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The number of organ sites is growing rapidly. Many of the sites seem to be personal home pages with photos. This list will broaden your understanding of the organ by showing you a variety of different instruments. The sites listed here were selected for their educational content and/or for their links to other sites. In addition to pursuing links from these sites, you can browse for more sites by using keywords &quotpipe" and &quotorgan" in any search engine.

I am not connected with the production or maintenance of the following sites in any way. If you experience any problems in these sites, contact the producer of that site directly.

The Curtis Sesqui-Centennial Exposition Organ

The Cyrus H. K. Curtis Sesqui-Centennial Exposition Organ is perhaps the only early 20th-century civic pipe organ that remains in original condition, both mechanically and tonally. It is located in the William B. Irvine Auditorium at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Pipedreams, the radio show, has a site online. See the heading under organ music for a description of Pipedreams.

Museum of Organs

This electronic museum is part Jubal Ltd. and T. Ohbayashi's site. Here is the purpose of the electronic museum.

You are now in the foyer of the Museum of Organs. Currently, there are displayed more than thirty original high-resolution pictures which I photographed during the last 25 years. The visual design of an organ is inseparable from the architectural style of the building. The purpose of the exhibitions is to demonstrate how it varies with the times and the region.
American Pipe Organ Builders Association

Publications on planning and fundraising for a pipe organ are available. It would be nicer to have the information on-line, but they can be ordered by phone or internet. I would recommend that any church which plans to get a new organ read these publications first. Don't rule out a pipe organ because electronic instruments are not always cheaper.

Theatre Organ Home Page

There is not much information at this site, just links to other sites. Many theatre organ fans will enjoy this page. There are also links to other web sites for pipe organs, electronic organs, and personal home pages. It is hosted by WCBI-TV -4-, Columbus, Mississippi.

PIPORG-L, Pipe Organs and Related Topics

&quotPIPORG-L is an electronic mailing list whose members discuss musical, technical and historical aspects of organs of all kinds-classical, theater, electronic, reed, tracker, electropneumatic, etc., etc. In short, if it is interesting and about organs, this group would like to hear about it."

The Northeast Organist Magazine

Offers subscription info but also has extensive links to other organ web sites.

Organ Clearing House

"Urban renewal and church closings/mergers frequently make pipe organs available for recycling. Since 1959 we have relocated nationwide, hundreds of carefully renovated instruments to churches which could not afford new ones. We are now listing more than 300 pipe organs, large and small, old and new, mechanical and electric action. "

The National Pipe Organ Register at Cambridge by The British Institute of Organ Studies 1995

&quotThe Register contains information of variable quality: some surveys are old and the organs may since have been replaced. In some cases the buildings may not now exist. The British Institute of Organ Studies is not able to offer any guarantee of the accuracy of individual surveys but would welcome further information or corrections which can be incorporated into the register. Information sent by electronic mail will be especially welcome."
Helpful for someone researching British instruments. Any search will cover years 0000 to 1999.

The Osiris Archive

&quotThe Osiris Archive is a collection of world-wide pipe organ specifications. These documents include stoplists, builders comments, players notes, available recordings, and any other information that is submitted by many contributors.
International Organ Foundation

The International Organ Foundation is "a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation and preservation of the pipe organ in all its forms." They have begun a Pipe Organ Encyclopaedia which is an explanation of the pipe organ and is similar to my site. Some pages are not complete but those knowledgeable are invited to contribute pages. The URL for the Encyclopaedia is

The IOF also has a catalogue of organs in the US and Spain, which is arranged geographically. There are ambitious plans to catalogue every organ in the world which can only be done if people send them the appropriate information. Organists, send in your organ specifications and be accurate.

4 th Floor, The Organ Exposed

The creator of this site is an organ builder. The purpose is the same as my site, to explain the organ. The motion graphics which explain various parts of the instrument are very well done. Do check it out.

Survey of Musculoskeletal Pain of Organists

This survey was created by E. Margo Dillard, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of North Texas. In recent years, more interest has been shown towards injuries of musicians. In my experience, this is the first direct effort to reach organists.

I received an e-mail from Ms. Dillard over the summer. She has collected her data and is analyzing it. Hopefully the results will be posted on the net.

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This site is part of the Pipe Organ Education Project. © Copyright 1996-2001 by Marya J. Fancey.