, "

Mahlon M. Downing,

March 8, "

Wm. L. Howard,

January 10, 1815.

Richard Dominick,

April 30, "

Hubbard H. Hobbs,

March 4, "

Samuel Duzenberry,

July 16, "

Enoch H. Johns,

January 16, 1809.

William Dangerfield,

November 30, "

William Jameson,

September 1, 1811.

Charles Dana,

" "

William Inman

January 1, 1812.

Francis L. De Wolf,

" "

James T. Jackson,

" "

George D. Dodd,

" "

G. W. Isaacs,

" "

Gaston de Castera Davezac,

" "

Joseph R. Jarvis,

June 18, "

Hugh Delany,

" "

Skeffington Jameson,

" "

Henry Dyson,

January 1, 1815.

Richard A. Jones,

" "

Edwin J. Dodge,

" 18,

Duncan N. Ingraham,

" "

Thomas Dornin,

May 2, "

Israel Israel,

November 9, 1813.

Wm. H. De Wolf,

November 21 , "

Frederick Jarrett,

March 8, 1814.

Edwin Esses,

November 15, 1809.

Walter F. Jones,

June 11, 1814.

John Evans,

December 17, 1810.

Joshua H. Justin,

November 30, 1814.

Alexander Eskridge,

January 1, 1812.

Edward S. Johnson,

" "

Frank Ellery,

" "

Edward Jacobs,

" "

Samuel A. Eakin,

June 18, "

Lewis Keene,

January 1, 1812.

Charles Ellery,

March 8, 1814.

Adam S. Kuhn,

February 1, 1814.

Christopher T. Emmet,

October 1, "

John Kelley,

" "

* In the Wasp, supposed to be lost.

+ In the Epervier, supposed to be lost.



Names and Rank.

Dates of warrants.

Names and rank.

Dates of warrants.

John R. Keasbey,

November 4, 1814.

Nathaniel A. Prentiss,

June 18, 1812.

James D. Knight,

November 30, "

Shubael Pratt,

" "

Matthew Keogh,

December 6, "

Charles T. Platt,

" "

Charles Lacy,

January 16, 1809.

Edward Price,

April 5, 1813.

Green Linch

" "

Samuel B. Phelps,

May 20, "

Charles Lecompte,

May 18, "

John E. Prentiss,

November 9, 1813.

James H. Ludlow,

November 15, "

Jott. S. Paine,

" "

William A. Lee,

June 9, 1811.

Thomas Patten,

" "

Enoch Lowe,

September 1, 1811.

William Peterson,

February 1, 1814.

Thomas J. Leib,

" "

William Pollard,

March 8, "

John Loveday,

January 1, 1812.

John F. Pelot,

June 10, "

Samuel Lecompte,

June 4, "

Alexander B. Pinkham,

" 17 "

Ales. W. Luffborough,

" 18, "

Richard S. Pinckney,

August 3, "

William G. Lewis,

" "

David H. Porter,

" 4,

George H. Leverett,

" "

Richard Picket,

November 30, "

John C. Long,

" "

Edward Postell,

" "

John H. Lee,

" "

John W. Palmer,

" "

Edward A. Lansing,

" "

William H. Potter,

December 6, "

James E. Legare,

" "

Robert Potter,

March 2, 1815.

*Hale S. Lovell,

November 9, 1813.

Frederick Pearson,

" 11, "

William R. Lord,

February 1, 1814.

William H. Pennock,

April 20, "

James R. Lyman,

July 16, "

George Parker,

June 6, "

Stephen B. Lasselle,

November 4, "

Edward Pinkney,

November 21, 1815.

Charles Lowndes,

March 18, 1815.

Samuel Renshaw,

July 4, 1805.

Richard P. Livingston,

29, "

R. B. Randolph,

August 15, 1810.

William E. McKinney,

June 9, 1811.

John T. Ritchie,

December 17, 1810.

James L. Morris,

" "

William W. Ramsay,

September 1, 1811.

William C. MChensey

September 1, 1811.

