is the compilation of discussion during Jan 97

via AB4EL Web Digests @ SunSITE


>From Sat Jan  4 14:47 EST 1997
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 13:49:49 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: AGMODELS-L digest 622

Crop Simul. Mtg.(BSSG), Mar. 17-19,'97,Gainesville, FL (Bob Peart <>)

Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 14:07:53 -0500 (EST) From: Bob Peart <> Subject: Crop Simul. Mtg.(BSSG), Mar. 17-19,'97,Gainesville, FL Univ. Center Hotel ($59), next to Univ. of Florida Gainesville, FL, served by Delta (jets) and USAir MORE INFO LATER: WWW Site for more details & Registration will be available. DEADLINES: Abstracts and Early Registration ($90): JAN. 31, 1997 We cordially invite you. Bob Peart,, J. W. Jones, R. Bruce Curry,, Ken Boote,, L. H. Allen,, Tom Sinclair,
End of Digest
>From Sun Jan  5 14:47 EST 1997
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 1997 13:50:27 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: AGMODELS-L digest 623

Re: Crop Simul. Mtg.(BSSG), Mar. 17-19,'97,Gainesville, FL ( (Grant Mangold))

Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 16:39:27 -0600 From: (Grant Mangold) Subject: Re: Crop Simul. Mtg.(BSSG), Mar. 17-19,'97,Gainesville, FL Please send information on your MEETINGS/WORKSHOPS and your SOFTWARE PRODUCTS for inclusion in @g/INNOVATOR online and newsletter... email me for free temporary password... thank you -- GM ==================================== Grant Mangold, Editor, @g/INNOVATOR, PO Box 1 / 774 South River Road West, Linn Grove, Iowa USA 51033-0001 Phone/Fax 712-296-3615 Circulation: 800-564-4005 (print) 800-366-7450 (online) Advertising: 800-678-6120 Secondary address: Grant Mangold, Senior Technology Editor, Successful Farming, 1716 Locust Street / LS 445, Des Moines, Iowa USA 50309-3023 Phone 515-284-2853 Fax 3127 (ads fax 3563) @g/INNOVATOR Institute 800-678-2895 Email: or Website: @griculture Online =====================================
End of Digest
>From Mon Jan  6 15:48 EST 1997
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 1997 14:48:09 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: AGMODELS-L digest 624

Texture AutoLookup (Christopher Teh Boon Sung <>)

Date: Mon, 06 Jan 1997 20:54:12 +0800 From: Christopher Teh Boon Sung <> Subject: Texture AutoLookup Hello everyone, I recently wrote a computer program to determine the soil's textural class based on the USDA classification scheme. It's a simple program that works within Excel, Lotus 123 for Windows, and as well as a stand alone version. I wrote this program mainly because I wanted one myself; I recently analyzed a lot of soil samples, and I wanted a program to automatically lookup all their textural class. You can download this program for free at the following WWW: I only ask you send me email before you download this program. Thanks and best wishes in your research projects. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Christopher Teh Boon Sung Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, 43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor, MALAYSIA. Tel: (603) 948 6101 extension 2716 Fax: (603) 943 4419 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
End of Digest
>From Tue Jan  7 17:07 EST 1997
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 16:09:47 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: AGMODELS-L digest 625

Re: Texture AutoLookup (
Soil heat flux and soil moisture (Fabio Micale <>)
Coupling surface (Hec-1) and subsurface flow hydrologic model (D ("Ashok Verma" <>)
unit conversion (Sweeney Paul PJJ <>)
Re: unit conversion (William Powers <>)
ICAR-IFDC Workshop on Computer Simulation for Crop Growth ("Paul W. Wilkens <>" <>)
Re: unit conversion ( (Grant Mangold))

Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 00:39:39 -0500 From: Subject: Re: Texture AutoLookup Christopher I would like a copy of your spreadsheet and will attempt to get it off of the web. I work for a remote sensing company named Resource21 in Colorado. Rich
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 11:55:23 +0100 From: Fabio Micale <> Subject: Soil heat flux and soil moisture Hello all, I know that exit a strong relation between soil thermal properties (conductivity, diffusivity) and soil moisture content. Now, somebody could tell me if exist the possibility to know (calculate) the soil moisture content when I have soil temperature at different level (surface, -10 cm, -30 cm) and I know its composition (organic matter, sand, loam, etc.)? Tank you in advance, and the best wish for new year. \|/ (. .) -.o00--(_)--00o.--------------------------------------- Fabio Micale, Ph.D. |voice: +39-79-258600 | Servizio Agrometeorologico |fax: +39-79-262681 | Regionale per la Sardegna || V.le Porto Torres, 119 | | Sassari (Italy) - 07100 | | --------------------------------------oOO-(^)-OOo------ (. .) /|\
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 10:33:27 CST From: "Ashok Verma" <> Subject: Coupling surface (Hec-1) and subsurface flow hydrologic model (D Hello: I am a Ph.D. student at Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I am planning to couple the Hec-1 and DRINMOD in GIS environment (ARC/INFO). The mid-west of USA is tiled drained area. Due to unavailability of a hybrid model (surface+subsurface), it has beeen very difficult to quantify total amount of flow. Please let me know, if such hybrid model exist or name of the researchers involved in similar kind of research. Your help in this regard will be highly appreciated. Yours truly Ashok Verma Graduate Research Assistant Lab for Water Quality Modeling and GIS Department of Agricultural Engineering 1304 W Pennsylvania Ave University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL 61801 Phone 217-333-9415 217-333-7956 Fax: 217-244-0323
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 16:34:32 +0000 From: Sweeney Paul PJJ <> Subject: unit conversion Hi all, I'm not sure whether my experience is common on this topic, but I seem to be forever coming across the problem of having to convert measurements made in obsure engineering units into SI units or vice versa. Can anybody recommend a text book or CD which is likely to have the conversion factors for environmental measurements ? The sort of thing I am thinking of here are conversions like langley/min into mW/cm^2 for solar radiation or any of the various forms of Henry's constant. Ideally, there would be some explanation for units, rather than just x ft lb/fortnight^2 = y Newton; for example stokes = poise/density in cc or an explanation of the difference between Makkink evapotranspiration and pan evaporation would be good. The most useful conversions would be between experimental units and SI units. yours, in hope Paul Sweeney Mathematical Modeller Zeneca Agrochemicals Jealott's Hill Bracknell Berkshire RG40 3RU tel +44 1344 413614 fax +44 1344 413688 email:
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 12:06:32 -0700 From: William Powers <> Subject: Re: unit conversion Paul: I have always found the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics to be useful for conversion to and from various units. bill Los Alamos National Laboratory
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 14:35:00 -0600 From: "Paul W. Wilkens <>" <> Subject: ICAR-IFDC Workshop on Computer Simulation for Crop Growth ICAR and IFDC are pleased to announce the ICAR-IFDC International Training Program on Computer Simulation for Crop Growth, Soil Water-Nutrient Dynamics, and Fertilizer Management. The workshop will be held February 17-28, 1997 in Modipuram, U. P., India. To apply, complete the enrollment form and mail, fax, or e-mail it to IFDC by Feb 7, 1997. For more information on the program, to register, or to request a written brochure, please respond to: Coordinator, Human Resource Development Unit International Fertilizer Development Center P.O. Box 2040 Muscle Shoals, Alabama 35662 U.S.A. Telefax : 205-381-7408 Telephone: 205-381-6600 E-Mail : You may register via e-mail by replying to the email address above, NOT by responding to this listserver. For more information about IFDC, its mission, and training programs, address your inquiries to: International Fertilizer Development Center P.O. Box 2040 Muscle Shoals, Alabama 35662 U.S.A. Telephone: 205-381-6600 Telefax : 205-381-7408 E-Mail : *************************************************************** Indian Council of Agricultural Research and International Fertilizer Development Center ICAR-IFDC International Training Program on Computer Simulation for Crop Growth, Soil Water-Nutrient Dynamics, and Fertilizer Management February 17-28, 1997 Rationale Today more than ever, increased food production depends on the judicious use of resources. Many soil, climatic, plant, and management factors affect a crop's response to irrigation, fertilizer, and other management practices. Determining appropriate crop management strategies under these uncertainties has significant agronomic, economic, and environmental implications. Computer simulation models of the soil/crop/atmosphere system can make a valuable contribution to both furthering our understanding of the processes determining crop responses and predicting crop performance in different areas. With the increasing availability of small personal computers, user-oriented simulation models will greatly facilitate the task of optimizing crop and nutrient management. They can also be used to investigate environmental and sustainability issues of agrosystems. The International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Michigan State University, University of Florida, University of Georgia, International Consortium for Agricultural Systems Applications (ICASA), and many other research organizations, has been at the forefront in developing crop models and decision support systems suitable for use and application in developing- country agriculture. