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Tripwire Announcement (fwd)

I know this is really early, but since I'm doing my application
presentation on Tripwire AND b/c we've discussed so much about Open Source
in class, thought this might interest some of you.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 18:13:09 -0800
From: Listmaster <Listmaster@TRIPWIRESECURITY.COM>
Subject: Tripwire Announcement

Tripwire Announcement #2                Tuesday, February 29, 2000

Welcome to Tripwire Announcement #2.  Occasionally we send these messages to
current and potential users of Tripwire(R) software who have expressed
interest in receiving announcements, technical bulletins and security
advisories regarding Tripwire products.

To unsubscribe from this email list, please see the instructions at the
bottom of the message.

Announcement: Tripwire for Linux to become Open Source.

Tripwire, Inc. today announced its adoption of the open source model for its
flagship Tripwire(R) product on the Linux operating system. To facilitate
the adoption and deployment process, Tripwire is partnering with Caldera
Systems, Red Hat, and SGI, to tightly integrate the software into their
Linux-based solutions. Further, Tripwire has announced its intentions to
host its development efforts on VA Linux Systems' SourceForge(TM), the
world's largest open source development center. These initiatives make
Tripwire the first mainstream security company to open its source code to
the world.

To find out more about the Tripwire Open Source Project, please see the
press release at:

The Tripwire Open Source Project site is http://www.tripwire.org

As always, you can find up-to-date information regarding Tripwire at

To remove yourself from this mailing list, simply send a message to the
address in the "Reply-to" field of this email (usually, you can simply hit
"Reply" on your email software).

If this does not work, send an email to listmaster@support.tripwire.com with
the word "remove" in the subject line.