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no sex please, we're british or sexual discrimination?

Information wants to be free so when a proposal from british telecom for a
special .xxx domain was floated to the domain names organization, it
leaked to libertarians (civil and other) who bent the BT ears a
bit. Declan provides a link to the original posting, his own letter to the
BT poster, and more. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2000 10:48:40 -0500
From: Declan McCullagh <declan@well.com>
To: politech@vorlon.mit.edu
Cc: john.c.lewis@bt.com
Subject: FC: British Telecom says idea "distorted," wants other suggestions

Is BT justifiably annoyed or simply backpedaling from a proposal 
accidentally sent to a public list? You decide:

>From: john.c.lewis@bt.com
>To: declan@well.com
>Cc: clinton@annoy.com, politech@vorlon.mit.edu
>Subject: RE: British Telecom wants ICANN to regulate sex-themed web sites
>Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2000 10:47:26 -0000
>Thank you for your interest in some comments which were addressed to members
>of one constituency in the DNSO, in preparation for the next round of
>discussions on gTLDs. Your first paragraph does not reflect the message from
>my original message, that the issue of trust is of paramount importance in
>the creation of new gTLDs, and your response unfortunately distorts what I
>actually posted, relating to domains supplying childrens' books,
>(childrens') entertainment and similar (childrens') resources, where the
>emphasis is on protecting vulnerable members of the community.
>This is clearly a matter of some sensitivity which requires a sensible and
>responsible resolution to maintain consumer confidence in the Internet.
>Whereas there may be legislation in the US, it only applies to one country
>whereas the concern over this issue extends well beyond its jurisdiction.
>Perhaps you would like to suggest a constructive solution, over how this
>could be resolved given that we are dealing with a global entity which is
>not subject to any trans-national governmental controls, but whose future
>will rely on the trust and credibility that consumers have in the Internet
>and the content accessed via the Domain Name structure.
>Who is the body responsible for Domain Naming structures ?
>What are the consequences of failing to demonstrate responsible
>self-regulation ?
>John C Lewis
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Declan McCullagh [SMTP:declan@well.com]
> > Sent: 07 February 2000 17:56
> > To:   politech@vorlon.mit.edu
> > Cc:   john.c.lewis@bt.com
> > Subject:      British Telecom wants ICANN to regulate sex-themed web sites
> >
> > Some of the corporations hoping to influence ICANN want the group to
> > segregate web sites with erotic or sexual-themed material.


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