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Getting ready for monday

Monday I will be leading a discussion on "Quality of Information and 

My question is simple: Are web portals the newspapers of tomorrow, and, if 
so, what is the quality of news that we will be consuming.

I am classifying the atomic information units at the three biggest web 
portals, AOL, Yahoo and MSN.  The categories are real news, junk news, real 
services, phony services, real ads and veiled ads, and tabulating the 

I will do the same for three newspapers: The News & Observer, The NY Times, 
and Americas McPaper - USA Today.

The methodology is very subjective, so come prepared to challenge.
Think about these things ...

Are web portals obscuring the distinction between information and 

If you answered yes to the previous question, is there something inherent in 
the format that encourages this deception?

Are gateways more influential than content producers in forming public 
opinion and consumer behavior?

Are local news outlets out of the picture, or can the web save them?

I will circulate the URL with the results tomorrow.  (The alleged Windows 
operating system just saw fit to destroy 1/2 days work, including the 
results on the Evil Empire's own web portal)

I will not be sending out any readings, so please have a look around these 
sites, and think about the questions.

See you monday.

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