2012-03-27: Added 237 additional files. Please send broken link reports to larrywjewell at yahoo.com.

Documents relating to the USN, 1775 to 1920.

Documents will be sorted into categories in the near future. The URLs for the documents, however, are permanent. These files are in PDF format. Another 500 or so files await upload. Further items will be added as time permits.

Files are divided in the following categories. Clink on the name to jump to that section.

The Early Days(1775-1811).

War of 1812.

Antebellum Navy (1815-1861).

American Civil War.

The Transitional Era (The "new" Navy) (1865-1911).

The First World War (and after).

Multi-era documents and histories.


Data files.

American State Papers.

Foreign Relations

Volume 1. 1789-1797 

 Volume 2. 1797-1807

Volume 3. 1807-1815

Volume 4. 1815-1822

Volume 5. 1818-1826

Volume 6. 1826-1828

Naval Affairs

Volume 1. 1794-1825 

 Volume 2. 1824-1827

Volume 3. 1827-1831 

 Volume 4. 1831-1836

The Early Days (1775-1811).

Address to the People of the United States, on the Policy of Maintaining a Permanent Navy. (Bronson)

Commanders of New Brunswick's Navy in the War of the Revolution (Wall)

Decatur, Captain Stephen, Proceedings of Court of Inquiry (1811)

Esek Hopkins, Commander-in-Chief of the The Continental Navy During the American Revolution, 1775-1778 (Field)

Fanning's Narrative, Being the Memoirs of Nathaniel Fanning, An Officer of the Revolutionary Navy, 1778-1783 (Barnes)  

General View of the Rise, Progress, and Brilliant Achievements of the American Navy, Down to the Present Time. Illustrated by Biographical Sketcheds, Official Reports, and Interesting Views of American Commerce. To Which is Affixed a Succinct Account of the Origin and Progress of the Greek Revolution. Terminating with the Glorious Victory of Navarino, October 20, 1827. (whew!) 

Impartial Examination of the case of Captain Isaac Phillips, late of the Navy and commander of the United States sloop of war Batlitmore in 1798 (1825)

Journal of the Commissioners of the Navy of South Carolina, October 9, 1776-March 1, 1779 (Salley)  

Journal of the Commissioners of the Navy of South Carolina, July 22, 1779-March 23, 1780 (Salley)  

Naval History of Great Britain From the Declaration of War by France in 1793 to the Accession of George IV (James)

Volume I  
Volume II  
Volume III  
Volume IV  
Volume V  
Volume VI

Navy in the War of the American Revolution (Greer)(1898)

Our Navy and the Barbary Corsairs (Allen) (1905)

Proceeding of the Naval Court Martial in the Case of Alexander Slidell MacKenzie, a Commander in the Navy of the United States, &c., Including The Charges and Specifications of Charges, Preferred Against Him by the Secretary of the Navy. To which is annexed, an Elaborate Review, by James Fennimore Cooper.  

War of 1812.

A Full and Correct Account of the Chief Naval Occurrences of the Late War Between Great Britain and The United States of America; Preceded by a Cursory Examination of the American Accounts of Their Naval Actions Fought Previously to that Period: To Which was Added an Appendix ; With Plates (James) 

An Inquiry into the Merits of the Principal Naval Actions, Between Great Britain and the United States; Comprising an Account of All British and American Ships of War, Reciprocally Captured and Destroyed, Since the 18th of June 1812. (James)  

Response to Congress by the Secretary of the Navy regarding capture of Cyane (1816-02-26)

Barney, Commodore Joshua, hero of the United States navy, 1776-1812 (Adams) (1912)

Barry, Commodore John, Memorial to (1907)

Boys of 1812 and other naval heroes (Soley) (1881)

Capture of Reindeer by Wasp (1814)

Breckinridge, Joseph Cabell, Junior, Ensign in the United States Navy; a brief story of a short life (1898)

Collection of the official accounts of battle in War of 1812 (Fay) (1817)

Lawrence, Captain James, Commander of the Chesapeake (Gleaves) (1904)

Naval War of 1812 (Roosevelt) (1902) v1

Naval War of 1812 (Roosevelt) (1902) v2

(Navy Dept. message concerning prizes.)(1816)

Sea Power in its Relation to the War of 1812 (Mahan) (1905) v1

Sea Power in its Relation to the War of 1812 (Mahan) (1905) v2

Warrington, Lewis, Memorial of (Peacock v. Epervier ) (1848)

Antebellum Navy (1815-1861). 

