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Salon: Napster sponsors Limp Bizkit tour

Entertainment Log: Napster will sponsor free summer tour for Limp Bizkit:
The battle over the much-malaigned software heats up as artists begin to
take sides. By Eric Boehlert

Who needs a bunch of leather bound Brits with faux-German names playing
power cords. Dr Dre is dull. napster sponsors a free music tour of "in
touch" bands saying new school bands have the net.clue. Cypress Hill and
Limp Bizkit go on the road for free (to the fans; napster pays).

but 'Hilary Rosen, president and CEO of the RIAA, doesn't think so.
"Napster must really want some artists on their side. Are they going to
pay them all $2 million?"  she asks. "I think the multitude of artists
that have been speaking out against them on this issue speaks for