July 1941

1 July 1941 Iceland and the United States exchanged letters on the defense of Iceland. (". . . it is imperative that the integrity and independence of Iceland should be preserved because of the fact that any occupation of Iceland by a power whose only too clearly apparent plans for world conquest include the domination of the peoples of the New World would at once directly menace the security of the entire Western Hemisphere." Bulletin, Vol. V, No. 107, p. 18. Cf. Apr. 24, May 9, 1940, May 18, supra.)
1 July 1941 Germany, Italy, and the other Axis states recognized Wang Ching-wei regime in China. (An effort to keep Japan in line and save Japan's "face." Times, July 2, 1941, pp. 1, 5.)
2 July 1941 STATEMENT OF FOREIGN MINISTER, YOSUKE MATSUOKA, ON THE WORLD STATE OF EMERGENCY "I feel that a really grave state of super-emergency is developing before our eyes the world over as well as in East Asia, with the affairs of which our nation is directly concerned." See doc.
3 July 1941 SOVIET PREMIER STALIN'S BROADCAST TO THE PEOPLE OF THE SOVIET UNION "How could it have happened that our glorious Red Army surrendered a number of our cities and districts to fascist armies?" See doc.
3 July 1941 Denmark requested the withdrawal of United States consular staffs by July 15.  (Because an "impossible" situation existed. Times, July 4, 1941, p. 4. Cf. June 19, supra.)
4 July 1941 FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT'S BROADCAST ON INDEPENDENCE DAY Hyde Park, New York. "I tell the American people solemnly that the United States will never survive as a happy and fertile oasis of liberty surrounded by a cruel desert of dictatorship." See doc.
6 July 1941 STATEMENT HANDED BY THE AMBASSADOR IN JAPAN (GREW) TO MR. TOMOHIKO USHIBA, PRIVATE SECRETARY OF THE JAPANESE PRIME MINISTER (PRINCE KONOYE) "The reports which are now reaching the American Government are so completely contrary to those statements and utterances that the Government of the United States finds it. very difficult to believe in the truth of those reports." See doc.
7 JULY 1941 MESSAGE OF PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT TO THE CONGRESS "I am transmitting herewith for the information of the Congress a message I received from the Prime Minister of Iceland on July first and the reply I addressed on the same day to the Prime Minister of Iceland in response to this message."
7 July 1941 FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT'S MESSAGE TO CONGRESS ON U. S. OCCUPATION OF ICELAND "In accordance with the understanding so reached, forces of the United States Navy have today arrived in Iceland in order to supplement, and eventually to replace, the British forces which have until now been stationed in Iceland in order to insure the adequate defense of that country." See doc. (Bulletin, Vol. V, No. 106, pp. 15 f. Cf. July 1, supra. Cf. Peace, p. 686.)
7 July 1941 CHIANG KAI-SHEK'S MESSAGE TO FRIENDLY NATIONS " The manner in which the Axis Powers have emulated and seconded the lead of Japan has resulted in the division of the world into two great domains; that on the one hand of the bloc of nations the instruments of whose policy is aggression and that on the other hand of a bloc of nations resolved to oppose aggression." See doc.
8 July 1941 Japan told the United States it had not so far considered the possibility of fighting Russia. (". . . they do not at present feel compelled to modify their policy towards the U. S. S. R. except to the extent of their natural desire not to give rise to misunderstandings to their allies. It is their sincere hope that they will be able to pursue a course of policy carefully calculated at once to serve their own interests and to preserve the spirit of mutual trust among the allies, while maintaining good relations with the U. S. S. R." Peace, p. 692.)
9 July 1941 PRIME MINISTER WINSTON CHURCHILL IN HOUSE OF COMMONS ON U.S. TROOPS IN ICELAND " I understand that in the view of the American technical authorities modern conditions of war, especially air war, require forestalling action, in this case especially in order to prevent the acquisition by Hitler of jumping-off grounds from which it would be possible, bound by bound, to come to close quarters with the American Continent." See doc.
11 July 1941 British‑French Syria‑Lebanon armistice signed at Acre.  (". . . bringing about the end of hostilities. . . ." Times, July 16, 1941, p. 4. Cf. June 8, supra.)
12 July 1941 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALISTIC REPUBLICS Moscow. "The two Governments mutually undertake to render each other assistance and support of all kinds in the present war against Hitlerite Germany." See doc.
12 July 1941 British‑Russian mutual-assistance agreement signed at Moscow. (Putting on paper previous oral promises. Times, July 14, 1941, pp. 1, 3. Cf. June 22, supra.)
18 July 1941 Russian-Czechoslovakian agreement signed. (Resuming diplomatic relations, promising mutual aid, creating a Czech legion. Times, July 19, 1941, p. 3.)
21 July 1941 PRESIDENT FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT'S MESSAGE TO CONGRESS ON EXTENSION OF SELECTIVE SERVICE TERMS OF SERVICE Washington, D. C. "It is, therefore, obvious that if two-thirds of our present army return to civilian life, it will be almost a year before the effective army strength again reaches one million men." See doc.
21 July 1941 The United States and Britain agreed to exchange representatives between the United States and India. (In consultation with India. Bulletin, Vol. V, No: 109, p. 74.)
21 July 1941 France accepted Japanese demands for military control of French Indochina. (Bulletin, Vol. V, No: 109, p. 71, Times, July 24, 1941, p. 1, Times, July 27, 1941, p. 12, Peace, pp. 693 f.)