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and IFDC are organizing this International Training Program on Computer Simulation for Crop Growth, Soil Water- Nutrient Dynamics, and Fertilizer Management to be conducted in Modipuram near New Delhi, India, during February 17-28, 1997. Program Content The program will describe the practical approaches to simulating the effects of soil, climatic, cropping, and management factors and their interaction with nutrient needs in crops. The program will also show how the processes of soil nutrient transformations, crop growth and uptake of nutrients, and response to fertilizer, irrigation, and other management practices can be simulated. The training program will make extensive use of the CERES (rice, wheat, sorghum, and maize) and GRO (peanut and soybean) models for crop growth, development, and response to water and nutrients. Procedures for managing soil, crop, and weather data will be described. Computer programs to create, run, and analyze both single crop and crop-rotation sequence will be described. More than 50% of the program will be devoted to practical sessions on personal computers. The participants are encouraged to bring their data (soil, crop, and weather) for model validation and application purposes. The models used in the program are integrated into the DSSAT software package by the International Consortium for Agricultural Systems Applications (ICASA). Program Objectives The objectives of the program are to increase the participants' knowledge in the following: 1. Soil water, soil and plant nutrient dynamics, and crop growth in cereals and legumes. 2. Application of CERES and GRO simulation models to cropping, nutrient and water, environmental and sustainability issues. 3. Data requirements, collection, and acquisition for systems simulation. 4. Application of integrated decision support system (crop models, data base management and geographic information system) in precision agriculture. Requirements 1. Participants should be university graduates currently engaged in crop production-related research or planning. 2. They should have some understanding of soil science and agronomy and be relatively familiar with the terminology used in these fields. An in-depth knowledge is, however, not a prerequisite. 3. They should have had some exposure to personal computers. 4. They should be fluent in English. When and Where The program will begin February 17, 1997, and end February 28, 1997. The program will be held at the Project Directorate of Cropping Systems Research at Modipuram, Meerut, in Uttar Pradesh. Modipuram is 70 km from New Delhi. ICAR will provide transportation to and from Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi for participants. How to Apply The program fee of US $1,500 is due with the application for enrollment. To apply for enrollment in this program, complete the attached form and mail it to IFDC by February 7, 1997. If an organization wishes to enroll more than one participant, it must supply information on each applicant. The program fee covers the registration for the 2-week program, transportation for field trips, resource material, and tea/coffee breaks. It does not cover food and lodging or medical and incidental expenses during the program or air transportation between New Delhi, India, and the participant's home country; each participant is responsible for these costs. The board and lodging of participants will be arranged at an appropriate hotel in Modipuram. The program fee can be paid to IFDC by check or draft drawn in favor of IFDC, wire transfer to IFDC's account in the United States, or by a credit card: Visa, Master Card, or American Express. Visa Requirement A visa is required for entry into India. Each participant must obtain a visitor's visa from the Embassy or Consulate of India in his or her country of residence and fulfill any health requirements. Weather The weather in Modipuram is very pleasant in February. Daytime temperatures average 60-70 F (15-21 C), and nighttime temperatures average 50-60 F (10-15 C). Dr. R. L. Yadav Project Director Project Directorate for Cropping Systems Research Indian Council of Agricultural Research Modipuram, Meerut-250110, U. P. India Telephone: 91-121-570708 Telefax: 91-121-571548 Director Human Resource Development Unit International Fertilizer Development Center P.O. Box 2040 Muscle Shoals, Alabama 35662 U.S.A. Telephone: 205-381-6600 Telefax: 205-381-7408 E-Mail: IFDC reserves the right to modify or even to cancel any program as necessary. Please complete this enrollment form and return to IFDC before February 7, 1997. -------------------------------------------------------------- Application for Enrollment Please Print or Type Name (Mr., Ms., Mrs., Miss, Dr.)______________________________ Nationality ____________________ Birthdate _________________ (Month)(Day)(Year) Name and Mailing Address of Employer ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Telephone _____________ E-Mail ____________ Telefax ________ Present Position _____________________________________________ Length of Experience in Agricultural Research or Extension ___ Home Address and Telephone Number ____________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Organization Funding Your Participation ______________________ Education (Highest Degree Completed, Date, and Major Subject) ______________________________________________________________ Name and Address of Educational Institution __________________ Objective for Enrolling in This Program ______________________ ______________________________________________________________ Please e-mail or telefax name(s) of nominee(s) in advance. _________________________________ Signature of Applicant _________________________________ Signature of Nominating Authority _________________________________ Date Mail form and fee to: Coordinator, Human Resource Development Unit International Fertilizer Development Center P.O. Box 2040 Muscle Shoals, Alabama 35662 U.S.A. Telefax : 205-381-7408 Telephone: 205-381-6600 E-Mail : Program fees are due before the commencement of the program and will be refunded in the event of nonattendance. >
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 14:44:30 -0600 From: (Grant Mangold) Subject: Re: unit conversion Check out HTTP://WWW.CALCHEMY.COM/uclive.htm for an interesting software product related to units conversions etc... >Paul: > >I have always found the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics to >be useful for conversion to and from various units. > >bill >Los Alamos National Laboratory > > ==================================== Grant Mangold, Editor, @g/INNOVATOR, PO Box 1 / 774 South River Road West, Linn Grove, Iowa USA 51033-0001 Phone/Fax 712-296-3615 Circulation: 800-564-4005 (print) 800-366-7450 (online) Advertising: 800-678-6120 Secondary address: Grant Mangold, Senior Technology Editor, Successful Farming, 1716 Locust Street / LS 445, Des Moines, Iowa USA 50309-3023 Phone 515-284-2853 Fax 3127 (ads fax 3563) @g/INNOVATOR Institute 800-678-2895 Email: or Website: @griculture Online =====================================
End of Digest
>From Wed Jan  8 18:41 EST 1997
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 1997 17:44:08 -0600
Message-Id: <>
Subject: AGMODELS-L digest 626