James W. H. Ray,

" "

John McCaw,

" "

James Roberts,

" "

George McCawley,

" "

* William B. Randolph,

January 1, 1812.

Robert Mitchell,

" "

Ebenezer Ridgeway,

" "

James McK. Mcintosh,

" "

Edmund M. Russell,

June 18, "

Charles W. Minchin,

January 1, 1812.

Charles C. Russell,

" "

William McCluney,

" "

Henry Randall,

" "

William McClean,

" "

Samuel Rogers,

November 9, 1813.

Richard Mackall,

" "

William T. Rogers,

" "

William H. Mott,

" "

William Rice,

" "

Archibald McNeill,

" "

Robert Ritchie,

February 1, 1814.

Joseph Morales,

" "

Solomon Rutter,

February 26, "

John B. Montgomery,

June 4, "

Thomas Ross,

March 17, "

David Mitchell,

"18, "

Clement Rogers,

April 16, "

James Mason,

" "

V. M. Randolph,

June 11, "

Henry McClintock,

" "

John Rudd,

Nov. 30, "

Daniel H. Mackey,

April 16, 1813.

William Roane,

" "

John Marston, Junior,

November 9, 1813.

Herman Rutgers,

" "

Joseph Moorhead,

" "

W. W. Rittenhouse,

" "

D. W. McRorie,

February 1, 1814.

Edward Rutledge,

" "

Daniel S. McCauley,

" "

John Reed, Jun.

" "

Sharp D. Moore,

July 18, "

Isaac H. Rand,

January 25, 1815.

James E. McDonald, A. L.

November 17, "

Burwell S. Randolph,

February 2, "

Michael Mahony,

November 30, "

Richard Stewart,

January 15, 1809.

Joseph Mattison,

" "

Joseph Smoot,

December 1, "

William W. McKean,

" "

Charles Smith,

December 17, 1810.

William McKenzie,

November 30, 1814.

Clement Stevens,

June 9, 1811.

William A. Mcintosh,

" "

Charles L. Springer,

Sept. 1, "

Nicholas Marchand,

" "

Augustus Swartwout,

January 1, 1812.

Joseph Myers,

December 6, "

Robert Searcy,

" "

Samuel Mercer,

March 4, 1815.

Robert L. Snelson,

" "

Robert F. Martin,

May 2,

William Steele,

" "

Robert Marshall,

November 21, 1815.

L. E. Simonds,

" "

James Nicholson,

December 1, 1809.

Horace B. Sawyer,

" "

Robert Nichols,

September 1, 1811.

Miles Street,

" "

James Nicholson,

January 1, 1812.

Cornelius Stribling,

June 18, "

Walter Newcomb,

" "

Joshua R. Sands,

" "

Z. W. Nixon,

June 18, "

Otho Stallings,

" "

Henry C. Newton,

" "

Beverley R. Scott,

" "

William C. Nicholson,

" "

Hugh S. Sweeney,

" "

William D. Newman,

February 1, 1814.

John M. Sullivan,

March 1, 1813.

J. B. Nones,

" "

John B. Shute,

April 16, "

William B. Nicholson,

March 17, "

William Skiddy,

May 9, "

Armistead Nelson,

November 30, "

James Spaulding,

Nov. 9, "

John S. Nicholas,

June 6, 1815.

John Swartwout,

" "

Henry Ogden, ,

September 1, 1811.

Archibald M. Stewart,

" "

Richard O'Neale,

January 1, 1812.

Matthew W. Stout,

Nov. 12, "

Patrick H. Overton,

November 30, 1814.

John Stevenson,

February 1, 1814.

Benjamin Page,

December 17, 1810.

David R. Stewart,

" "

James A. Perry,

June 9, 1811.

R, M. Summers,

" "

Hiram Paulding,

September 1, 1811.

William C. Shields,

February 2, "

William Pottinger,

" "

Irvine Shubrick,

May 12, "

Hugh N. Page,

" "

Joshua B. Stearns,

Sept. 28, "

Richard M. Potter,

January 1, 1812.

