From: Tokyo
To: Washington
21 November 1941
#810 (Part 1 of 2) (Separate wire)
                   (Chief of Office routing)
 Formal note 

"I have the honor of addressing this note to you to inform you that my home government has instructed me to forward you a copy of an agreement drawn up between the government of Japan and the government of the United States of America on the" . . . (blank) . . . of this month. At the same time I have the honor to transmit to you the following information:


"For the purpose of assuring the maintenance of peace on the  Pacific and through that to contribute to the recovery and promotion of peace throughout the world, this agreement was drawn up between Japan and the United States.


"The Imperial Government is firmly convinced that the government of your country, like the governments of Japan and of the United States, is vitally interested in the purposes indicated above. We, therefore, beg permission to draw your government's attention to the contents of this agreement, and particularly to Article One, Article Two, Article Three, Article Four, and Article Six, (Article Six, only if it is included), thereof.


"The various articles enumerated above concern, respectively, the political stabilization in the Pacific area; access to materials produced in the Netherlands Indies; the trade relations between Japan and the United States; the China Incident; and, the non-discriminatory treatment in international commerce, (this last, only if it is included in the agreement).


"The two governments have made a joint declaration including the above points. We feel that your government and mine could utilize the understandings in the same manner as between Japan and the United States.


"Therefore, in the hopes that the aims thus drawn up in this agreement may more fully be realized, the Imperial Government herewith wishes me to advise you that it is prepared to take suitable steps to come to a formal understanding between your government and mine on the specific points enumerated above. We expectantly await your government's advice that it would be similarly disposed.


"Accept, Sir, these renewed assurances of my highest consideration."

                                   -formal close- 
 (Part 2 follows) 
(JD-1: 6687)                             (D) Navy Trans. 11-22-41 (S-TT)
From: Tokyo
To: Washington
21 November 1941
#810 (Part 2 of 2)
 Formal reply

" I have the honor of addressing you in order that I may respectfully acknowledge the receipt of a copy of the Agreement on a Joint Understanding which has been drawn up between your government* and the government of the United States dated the _ _ _ (blank date)_ _ _  of this month and your accompanying explanatory note.


" Your explanation was to the effect that _ _ _ _ _ _ .


"I have the honor to inform you that I am receipt of a reply from my government to the effect that the government of Great Britain (or the Netherlands Government) understands the objectives drawn up in this draft agreement, and in the hope that they may be more fully realized, is disposed to take suitable steps to come to a formal understanding between your country and mine on the points specifically enumerated above.


"Accept, Sir, renewed assurances of my highest consideration."


(Leave some space, and then way down at the bottom place:)**

                                              -formal close- 
                                                    /s/             **
JD-1: 6687                               (D) Navy Trans. 11-22-41 (S-TT)
**This is Japanese language epistolary style.