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Emmanuel Goldstein in the news

In keeping with the theme of finding interrelationships among our readings
and our issues as they play out, I give you this article about DVD
copying. Notice that one of the defendants is Emmanuel Goldstein. Now
where have you read that name recently?

Enjoy the snow and the day away from campus.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 10:11:16 -0500
From: Declan McCullagh <declan@well.com>


                        Digital Copyright Law on Trial
                        by Declan McCullagh (declan@wired.com)

                        3:00 a.m. 18.Jan.2000 PST
                        Most people might be just a trifle
                        intimidated if sued by the world's biggest
                        film studios and accused of endangering
                        "the future of American movies."

                        Not Emmanuel Goldstein.

                        The online firebrand and publisher of the
                        venerable 2600 hacker quarterly says he
                        isn't fazed by his new defendant status.

                        "It's not about piracy," he says. It's
                        about the right to modify software.

                        Instead of being in court in New York for
                        a hearing Thursday, he'll be on his way to
                        California to celebrate Kevin Mitnick's
                        release from prison.

                        But Goldstein might still have something
                        to worry about.

                        It isn't just that one of the largest,
                        oldest, and meanest law firms in town,
                        Proskauer Rose, is representing the eight
                        studios who claim he illegally distributed a
                        useful, albeit controversial, DVD-copying

                        Goldstein's real problem is that the suits
                        may have a very good case against him
                        and the other two defendants. A related
                        lawsuit is taking place in a California
                        superior court where a hearing is
                        scheduled on Tuesday.


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