Press Releases, vol. XVIII, p. 100


The Secretary of State to the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs (McReynolds), House of Representatives


WASHINGTON, January 8, 1938.


In reply to your inquiry I would say that on December 15, 1937, in referring to the Ludlow Resolution, I stated to the press that "from the standpoint of promoting peace and keeping this country out of war, I am unable to see either the wisdom or practicability of this proposal".

The primary objective in the conduct of our foreign affairs is to safeguard the peace of the United States. All American citizens agree alike that this country should be safeguarded against war to the fullest possible extent. It is my judgment that under our present form of government "of the people, by the people, and for the people", our foreign affairs can be conducted far more efficiently from the standpoint of keeping this country out of war than would be at all possible under the operation of any such plan as the Ludlow Resolution proposes. After the fullest consideration I am satisfied that this plan would most seriously handicap the Government in the conduct of our foreign affairs generally, and would thus impair disastrously its ability to safeguard the peace of the American people.

Sincerely yours,



Footnote 3—Continued.


be voted on being, Shall the United States declare war on _________? Congress may otherwise by law provide for the enforcement of this section.' "

This was the so-called “Ludlow Resolution", H. J. Res. 199, 75th Cong., 1st sess.