American Naval Biography (Frost) (1844)

American Navy (1827)

Army and Navy Pension Laws, and Bounty Land Laws of the United States (1852)

Authentic History of the United States Navy (Peterson) (1858)

Barron, Captain James, Proceedings of Court of Inquiry (1822)

Boat Armament of U.S. Navy (Dahlgren) (1856)

Book of the Navy (Frost) (1843)

Brief history of an existing controversy on the subject of assimilated rank in the Navy of the United States (1850)

Commodore Stockton's despatches, relating to the military and naval operations in California (1849)

Communications from G. L. Thompson, Esq., Engineer in Chief U.S. Navy, Relative to the Quantity and Quality of Coal most likely to be required at the Navy Yards, and by the War Steamers of the United States.  

Conner, Commodore David, in the Mexican War (Conner) (1895)

Dallas, Francis Gregory, United States Navy; Correspondence and Journal, 1837-1859 (Allen) (1917)

DuPont, Captain Samuel Francis, Extracts from Journal, Cyane , 1846-1848

DuPont, Rear Admiral Samuel Francis, Official Dispatches and Letters, 1846-48, 1861-63 (1883)

Elliot, Captain Jesse Duncan, Manifest of the Charges Prefered Against (Barton) (1839)

Elliot, Commodore Jesse Duncan, Defence of, 1840 v1

Elliot, Commodore Jesse Duncan, Defence of, 1840 v2

Experiments to ascertain the strength and endurance of Navy guns. (1854)

Explanations and Sailing Directions to Accompany the Wind and Current Charts, Approved by Captain D. N. Ingraham, Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography, and Published by Authority of Hon. Isaac Toucey, Secretary of the Navy. (Maury)

Exploration of the valley of the Amazon. (Herndon)(1854)

Exploring Expedition (Letters from J. N. Reynolds to the Hon. Mahlon Dickerson re: South Sea Surveying and Exploring Expedition.)

Form of Exercise and Manoeuvre for the Boat-Howitzers of the U. S. Navy. (Dahlgren)

Fraud in Naval Contracts (Sherman) (1860)

Hints on the reorganization of the navy (1845)

History of American Privateers (Maclay) (1899)

Hull, Isaac, Court of Inquiry (1822)

In Pirate Waters, a tale of the American Navy (Munroe) (1898)

Instruments and Publications of the United States Naval Observatory (1845-1876)

Laws of the United States in relation to the naval establishment and the Marine Corps;...(1826)

Letter to Pres. van Buren regarding recent attack on Navy (1838)

Liberia and the USN (Shufeldt) (1877)

Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854

Naval and Mail Steamers of the United States (Stuart) (1853)

Navy of the Republic of Texas; 1835-1845 (Dienst)   

Navy's Part in the Acquisition of California, 1849-1848 (Neeser)  

On enlisting, discharging, and pensioning of soldiers with the official documents .... Regulations for the recruiting service in the Army and Navy of the United States (Marshall)(1840)

Papers of Francis Gregory Dallas, United States Navy, Correspondence and Journal, 1837-1859 (Allen)   

Personal Narrative of the Travels in the United States and Canada ... with remarks on the present state of the American Navy. (de Roos)(1827)

Proceeding of the General Court Martial in the case of Alexander Slidell MacKenzie ... (USS Somers)(1844)

Reply to Pamphlet by Commanders Buchanan, DuPont, and Magruder (Moore) (1848)

Report of Lieut. Giles B. Harber, U.S.N., of his Search for the Missing People of the Jeannette Expedition, Etc.

Report of the trial of Commodore David Porter ... before a general court martial ... (1825)

Report to the Navy Department of the United States on American Coals Applicable to Steam (1844)

Rules for the Inspection and Measurement of Timber, for the Navy of the Untied States; Adopted by the Bureau of Construction, Equipment and Repairs, under the Authority of the Hon. The Secretary of the Navy, September, 1848.  

Rules of the Navy Department (1832)

Shells and Shell-guns (Dalhgren) (1856)

Soyer's Culinary Campagin. Being Historical Reminiscences of the Late War (MexAm War. Eds.) With the Plain Art of Cookery for Military and Civil Instituttions, the Army, Navy, Publice, etc. etc. (Soyer)  

Speech of the Hon. John Quincy Adams in Relation to the Navy Pension Fund. Delivered in the House of Representatives, on the 28th December, 1840.

Texas on the Eve of Rebellion (Anderson)   

Thrilling Incidents in the Wars of the United States... (Sears)(1851)

Treatise on Naval Gunnery (Douglas) (1855)

Voyage of the U.S. Exploring Squadron, commanded by Captain Charles Wilkes ... in 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, and 1842 ... (Jenkins)(1855)

...documents accompanying ... an act for the gradual increase of the Navy of the Untied States.