Egbert Shaler,

Nov. 30, "

Garret Pendergrast,

" "

Jonathan W. Sherburne,

" "

Thomas Pettigrew,

" "

Roger C. Shaw,

" "

* In the Wasp, supposed to be lost.



Names and rank.

Dates of warrants.

Names and rank.

Dates of warrants.

Merit Scott,

November 30, 1814.

Francis H. Ellison,

July 3, 1813.

G. W. Somerville,

" "

Squire Fisk,

May 7, 1812.

Horatio Stockton,

January 24, 1815.

James Ferguson,

" 27, 1814.

Francis Sanderson,

February 3, "

Samuel R. Gerry,

January 17, 1809.

Jesse Smith,

March 11, "

William Green,

June 26, 1812.

Frederick W. C. Story,

Thomas Godfrey,

April 18, 1815.

Thomas A. Tippet,

June 9, 1811.

John Hulburd,

February 11, 1809.

Abraham Ten Eick,

Sept. 1, "

Thomas Hamersley,

January 14, 1812.

William Temple,

" "

Henry Henry, A. L.

July 1, "

Ira Titus,

" "

George Hallowell,

December 5, "

James B. Taylor,

January 1, 1812.

Samuel C. Hixon,

April 30, 1814.

Joseph Thompson,

" "

Henry D. Hill,

June 16, "

William Taylor,

" "

Isaac T. Heartie, (Acting)

Josiah Tatnall,

" "

Edward Jones,

January 26, 1809.

Nehemiah Tilton,

November 9, 1813.

Nathaniel Jennings,

March 30, 1812.

Henry Tardy,

" "

Daniel Jones,

May 8, "

Samuel Thwing,

May 14, 1814.

John D. Jenkins,

" 26, "

Messidor Toscan,

Sept. 1, "

Robert Johnston,

" 10, 1813.

John S. Townsend,

Nov. 18, "

William Johnson,

June 6, 1815.

John P. Tuttle,

Nov. 30, "

Simon Kingston,

June 29, 1812.

Henry E. Turner,

" "

Robert Knox,

July 20, "

John Toole,

" "

John Kitts,

May 15, 1813.

John Tompkins,

" "

Uriah Levy,

October 21, 1812.

William F. Thorniley,

" "

Jairus Loomis,

November 11, "

Thomas P. Tilden,

January 1, 1815.

Alexis Luckett,

December 15, "

Benjamin Tallmadge, Jun.

January 24, "

Vincent Lowe,

March 20, 1813.

William G. B. Taylor,

February 13, "

Joseph Lindsey,

March 17, 1814.

Ralph Voorhees,

September 1, 1811.

William Lee,

April 30, 1815.

Frederick Varnum,

June 18, 1812.

Jacob Mull,

February 13, 1809.

James K. Vallette,

June 1, 1815.

James Mork, A. L.

July 14, 1812.

John Wish,

December 17, 1810.

William D. McCarty,

" 18, "

Thomas W. Wyman,

" "

Henry Moliere,

August 1, "

William A. Weaver, A. L.

February 14, 1811.

Elijah Mix,

June 12, 1813.

Daniel R. Walker,

June 9, "

Francis Mullaby,

July 3, "

James Williams,

September 1, "

Richard Mulford,

" "

Jonathan D. Williamson,

" "

Hugh McPherson,

April 1, 1814.

Charles L. Williamson,

" "

William F. Malbone,

" 4, "

Albert G. Wall,

January 1, 1812.

Steuben Meyers,

Nov. 18, "

Ephraim Whitlock,

" "

William Miller,

January 28, 1815.

Stephen B. Wilson,

" "

William McNight, (Acting)

William S. J. Washington,

February 5, "

Daniel Maynadier, do.

July 7, 1812.

William C. Whetmore,

June 18, "

John Nantz,

Clement Whittington,

" "

William Nicolson,

August 14, 1813.

Frederick Wolbert,

" "

Job Northrop,

January 22, 1815.

