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V. Bush dystopic?

He doesn't strike me as particularly gloomy.  He's a scientist, and as such 
believes that information when properly processed is knowledge, and 
knowledge is cumulative.  That is, if the methodology is correct, one only 
has to learn something once.  I think where he is frustrated, it is with 
lost opportunities through lack of organization and access, and through 
duplication of effort.

I still hold out hope, myself, that if we could just parse all this stuff 
right, all of this information must add up to something.  Of course, we 
don't really have an information explosion, we have an explosion of access 
to information, nearly all of which would have existed without the internet 
in some form or another.

I think Bush is excited, too, by the prospect of personal empowerment.  If 
one could easily get at whatever one needs in an instant, think what he 
could do with all the time he saved.  Well, it sort of like that, and sort 
of not.


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