(1822-12-06) Naval Peace Establishment 76 H.doc.10

(1823-01-03) Shipbuilding expenses 73 S.doc.12.pdf

(1823-01-20) A Report . . . accompanying the bill to fix the Naval Peace Establishment 87 H.rp.63

(1823-12-23) Report from the Secretary of the Navy with a Plan for a Naval Peace Establishment 89 S.doc.30

(1824-01-07) Document communitced by the Committee on Naval Affairs, in Relation to Buidling an Additional Number Sloops of War 89 S.doc.15

(1824-01-20) Building 10 sloops of war 105 H.rp.33

(1824-01-30) Naval Peace Establishment. Information in detail of the expenses of building each vessel of war. 96 H.doc.52

(1826-02-02) Naval Peace Estab 135 H.doc.87

(1827-12-06) 163 S.doc.3 Annual Navy Interdiction Expenses . . . "annually incurred in carrying into effect the act of March 2, 1819, for Prohibiting the Slave Trade.

(1828-01-12) A Plan for a Naval Peace Establishment 164 S.doc.36

(1830-02-16) A Letter from the Secretary of the Navy ... covering a plan for a Naval Peace Establishment 193 S.doc.58

Documents directly or indirectly related to the USN efforts to interdict the slave trade.

...information of the proceeding of certain persons who took possesion of Amelia Island and of Galvezton

...introduction of slaves from Amelia Island

...communicating information of the troops of the United States having taken possession of Amelia Island, in East Florida

...information not heretofore communicated, relating to the occupation of Amelia Island.

...memorial of the President and Board of Managers of the American Society for colonizing the free people of color of the United States.

...copies of the instructions which have been issued to naval commmanders, up the subject of the importation of slaves...

...information relative to the occupancy of Amelia Island, St. Marks, and Pensacola ...

...transmitting information in relation to the introduction of slaves into the United States.

...information in relation to the illicit introduction of slaves into the United States: with a statement of the measures which have been taken to prevent the same.

...information on the subject of the African slave trade.

...report of the committee to which was referred so much of the President's message as relates to the Slave Trade

...Report of the Committee on the suppression of the slave trade.

...transmitting the information ... in relation to the suppression of the African slave trade.

Papers in relation of the convention between the United States and Great Britain, for the Suppression of the Slave Trade .... 

...as relates to the Suppression of the Slave Trade.

Appropriations-Slave Trade (Ways and Means)

Slave Ships in Alabama

...slave ships Constitution, Louisa, and Marino...

...slave ships....

...expenditure of the appropriation for the prohibition of the slave trade, during the year 1826

...American Colonization Society Report

Memorial of the American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Color of the United States

...the present condition and probable annual expense of the United States' Agency for Recaptured Africans on the Coast of Africa

...relative to the disposition of the Africans landed at Key West from a stranded Spanish vessel.

...Slave Trade...

...Documents in relation to certain captives on board the Spanish slave vessel, called the Fenix

...(slaver Isabelita)

....with copies of correspondence in relation to the seizure of slaves on board the brigs Encomium and Enterprise

Africans taken in the Amistad

...the petition of certain ship-masters, ship-owners, and other citizens, in relation to the conduct of N. P. Trist...

...imputing malpractices to the American consul at Havana, in regard to granting papers to vessels engaged in the slave-trade

...A report from the Secretary of State, in relation to seizures or search of American vessels...

(Seizure of American Vessels--Slave Trade)

...treaty with Great Britain ... for the suppression of the African slave trade ...

Resolution calling for information as to any communication which may have been made to the Government of the Quintuple treaty for the suppression of the slave trade.

...in relation to the strenght and expense of the squadron to be employed on the coast of Africa

...on the subject of the communication of the Quintuple treaty to the Government of the United States

...copies of correspondence in relation to the Quintuple Treaty.

Correspondence from Commodore M.C. Perry, relative to colonial settlements on the western coast of Africa

Despatches from the American Minister at the court of Brazil, relative to the slave trade, etc.

Information relative to the operations of the United States Squadron on the west coast of Africa, etc.

A report from the Secretary of State, together with the correspondence of George W. Slacum, relative to the African slave trade.

...relative to the search of American vessels by British cruisers since the treaty of Washington.

Copies of the correspondence between the government of the United States and that of Great Britain, on the subject of the right of search; with copies of the protest of the American minister at Paris against the quintuple treaty, and the correspondence relating there.

...petition of ... owners of the brig Albert...

...with the correspondence of Mr. Wise, late United Staes minister to Brazil, in relation to the slave trade.

...indemnity for the seizure of the brig Douglass by a British crusier. 

Correspondence between the consuls of the United States at Rio de Janeiro, etc., with the Secretary of State, on the subject of the African slave trade.

...the memorial of Putnam J. Farnham and Jed Frye ...

...praying renumeration for the support of certain Africans recaptured from the slaver Pons by the United States ship Yorktown....

Message from the President of the United States, transmitting information in reference to the African squadron.

Message from the President of the United States, relative to the searching of American vessels by British ships of war.

