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Who is at risk with this virus advertisement?

I subscribe to the Risks Digest: Forum on Risks to the Public in
Computers and Related Systems and although I really should read them
more often, I did see this bit that I found to be interesting:

Who is at risk with this virus advertisement?

"R.S. \(Bob\) Heuman" <rsh@idirect.com> 
Sat, 29 Jan 2000 21:03:52 -0500

The following is a message I received via my subscription to this
security jobs list. I have to wonder - if anyone answers it, what will
happen... Will they get the job,
or will they be investigated by the FBI, NSA, etc. I know that I would
NOT answer it. Of course, I also have to wonder who the US Military will
be targetting
should they hire someone with the attributes desired. [Assuming they
even can trust that individual...] 

What next? What is the risk to the rest of us? Does anyone really think
a security jobs listserve has only US subscribers? 

R.S. (Bob) Heuman, Toronto, ON, Canada 

> FROM: Drissel, James W. <james.drissel@CMET.AF.MIL>
> DATE: January 27, 2000 16:18

> Subject: Virus coder wanted

> Computer Sciences Corporation in San Antonio, TX is looking for a good
> virus coder.  Applicants must be willing to work at Kelly AFB in San
> Antonio.  Other exploit experience is helpful.

> Send Resumes/questions to james.drissel@cmet.af.mil

  [Although RISKS generally avoids running job ads, and especially
  Advirusements, this one has some interesting RISKS-Related
  R-R&R? PGN]

Source: http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/20.78.html#subj13

I'm on the Security Jobs mailing list also and when I saw this job ad I
did think it a bit odd. I did think it was interesting that other people
found this job ad to be disturbing.
