

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Forbes)




WASHINGTON, February 1, 1932-3 p. m.


34. You will please arrange to call on the Minister for Foreign Affairs at 6 o'clock evening, Tokyo time, February 2d, to deliver to him a note the text of which follows:

You will say to the Minister for Foreign Affairs by way of introduction that you have conveyed to the American Government his request made at your conference with him on January 31 to the effect "that he requested that the United States use its good offices to induce the Chinese troops not to bring up further reenforcements and to withdraw the troops now in Shanghai to a safe distance to avoid clashes." You will say that your Government has given earnest consideration to this request and in response suggests to the Japanese Government the following proposal for such cessation of hostilities. You will say that the same proposal is being submitted to the Chinese Government. You will then read him the following note and leave with him a copy of it.







1. Cessation of all acts of violence on both sides forthwith on the following terms.

2. No further mobilization or preparation whatever for further hostilities between the two nations.

3. Withdrawal of both Japanese and Chinese combatants from all points of mutual contact in the Shanghai area.

4. Protection of the International Settlement by the establishment of neutral zones to divide the combatants. These zones to be policed by neutrals. The arrangements to be set up by the Consular authorities.

5. Upon acceptance of these conditions prompt advances to be made in negotiations to settle all outstanding controversies between the two nations in the spirit of the Pact of Paris and the Resolution of the League of Nations of December 9 [10], without prior demand or reservation and with the aid of neutral observers or participants."


The British Government is sending the British Ambassador similar instructions. The British Government is proposing to the French and the Italian Governments that they take similar action. In the event that those Governments decide favorably within time to make possible this presentation by their Ambassadors of like representations at the same time, you will be informed either through the Department or through your British colleague. Confer with the British Ambassador and arrange that you and he make your calls at the same time.