Resolutions of the legislature of Connecticut, on the subject of slavery.

...petition of the American Colonization Society, praying renumeration for the support of certain Africans recaptured from the slaver Pons ...

...a report of the Secretary of State, with documents relating to the African slave trade.

...the correspondence between Mr. Schenck, United States Minister to Brazil, and the Secretary of State, in relation to the African slave trade.

(Regarding capture of Casket by USS Marion)

Message from the President of the United States, communicating information in regard to the slave and coolie trade.

Report ... on a resolution relative to the abrogation of the eighth article of the treaty with Great Britain of the 9th August, 1842, providing for maintaining a naval force on the coast of Africa, etc.

Report ... calling for information relative to the coolie trade.

(USS On-ka-hy-e's capture of Laurens)

Report ... as relates to the claim made by the government of Spain of certain Spanish subjects in the case of the schooner Amistad ....

(Petition regard Ariadne's capture by USS Argus)

...reports of the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Navy, with accompanying papers, in relation to the African slave trade.

...information concerning the recent search or seizure of American vessels by foreign armed cruisers in the Gulf of Mexico.

..."to inquire whether any legistlation is necessary to enable the President of the United States to protect American vessels agains British aggression in the Gulf of Mexico or elsewhere" ...

"...a copy of all instructions given to the commanders of our African squadron since the ratification of the treaty of 1842, etc.

"Accompanying Documents. Neutral Rights.(Slaver Wildfire.)"

"...the following documents as the report of the case of ... (slaver Casket)"

...The capture of the slaver Wildfire, on the coast of Cuba, by Lieutenant Craven, of the United States steamer Mohawk.

...Correspondence relative to the capture of the slaver William, near the Isle of Pines, with five hundred and fifty African negroes on board.

(Regarding William and Wildfire)

...a report from the Secretary of State in reference to the African slave trade.

(Arrests and seizures in relation to the slave trade in New York State, 1862.)

American Civil War.

Blue Jackets of '61: A History of the Navy in the War of Session. (Abbot) 

Chronological and Alphabetical Record of the Engagemetns of the Great Civil War (Cooper) 

Confederate States Navy Yard at Charlotte, N.C., 1862-1865 (Alexander)  

Conspiracy in the U.S. Navy Department Against Franklin W. Smith of Boston--1861-1865  

Farragut and other great commanders in the Rebellion (Adams)

France and the Confederate Navy, 1862-1868: An International Episode (Bigelow)  

General Orders of the War Department ... 1861, 1862, 1863. v1.

General Orders of the War Department ... 1861, 1862, 1863. v2.

Gunnery Catechism, as Applied to the Service of Naval Ordnance, Adapted to the Latest Official Regulations, and Approved by the Bureau of Ordnance, Navy Department (Brandt) 

Hand book of the USN (1864)

History of the Confederate States Navy (Scharf) (1887)

History of the Navy during the Rebellion. (Boynton)(1868) v1.

History of the Navy during the Rebellion. (Boynton)(1868) v2.

Hitchcock's Chronological Record of the American Civil War, Giving Every Event in the Order of Its Occurrence, From November 8th, 1860, to June 3d, 1865. Also, a Complete List of Vessels Captured by the Confederate Navy. (Hitchcock)  

Laws relating to the Navy and Marine Corps, and the Navy Department (1865)

Manual of Gunnery Instructions for the Navy of the United States (1864)

Monitor and the Navy Under Steam (Bennett) (1900)

Naval Text-Book and Dictionary, For the Use of the Midshipman of the U. S. Navy. (Totten)   

Navy Appropriations Bill (1864)

Navy in the Civil War (Blockade and Cruisers)(Soley)(1883) v1

Navy in the Civil War (Atlantic Coast)(Ammen)(1883) v2

Notes of conversations with a volunteer officer in the United States Navy on the passage of the forts below New Orleans, April 24th, 1862 (1868)Ordnance Instructions for the United States Navy. 2nd. ed. (1860)

Navy of the United Staes. An Exposure of Its Condition, and the Causes of Its Failure. (Dickerson) 

Officers in the Confederate States Navy, 1861-65

Officers of the Army and Navy (regular) who Served in the Civil War (Powell) (1892)

Officers of the Army and Navy (volunteer) who Served in the Civil War (Powell) (1892)

Our Navy during the Great Rebellion, Farragut and our naval commanders (Headley) (1867)

Prize Cases in New York (1864)

Remarks of Hon. William D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania, In Opposition to the Employment of Slaves in Navy-Yards, Arsenals, Dock-Yards, Etc. 

