From: Honolulu (Kita)
To: Tokyo
3 December 1941
#245 (In 2 parts, complete)

(Military secret.)


From Ichiro Fuji to the Chief of #3 Section of Military Staff Headquarters.


1. I wish to change my method of communicating by signals to the following:


I. Arrange the eight signals in three columns as follows:

          Meaning                                              Signal
Battleship divisions including  Preparing to sortie.                1
 scouts and screen units
A number of carriers            Preparing to sortie.                2
Battleship divisions            All departed between 1st and 3rd.   3
Carriers                        Several departed between 1st and    4
Carriers                        All departed between 1st and 3rd.   5
Battleship divisions            All departed between 4th and 6th    6
Carriers                        Several departed between 4th and    7
Carriers                        All departed between 4th and 6th    8



2. Signals

I. Lanikai* Beach. House will show lights during the night as follows:

One light between 8 and 9 p. m.  ................................    1
 "   "     "      9 and 10 p. m. ................................    2
 "   "     "     10 and 11 p. m. ................................    3
 "   "     "     11 and 12 p. m. ................................    4
Two lights "     12 and 1 a. m.  ................................    5
 "   "     "      1 and 2 a. m.  ................................    6
 "   "     "      2 and 3 a. m.  ................................    7
 "   "     "      3 and 4 a. m.  ................................    8


(Part 2)


III. Lanikai* Bay, during daylight

If there is a "star" on the head of the sail of the Star Boat it indicates signals 1, 2, 3, or 4.

If there is a "star" and a Roman numeral III it indicates signal 5, 6, 7, or 8.

Lights in the attic window of Kalama House** will indicate the following:

Times                        Signal|Times                         Signal
1900-2000 ...................... 3 | 2200-2300 ....................... 6
2000-2100 ...................... 4 | 2300-2400 ....................... 7
2100-2200 ...................... 5 | 0000-0100 ....................... 8

V.K.G.M.G.*** Want Ads.


A. Chinese rug etc. for sale, apply P. O. box 1476 indicates signal 3 or 6.

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B. CHIC. CO farm etc. apply P. O. box 1476 indicates signal 4 or 7.


C. Beauty operator wanted etc. apply P. O. box 1476 indicates signal 5 or 8.


3. If the above listed signals and wireless messages cannot be made from Oahu, then on Maui Island, 6 miles to the northward of Kula Sanatorium * * * * at a point halfway be- [24] tween Lower Kula Road and Haleakala Road (latitude 20° 40' N., longitude 156° 19' W., visible from seaward to the southeast and southwest of Maui Island) the following signal bonfire will be made daily until your EXEX signal is received:

Times                        Signal|Times                         Signal
From 7-8 .................. 3 or 6 | From 9-10 .................. 5 or 8
From 8-9 .................. 4 or 7 |
JD-1:7370                                   (M) Navy Trans. 12-11-41 (7)
*Between Waimanalo and Kailua Beaches on east coast of Oahu.
**A beach village on east coast of Oahu, 1 mile northwest of Lanikai.
***A radio broadcast station in Honolulu.
****At latitude 20-42-45 N., longitude 156-20-20 W.