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Re: microsoft ad

I saw that ad on TV last night. It's almost got the soft fuzzy quality of
vaseline on the camera lens it so touchy-feely. I thought it was

Of course, he mentions nothing about how his company's butt is in a sling
due to the recent court ruling. He just goes on about how he and his
"friends" started a company so that people can use PCs and hwo the OC has
changed the world (echoes of Bush's liberating view of the Memex and
Everyman here, imho).

I wonder how people who are less informed about the industry and the
court case (this is not so say that our class is mega informed, certainly
there are levels higher up the information food-chain on this situation
than us---but we are more informed than say, the average TV viewer, who
has AOL, uses MS products in the office they work in, and might not have
even caught the news about MS's big ruling) feel about this commerical.

As for me, I started laughing when I saw Bill in "his happy place" come on
screen last night.

Robyn Pretzloff
SILS Computer Lab Co-Manager
School of Information & Library Science
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

"Reality is the leading cause of stress
among those who are in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Lisa Potter wrote:

> Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 06:17:15 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
> From: Lisa Potter <pottl@ils.unc.edu>
> To: inls310-74@ruby.ils.unc.edu
> Subject: microsoft ad
> Has anyone else seen the Microsoft ad with Bill Gates talking like a
> politician trying to get re-elected?
> ************************************************
> Lisa Potter
> School of Information and Library Science
> University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
> Chapel Hill, NC  27599