Report of the Secretary of the Navy in relation to Armored Vessels. (1864)

Speech of Hon. L. W. Powell ... on a bill to prevent officers of the Army and Navy .... from interferring in elections in the States.(1864)Statisical Pocket Manual, of the Army, Navy and Census of the United States of America, Together with Statistics of All Foreign Navives. (1862)

Volunteer's Roll of Honor (Civil War Heroes) (Bradshaw)(1863)

Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion.

The Operations of the Cruisers, From January 1, 1861, to December 31, 1862

The Operations of the Cruisers, From January 1, 1863, to March 31, 1864

The Operations of the Cruisers, From April 1, 1864, to December 30, 1865

Operations in the Gulf of Mexico from November 15, 1860 to June 7, 1861

Operations on the Atlantic Coast From January 1 to May 13, 1861

Operations on the Potomac and Rappahannock Rivers, from January 5 to December 7, 1861

Operations on the Potomac and Rappahannock Rivers, from December 7, 1861, to July 31, 1865

Atlantic Blockcading Squadrons from April 4 to July 15, 1861

Atlantic Blockcading Squadron, from July 16 to October 19, 1861.

North Atlantic Blockcading Squadron from October 29, 1861, to March 8, 1862.

North Atlantic Blockcading Squadron from March 8 to September 4, 1862.

North Atlantic Blockcading Squadron from September 5, 1862, to May 4, 1863.

North Atlantic Blockcading Squadron from May 5, 1863 to May 5, 1864.</< a>

North Atlantic Blockcading Squadron from May 5, 1864 to October 27, 1864

North Atlantic Blockcading Squadron from October 28, 1864, to February 1, 1865

North Atlantic Blockcading Squadron from February 2 to August 3, 1865

South Atlantic Blockcading Squadron from October 29, 1861, to May 13, 1862

South Atlantic Blockcading Squadron from May 14, 1862, to April 7, 1863

South Atlantic Blockcading Squadron from April 7 to September 30, 1863

South Atlantic Blockcading Squadron from October 1, 1863 to September 30, 1864

South Atlantic Blockcading Squadron from October 1, 1864 to August 5, 1864

Gulf Blockcading Squadron from June 7 to December 15, 1861

Gulf Blockcading Squadron from December 16, 1861, to February 21, 1862

East Gulf Blockcading Squadron from February 22, 1862 to July 17, 1865

West Gulf Blockcading Squadron from February 21 to July 14, 1862

West Gulf Blockcading Squadron from July 15, 1862, to March 14, 1863

West Gulf Blockcading Squadron from March 15 to December 31, 1863

West Gulf Blockcading Squadron from January 1 to December 31, 1864

Operations of the West Gulf Blockcading Squadron from January 1, 1865 to January 31, 1866

Operations of the Naval Forces on Western Waters from May 8, 1861, to April 14, 1862

Operations of the Naval Forces on Western Waters from April 12 to December 31, 1862

Operations of the Naval Forces on Western Waters from January 1 to May 17, 1863

Operations of the Naval Forces on Western Waters from May 18, 1863 to February 29, 1864

Operations of the Naval Forces on Western Waters from March 1 to December 31, 1864

Naval Forces on Western Waters from January 1 to September 6, 1865.
Supply Vessels 1861-1865

Statistical Data of Union and Confederate Ships.
Muster Rolls of Confederate Government Vessels.
Letters of Marque and Reprisal
Confederate Departmental Investigations, etc. (Pending aquisition.)

Navy Department Correspondence, 1861-1865, with Agents Abroad

Proclamations, Appointments, etc., of President Dave. State Department Corrrespondence with Diplomatic Agents, etc. .

The Transitional Era (The "new" Navy) (1865-1911).

Alicia: A Tale of the American Navy (Alexis)  

Alleged Strutural Defects in Battleships (1908) 

Allowance of equipment under cognizance of the Bureau of equipment and recruiting for vessels of the United States Navy (1890)

American Battleships in Commission (1906)

American Navy (Lambert) (1880)

American Occupation of the Philippines.

Appeal to the President of the United States for the Retention of the Fleet and for an Adequate Defense in the Pacific Ocean 

At the Fall of Port Arthur or A Young American in the Japanese Navy (Statemeyer) 

Chronicle of the War, Including Roster of California Volunteers, 1898 (Street) 

Compilation of laws relating to the Navy, Marine Corps, etc., from the revised statutes and subsequent acts to March 3, 1883

Employment of labor at Mare Island Navy Yard, etc. (1906)

Engineer's Practical Guide, and the Working of the Steam Engine Explained by Use of the Indicator (Hopkins)  

Forms of Procedure for Courts and Boards in the Navy and Marine Corps. (1910)

Gunnery instructions, U. S. Navy, 1913 (1918)

Handbook of the United States of America: Giving the Latest and Most Complete Statistics of the Government, Furnishing All the Necessary Information Concerning the Country, for The Settler, The Business Man, The Merchant, The Farmer, and the Professional Man (Watson)  