23 July 1941 Acting Secretary of State Summer Welles told Ambassador Nomura there was no basis for pursuing further the conversations between Japan and the United States. (Cf. Peace, pp. 693 f., p. 696.)
24 July 1941 The United States denounced action of Japan in French Indochina. (Bulletin, Vol. V, No. 109, pp. 71 f. Cf. Times, July 25, 1941, p. 5. Cf. Peace, p. 699.)
24 July 1941 President Roosevelt proposed to obtain from China, Britain, the Netherlands, the United States, and Japan a neutralization agreement for French Indochina if Japan would withdraw her forces. (". . . he still wished to seize every possible opportunity of preventing the creation of a situation between Japan and the United States which could only give rise to serious misunderstandings between the two peoples. . . ." Peace, p. 701.)
24 July 1941 ACTING SECRETARY OF STATE SUMNER WELLES' STATEMENT ON JAPANESE-FRENCH COLLABORATION IN INDOCHINA " There is not apparent to the Government of the United States any valid ground upon which the Japanese Government would be warranted in occupying Indochina or establishing bases in that area as measures of self-defence." See doc.
24 July 1941 INFORMAL REMARKS OF PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT TO THE VOLUNTEER PARTICIPATION COMMITTEE, WASHINGTON " There are lots of thing that people don't quite understand. You are an information bureau to all of them. And I will give you the example." See doc.
25 July 1941 The United States froze Japanese assets. (". . . To prevent the use of the financial facilities of the United States in trade between Japan and the United States in ways harmful to national defense and American interests, to prevent the liquidation in the United States of assets obtained by duress or conquest, and to curb subversive activities in the United States." Bulletin, Vol. V, No. 109, p. 73. Cf. Peace, p. 705.)
25 July 1941 The United States froze Chinese assets. "At the specific request of Generalissimo Chiang Kai‑shek, and for the purpose of helping the Chinese Government, the President has, at the same time, extended the freezing control to Chinese assets in the United States." See doc. Bulletin, Vol. V, No. 109, p. 73. Cf. Peace, p. 705.)
25 July 1941 PRESIDENT FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT'S EXECUTIVE ORDER FREEZING JAPANESE AND CHINESE ASSETS IN THE UNITED STATES Hyde Park, N. Y." This Executive Order, just as the order of June 14, 1941, is designed among other things to prevent the use of the financial facilities of the United States and trade between Japan and the United States in ways harmful to national defense and American interests, to prevent the liquidation in the United States of assets obtained by duress or conquest and to curb subversive activities in the United States." See doc.
26 July 1941 Britain froze Japanese assets. (Retaliation for Japan's impending occupation of land, sea, and air bases in South Indochina.) (Times, July 26, 1941, p. 5.)
26 July 1941 Britain denounced commercial agreements with Japan. (To supplement freezing of credits. Times, July 27, 1941, p. 13. Cf. July 26, 1939, supra.)
26 July 1941 President Roosevelt nationalized the armed forces of the Philippines for the duration of the American emergency. ("Under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the United States, by Section 2 (a) (12) of the Philippine Independence Act of March 24, 1934 (48 Stat. 457), and by the corresponding provision of the Ordinance appended to the Con­stitution of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, and as Com­mander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, . . ." Vol. 6, Federal Register, p. 3825.)
29 July 1941 AGREEMENT BETWEEN JAPAN AND FRANCE PLEDGING MILITARY CO-OPERATION IN DEFENSE OF INDO-CHINA Tokyo. "Taking into consideration the present international situation, And recognizing as the result, that there exist reasons for Japan to consider that, in case the security of French Indo-China should be threatened, general tranquility in East Asia and her own security would be exposed to danger," See doc.
29 July 1941 The United States issued its first list of blocked nationals. ("The chief effect of the publication of the list of blocked na­tionals is to deny the benefits of inter-American trade to persons who have hitherto been using large profits to finance subversive activities aimed at undermining the peace and independence of the Western Hemisphere. . . . The issuance of the proclaimed list, marking persons who are contributing to these anti-American activities, is but another step in blocking the efforts of those who have sinister designs on the Americas." Bulletin, Vol. V, No. 110, p. 99.)
30 July 1941 Polish-Russian agreement for cooperation signed at London. (". . . by virtue of which normal relations have been renewed between the two countries." Bulletin, Vol. V, No. 119, p. 245. Cf. July 12, 18, supra.)
30 July 1941 The United States recognized the Czechoslovakian Government in exile at London. ("In furtherance of its support of the national aspirations of the people of Czechoslovakia, . . ." Bulletin, No. 110, p. 88.)
30 July 1941 POLISH-SOVIET UNION AGREEMENTS Moscow. "The Government of the U.S.S.R. recognizes the Soviet-German treaties of 1939 as to territorial changes in Poland as having lost their validity. The Polish Government declares Poland is not bound by any agreement with any third power which is directed against the U.S.S.R." See doc.
30 July 1941 ROOSEVELT'S MESSAGE TO CONGRESS ON PRICE CONTROL " Inflationary price rises and increases in the cost of living are today threatening to undermine our defense effort. I am, therefore, recommending to the Congress the adoption of measures to deal with this threat." See doc.
31 July 1941 Bulgaria incorporated parts of Yugoslavia.   (". . . the German military authorities have allowed the Bulgarian army to take possession of certain southern and eastern parts of Yugoslav national territory." Bulletin, No. 129, p. 511. Cf. Apr. 6, 15, 24, May 12, supra.)