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Fwd: Distance Learning standards

>From: daniel@ils.unc.edu (Evelyn Daniel)
>To: buchp@ruby.ils.unc.edu
>Subject: Distance Learning
>Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 15:40:26 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
>Dear Peter,
>You mentioned today you were interested in distance learning (as am
>here's an item from Eduprise that you may have already seen.
>A new study partially funded by the National Education Association
>takes a
>first step toward establishing quality standards for distance
>Following a survey of six leading distance-ed providers, the Institute
>Higher Education Policy produced a list of 24 benchmarks for quality
>instruction. Among them: students' online interaction with instructors
>other students, fail-safe computer systems, and appropriate support
>services for both faculty members and students. The study also
>some myths. For example, class size was deemed a minor factor in
>And colleges don't necessarily need incentives to encourage more
>to experiment with distance learning; their efforts may be better
>working with faculty members who start their own distance projects
>forcing others to become involved. The results make clear "that
>learning can be quality learning only if colleges and universities
>recognize the needs of the students," said the president of the NEA.
>study will be released soon; an executive summary is now available at
>http://www.ihep.com/qualityonline.pdf. (Chronicle of Higher Education
>April 2000)
>PS -- Don't forget to contact David MacDonald and escort him to the
>class on Monday and make him feel welcome.  Thanks.

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