Hearings Before the U.S. Committee on Expenditures in the Navy Department of the House of Representatives on House Resolution No. 109 to Investigate the Expenditures in the Navy Department, June 12, 1911 

Increase the Navy--Cuba Must be Free. Speeches of Hon. Alston G. Dayton of West Virginia, in the House of Representatives, March 24 and 26, 1898 

Instructions for Recruiting Officers of the United States Navy (1907)

Laws of the United States Governing the Granting of Army and Navy Pensions (1902)

Laws of the United States Governing the Granting of Army and Navy Pensions (1912)

Laws of the United States Governing the Granting of Army and Navy Pensions (1913)

Laws Relating to the Navy, Marine Corps, Etc (1898)

Old Navy and the New (Ammen) (1891)


Our Many-sided Navy (Neeser) (1914)

Our Navy in the War with Spain (Spears (1898)

"Pensacola Harbor" Bliss Magazine, March 1904 

Picturesque Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii (and) Philippines With Views of the American Arm and Navy  

Principles of Naval Staff Rank (Clymer) (1869)

Question of Ships: The Navy and the Merchant Marine. (Kelley)(1884)

Regulations of the United States Naval Academy, as approved by the Secretary of the Navy 1876

Reminiscences of the Old Navy (Edward Trenchard and Stepen Decatur Trenchard) (Maclay) (1898)

Report of the Chief Engineer J. W. Kin, United States Navy, On European Ships of War and Their Armament, Naval Administration and Economy, Marine Constructions and Appliances, Dock-Yards, etc. etc.  

Report of Winfield S. Schley, Commander, U. S. Navy, Commanding Greely Relief Expedition of 1884.   

Retirements on account of age of the commissioned offices, warrant officers and mates of the Navy of the United States and of the Marine Corps, to January 1, 1911 (1899)

Selected Articles on the Enlargement of the United States Navy, 3rd ed. (Fanning) (1910)

Steam Navy of the United States (Bennett) (1897)

Steam Navy of the United States Its Past, Present, and Future (Dickerson) (1863)

System of Boat Armament in the United States Navy (1852)

Sartor, Capt. Louis C., Memorial of (1873)

Views of Admiral Cervera Regarding the Spanish Navy in the Late War 

United States Navy, A Handbook (Williams)  

U.S. Midshipman in the Philippines (Sterling)(1903)

Youthful man-o-war'sman (United States vs. Macedonian) (Maclay) (1910)

The First World War (and after).

A-B-C of National Defense: What the Army and Navy would Have to Do in War, Why They Would Have to Do It, and What They Need for Successful Performance (Muller) 

Account of the Operations of the American Navy in France during the War with Germany (Wilson)  

Activities of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Department: World War 1917-1918 

Address to the people of the United States, on the policy of maintaining a permanent navy (1921)

America in the War, v4, Our navy in the war (Perry) (1919)

American Naval Policy Messages of President from 1790 (1922)

American Navy (Chadwick) (1915)

Army and Navy Information 

Army and the Navy of the United States of America (Prudential) (1917)

Brief History of the U.S.S. Imperator One of the Two Largest Ships in the U. S. Navy   

Circular for the Information of Persons Desiring to Enter the Navy as Acting Ensigns for Engineering Duty  

Circular Relating to the Enlistment of Men for the United States Navy (1915)

Circular Relating to the Physical Examination of Recurits for Enlistment in the Navy and Marine Corps. (1916) 

Coal: Government Ownership or Control. (McAdam) 

Deck and Boat Book of the United States Navy (1917)

Digest catalogue of laws and joint resolutions. The Navy and the World War. (1920)

Elements of Navigation: A Complete Exposition of the Newest Methods as used in the Navy and Merchant Marine (Henderson)  

Eyes of the Army and Navy: Practical Aviation (Munday)  

Firing Regulations for Small Arms (U.S. Navy)  

Handbook of Artillery, Including Mobile, Anti-Aircraft and Trench Materiel. (Chief of Ordnance)  

Handy book for the aid and instruction of the enlisted men in the Engineer department, United States navy (1915)

History of the Bureau of Engineering, Navy Department, during the World War (1922)

Hospital Corps of the Navy (1917)

Hunting the German Shark, the American Navy in the underseas war (Whitaker)(1918) 

Instructions for the Navy of the United States Governing Maritime Warfare (Feb. 1917)

Instructions for the Navy of the United States Governing Maritime Warfare (June, 1917)

Jewish welfare board, United States Army and Navy, co-operating with and under the supervision of the War department (1918)

Laws of the United States Governing the Granting of Army and Navy Pensions (1916)

Laws of the United States Governing the Granting of Army and Navy Pensions (1917)

Laws of the United States Governing the Granting of Army and Navy Pensions (1919)

Laws Relating to the Navy Annotated, Including the Constitution of the United States, the Revised Statutes of the United States, and the United States Statutes at Large (In Force March 4, 1921) (Melling)

Manual of Aerography for the United States Navy (1918) 

Naval Aviation in World War I

Naval Digest Containing Digests of Selected Decisions of the Secretary of the Navy and Opinions of the Judge Advocate General of the Navy, 1916 (McClellan)  

Naval Militia Cruises, 1914, Reports by Officers of the U.S. Navy.  