Edward Watts,

" "

Thomas Nichols, (Acting)

January 1, 1801.

Pardon M. Whipple,

" "

David Phipps,

Joshua White,

" "

Lewis B. Page,

March 9, 1809.

Henry R. Warner,

June 28, "

James B. Potts,

July 24, 1812.

Henry Ward,

October 1, "

William W. Polk,

" 18, 1814.

Seth Wheaton,

March 4, 1814.

James Rogers,

April 6, 1810.

"William Walker,

Nov. 30, "

William M. Robbins,


Oliver W. Wood,

" "

Edward Romney,

November 18, "

Caesar R. Wilson,

" "

Samuel Rinker,

September 3, 1813.

Edward Wright,

" "

Thomas Rutter,

November 9, "

Erasmus Watkins,

June 6, 1815.

Thomas Paine, Jr. A. L.

October 10, 1812.

John Jay Young,

January 1, 1812.

Joseph Stevens,

May 3, "

Horace Smith,

July 17, "


William P. Smith,

December 26, "

Thomas W. Story,

April 27, 1813.

Eli Brown,

April 25, 1812.

William W. Sheed,

May 5, "

Abraham Bloodgood,

June 25, "

Nathaniel Stoodley,

August 14, "

Cornelius Bennet,

Dec. 9, "

D. S. Stellwagen,

May 14, 1814.

Philip Brum,

February 15, 1813.

David Shoemaker, Jr.

October 19, "

James Basset,

April 18, 1814.

James Spillman,

February 3, 1815.

Henry Bowie, (Acting)

James 1 rant,

April 10, 1799.

Salvadore Catalano,

August 9, 1809.

James Taylor,

May 16, 1812.

John K. Carter,

May 9, 1812.

Joseph Taylor,

July 14, "

William Coit,

May 26, 1812.

Phillip M. Topham,

" 27, 1813,

James B. Cooper, A. L.

July 9, "

Henry Tew,

March 28, 1814.

Wm. M. Caldwell, A. L.

March 21, 1813.

Robert S. Tatem,

July 21, "

John Clough,

July 3,

James Terry,

April 20, 1815.

S. P. Chamberlain,

January 8, 1814.

George Ulrick,

December 4, 1809.

William Collins,

February 3, "

Robert B. Van Voorhis,

February 28, "

William Cansler,

March 29, "

William Vaughan,

August 22, 1812.

George Croft,

August 17, "

James L. Williamson,

" 4, 1807.

Richard Dealy,

February 14, 1811.

Henry Wilkinson,

January 1, 1812.

Biscoe Doxey,

June 24, 1812.

George M. Wilson,

July 24, "

Marmaduke Dove,

August 29, "

Charles F. Waldo,

March 10, 1813.

Daniel Dobbins,

Sept 16, "

John Warner,

September 15, "

J. H. Dill,

April 10, 1813.

James B. Wright,

November 19, "

Billy Dodge,

July 3, "

John White,

December 2, "

Geo. F. De La Roche,

August 3, "

Joseph Williston,

November 26, 1814.

Andrew Dorgan,

Sept. 11, "

Nahum Warren,

February 6, 1815.

John Drew,

December 6, 1814.

Henry Worthington,

May 2, "

William Dunston,

April 3, 1815.

Edward L. Young,

May 9, 1812.



Names and rank.

Dates of warrants.

Names and rank.

Dates of warrants.


George Marshall,

July 15, 1809.

John Myrick,

August 8, 1811.

"William Brown,

February 4, 1809.

John Nelson , (Acting)

John Bligh, (Acting)

Mathew Rodgers,

" 17, 1812.

John Briggs, do.

Clement Shannon, (Acting)

John Ball, do.

John S. Wilson, do.

"Westly Cunningham, do.

John Dawson, do.


Benjamin Evans, do.

William Henry,

February 20, 1815.

Samuel Brown, (Acting)

William Keith,

" 21, 1814.

Breasted Barnes, do.

