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Unintended consequences

Below is a /. reader's comment on the recent court ruling against MP3.com.
I think cwhicks raises an interesting point about the RIAA's legal strategy
and its unintended consequences.  If the recording industry is successful in
shutting down the commercial file sharing networks (my.mp3.com, Napster,
etc.), all MP3 trading will migrate to the newer and anonymous systems like
Freenet (http://freenet.sourceforge.net) and Gnutella
(http://gnutella.wego.com).  This is already occurring, but why is the RIAA
exacerbating their lack of control by driving all mp3 sharing underground?
Are there any alternatives?




Re: How bad is this going to get?
by cwhicks (mr_winkee@tinkletown.com) on Friday April 28, @02:50PM EST

Freenet, Gnutella, and many clones are totally anonymous. These allow for
totally illegal sharing, and if they (music industry) close down the few
legal sites, my.mp3.com being one, they are shooting their only saviors in
the head.  All that will be left will be the growing underground of illegal