Navy and the Nation Wartime Addresses of Josephus Daniels (1919)

Navy as a Fighting Machine (Fiske) (1918)

U.S. Navy Education Study Course: Manual of Standard Practice and Announcement of Courses (Revised March, 1922) 

Navy ordnance activities. World war, 1917-1918 (1920)

Public works of the Navy (1916)

Naval Artificer's Manual (Pate)(1918)

Naval Digest containing digests of selected decisions of the Secretary of the Navy and opinions of the Judge Advocate General of the Navy (McClellan)(1916)

Navy as a special field for medical work. (Surgeon General)(1916)

Our Navy at War (Daniels) (1922)

Our Navy at Work: The Yankee Fleeet in French Waters. (Kauffman)(1918)

Our Navy in the War (Perry) (1918)

Our Navy in Time of War (1861-1915) (Matthews)(1915)

Our Navy's Part in the Great War (Jenkins) (1919)

Ship and Gun Drills U.S. Navy (1922)

Ships Across the Sea: Stories of the American Navy in the Geat War(Paine)(1920)

Sign Talk, A Uniersal Signal Code, Without Appratus, for Use in the Army, the Navy, Camping, Hungin, and Daily Life.   

Simsadus : London, American Navy in Europe (Leighton) (1920)

Standard Nomeclature and List of Vessels, U.S. Navy (1920)

U.S. Navy cook-book (1920)

Uniform regulations, United States Marine Corps (1917)

United States Navy in the World War Official Pictures (Russell) (1921)

Watch Officer's Manual, United States Navy (1917)

Multi-era documents and histories.

Centennial history of the United States navy yard, at Portsmouth, N.H (1876)

Contribution to the Bibliography of the History of the United States Navy (Harbeck) 

Dictionary of Army and Navy Officers (1860)

Diplomatic Negotiations Naval Officers 1778-1883 (Paullin) (1912)

Dover (N. H.) Physicians: Read Before the N. H. Medical Society, June 17, 1879 (Ham)  

Frigate Constitution: The Central Figure of the Navy Under Sail. (Hollis)  

Heroes of the Navy In America (Morris)  

History of the Navy (Cooper) (1854)

History of the United States Navy 1775 to 1902 (Maclay) v1 (1907)

History of the United States Navy 1775 to 1902 (Maclay) v2 (1907)

History of the United States Navy 1775 to 1902 (Maclay) v3 (1907)

History of the USN and Naval Heroes Biographies to Mexican-American War (1852)

History of the United States Navy (Spears) (1908)

List of Officers of the Navy of the United States and of the Marine Corps from 1775 to 1900 (Callahan) (1901)

Lucky Little Enterprise and Her Successors in the United States Navy 1776-1900 (Hill) (1900)

Naval Battles of America (Shippen) (1905)

Naval Literature (Barnes) (1902)

Navy of the United States, from the commencement, 1775 to 1853 (1853)

Navy Yearbook: Embracing All Acts Authorizing the Construction of Ships of the "New Navy" and a Resume of Annual Naval Appropriation Laws from 1883 to 1919, Inclusive, with Tables Showing Present Naval Strength , in Ships and Personnel, and Cost of Maintaining the Navy of the United States, also Statistics of Foreign Navies (Oden) 

Our Nations Navy, Our Ships and Their Achievements (Morris) (1898)

Record of the Medals of Honor Issued to the Bluejackets and Marines of the United States Navy, 1862-1888 (1888)  

Record of the medals of honor issued to the bluejackets and marines of the United States Navy, 1862-1910 (1910)

Romance of the American Navy, Twenty-Six Historic Ships (Hill) (1910)

Story of Our Navy (Stevens) (1914)

Story of Our Navy for Young Americans, From Colonial Days to the Prsent Time (Abbot)  

Story of the United States Navy for Boys (Lossing) (1908)

Ships of the United States Navy 1776-1915 (Neeser) (1915)

Ships of the United States Navy and their sponsors 1797-1913 (Hall) (1913) v1

Ships of the United States Navy and their sponsors 1797-1913 (Hall) (1913) v2

Short History of the United States Navy 3rd ed. (Clark) (1916)

Statistical History of the Navy of the United States, 1775 to 1853 (Emmons)

Yankee Navy (Masson) (1898)