Edward Linscot,

March 29, 1809.

Peter Demerit, do.

John Longuil, (Acting)

August 1, "

Horatio Ewart, do.

John McCloud,

Robert Fell,

June 6, 1803.

Collin McCloud,

March 17, 1812.

Zaccheus R. Fuller,

April 12, 1815.

John McFate,

July 15, 1813.

Jonathan Gedney,

August 1, 1809.

John M'Nally, (Acting)

William Gates, (Acting)

George Owling, do.

David Hortsman, do.

Michael Roberts,

November 18, 1814.

Samuel F. Holbrook,

June 27, 1815.

Abraham Walton,

September 17, 1813.

Isaac Irish, (Acting)

John Wood,

July 8, 1815.

George Miller, do.

John Nicholson,

April 28, 1809.


William Robertson, (Acting)

James Stephens, do.

Thomas Barry,

July 2, 1814.

Richard Thomas,

January 22, 1814.

James Bogman,

James Cosgrove,

June 30, 1813.


Robert Conklin, (Acting)

James Foster,

April 12, 1815,

Samuel P. Adams, (Acting]

John Fair,

July 8,

Robert Davidson,

January 14, 1814.

William Fowler, (Acting)

Samuel Dodget, (Acting)

Henry Hunt, do.

William Edwards, do.

Charles Hay, do.

Thomas Hewitt, do.

George Jackson,

February 2, 1810.

William Landen, do.

April 28, 1809.

John Johnson,

May 6, 1813.

Samuel Pierce,

William Johnson, (Acting)

David Smith, (Acting)

Joseph Lala, do.

Charles Ware, do.



Names and rank.

Dates of commissions.

Names and rank.

Dates of commissions.


P. B. D. Grandpre,


June 18, 1815.

Lyman Kellogg,


" "

Franklin Wharton,

March 7, 1804.

Samuel E. Watson,


" "

William L. Brownlow,


" "


Thomas W. Legge,


" "

William H. Freeman,


" "

Daniel Carmick,

March 7, 1809.

Joseph L. Kuhn,


" "

John Hall,

June 8, 1814.

Henry Olcott,


" "

Charles M. Broome,


" "


Benjamin Richardson,


" "

Francis B. White,


" "

Anthony Gale,

April 24, 1804.

William Nicoll, Charles Lord,


" "

Brevet Major.


" "

Robert Greenleaf,

January 19, 1811.

Levi Twiggs,


" "

Archibald Henderson,

April 1, "

Edmund Brooke,


" "

Richard Smith,

March 13, 1812.
Brevet Major.

John Harris,


" "

Samuel B. Johnston,

July 16, "

Robert Wainwright,

September 29, "

William Anderson,

No. 1

June 18, 1814.


Thomas R. Swift,


" "

Samuel Miller,


" Brevet Major.

Henry Stephens,

No. 1

February 28, 1815.

John Crabb,


" " & Paymaster.

Thomas A. Linton,


" "

Henry H. Forde,


June 18, 1814.

Richard Auchmuty,


" "

John M. Gamble,


" "

Joseph Bosque,


" "

Charles S. Hanna,


" "

James Edelen,


March 1, "

Alexander Sevier,


" " Brevet Major.

Christopher Ford,


" "

Alfred Grayson,


June 18, 1814.
and Quartermaster.

James J. Mills,


" "

Francis A. Bond,


" "

William Strong,


June 18, 1814.

Park G. Howle,


" "

James Heath,


" "

George B. English,


" "

H. B. Breckenridge,

No. 1

December 10, "

Henry W. Kennedy,


" "

William Hall,


" "

Richard D. Green,


" "

Francis W. Sterne,


" "

Singleton Duvall,


" "

Charles Snowden,


" "


James G. Singeltary,


" "

William F. Swift,


" "

F. B. D. Bellevue, No.


June 18, 1815.

Gillies Thompson,

April 12, "

John R. Montegut,


" "

Edward S. Nowell,

May 9, "

Navy Department, December 7, 1815.