Branch, John, 1782-1863 (Haywood)(1915)

Man-of-war Life: A Boy's Experience in the United States Navy ... (Nordhoff)(1856)


Bainbridge, Commodore William, Life and Services, of United States Navy (Harris) (1837)

Biographical Sketches of Distinguished Officers of Army Navy (1905)

Davis, Rear Admiral Charles Henry, United States Navy (1877)

Decatur, Stephen, The Life and Character; Late Commodore and Post-Captain in the Navy of the United States, and Navy-Commissioner, Interspersed with Brief Notices of the Origin, Progress, and Achievements of the American Navy (1821) (Waldo)  

Dewey, George, Admiral of the Navy, Autobiography of (1913)

Foote, Andrew Hull, Life of, Rear-admiral United States Navy (Hoppin) (1874)

Farragut, David Glasgow, Life of, First Admiral of the United States Navy, (Farragut) (1879)

Our Three Admirals: Farragut, Porter, Dewey (Homans) (1899)

Inch, Commodore Philip, Memorial Words (1898)

Jones, Chevalier John Paul , Life and Character of the, A Captain in the Navy of the United States ... (Sherburne) (1825)

Luce, Stephen Bleecker Rear Admiral, United States Navy, memoriam (Goodrich) (1919)

Macdonough, Commodore Thomas, United States Navy (Macdonough) (1897)

Mahan, Life of Admiral, Naval philosopher, Rear-Admiral United States Navy (Taylor) (1920)

McNeill, Captain Hector, of the Continental Navy (Allen) (1922)  

Pictorial Book of the Commodores, Comprising Lives of Distinguished Commanders in the Navy of the United States (Frost) (1845)

Porter, Commodore David, Memoir of, (Porter) (1875)

Rodgers, Commodore John (Paullin) (1910)

Rowan, Vice Admiral Stephen C., U. S. Navy, Sketch of the Life and Services of  

Sea Memories: Or, Personal Experiences in the U.S. Nazvy in Peace and War. By an Old Salt. (1886) 

Sloat, Rear Admiral John Drake, of the United States Navy who took possession of California and raised the American flag at Monterey on July 7th, 1846 (Sherman)(1902)

Stewart, Commodore Charles, Biographical sketch, and services of  of the Navy of the United States (1838)

Tucker, Rear Admiral John Randolph, Life of. (Rochelle)(1903)Talbot, Silas, Life of a Commodore in the Navy of the United States (Tuckerman) (1850)

Winslow, John Ancrum, Life of, Rear-admiral, United States Navy (Ellicott) (1901)

Data files.

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1823

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1824 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1825

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1826 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1827

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1828

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1829 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1829

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1830

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1831 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1831

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1832 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1832

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1833 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1833

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1834 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1834

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1835 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1835

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1836 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1836

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1837 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1837

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1838 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1838

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1839 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1839

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1840 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1840

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1841 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1841

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1842 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1842

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1843 docs pt. 2

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1843 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1843

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1844 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1844

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1845 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1845

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1846 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1846

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1847 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1847

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1848 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1848

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1849 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1849

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1850 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1850

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1851 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1851

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1852 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1852

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1853 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1853

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1854 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1854

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 185 docs5

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1855

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1856 docs

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1856

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1857

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1858

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1859

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1860

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 186 3

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 186 4

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 186 5

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 186 7

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 18 77-1878

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 18 84

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 18 85

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 18 87

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 18 90

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 18 91

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 18 97

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 18 97-98

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1 917

Report of the Secretary of the Navy, December, 1 918

Records of Living Officers of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, 3rd Ed. (Hamersly) (1878)

Records of Living Officers of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. 6th ed. (Hamersly) (1898)

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1802

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1812

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1815

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1816

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1818

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1819

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1820

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1821

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1822

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1823

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1824

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1825

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1826

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1827

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1828

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1829

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1830

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1831

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1832

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1833

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1834

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1835

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1836

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1841

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1848

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1851

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1852

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1853

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1854

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1858

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1859

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1860

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1863

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1868

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1869

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1870

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1871

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1879

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1882

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1890

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1891

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1896

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1897

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1899

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1900

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1902

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1903

Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps 1906

Register of the United States Navy and Marine Corps Arranged in Alphabetical Order (1779-17879) (Hamersly) (1882)

Regulations for the Government of the Navy of the United States 1818

Regulations for the Government of the Navy of the United States 1820

Regulations for the Government of the Navy of the United States 1870

Regulations for the Government of the Navy of the United States 1876

Regulations for the Government of the Navy of the United States 1877

Regulations for the Government of the Navy of the United States 1893

Regulations for the Government of the Navy of the United States 1896

Regulations governing the uniform of commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted men of the Navy of the United States (1905)

Regulations for the government of the Navy of the United States 1909