Re: unit conversion (William Powers <>)
Re: Texture AutoLookup ("Romeo R. Favreau" <>)
CERES-Maize and CN runoff method (Joseph Millen <>)
CERES-Maize and CN (Joseph Millen <>)
CERES-Maize and CN (Joseph Millen <>)
Vacancies ("Donald MacKerron" <>)
Re: CERES-Maize and CN runoff method ( (Greg Johnson))
Re: CERES-Maize and CN runoff method ( (Greg Johnson))
Re: CERES-Maize and CN runoff method (Tom Hodges <>)
MORE INFO ON CERES-Maize and CN runoff method (Joseph Millen <>)
Re: MORE INFO ON CERES-Maize and CN runoff method ("Peter D. Spyke" <>)

Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 14:24:43 -0700 From: William Powers <> Subject: Re: unit conversion Paul: I have always found the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics to be useful for conversion to and from various units. bill Los Alamos National Laboratory
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 14:01:24 -0800 (PST) From: "Romeo R. Favreau" <> Subject: Re: Texture AutoLookup Hi Christopher, I'm interested in seeing if your program would be useful in my ag modeling work. I'll try to download it soon. Regards Romeo -------------------------------------------------------------------- Romeo R. Favreau 707 Oriole Ave. Davis CA 95616 e-mail or --------------------------------------------------------------------- At 07:15 AM 1/6/97 -0600, you wrote: >Hello everyone, > > I recently wrote a computer program to determine the soil's textural class >based on the USDA classification scheme. It's a simple program that works >within Excel, Lotus 123 for Windows, and as well as a stand alone version. > > I wrote this program mainly because I wanted one myself; I recently >analyzed a lot of soil samples, and I wanted a program to automatically >lookup all their textural class. You can download this program for free at >the following WWW: > > > >I only ask you send me email before you download this program. Thanks and >best wishes in your research projects. >* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * >Christopher Teh Boon Sung > Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, > Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, 43400 UPM, Serdang, > Selangor, MALAYSIA. > Tel: (603) 948 6101 extension 2716 > Fax: (603) 943 4419 > >* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- Romeo R. Favreau 707 Oriole Ave. Davis CA 95616 e-mail or ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 1997 08:04:55 -0500 From: Joseph Millen <> Subject: CERES-Maize and CN runoff method I am looking for suggestions on a way to adjust my rainfall or CN in the model to more closely represent actual runoff from a site in Florence, SC. My problem is that storms have a short duration high intensity during part of the year. The storm type is ignored by the model and needs to be adjusted in some other way. I would prefer to alter the weather input because during times of year when the storms are of a more typical type, the new CN would be incorrect. Any comments or suggestions on my problem would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Joseph Millen E-mail: USDA-ARS Voice: 803.669.5203 x167 2611 W. Lucas St. Fax: 803.669.6970 Florence, SC 29501-1241
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 1997 08:17:40 -0500 From: Joseph Millen <> Subject: CERES-Maize and CN I am looking for suggestions on a way to adjust my rainfall or CN in the model to more closely represent actual runoff from a site in Florence, SC. My problem is that storms have a short duration high intensity during part of the year. The storm type is ignored by the model and needs to be adjusted in some other way. I would prefer to alter the weather input because during times of year when the storms are of a more typical type, the new CN would be incorrect. Any comments or suggestions on my problem would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Joseph Millen E-mail: USDA-ARS Voice: 803.669.5203 x167 2611 W. Lucas St. Fax: 803.669.6970 Florence, SC 29501-1241
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 1997 08:40:34 -0500 From: Joseph Millen <> Subject: CERES-Maize and CN I am looking for suggestions on a way to adjust my rainfall or CN in the model to more closely represent actual runoff from a site in Florence, SC. My problem is that storms have a short duration high intensity during part of the year. The storm type is ignored by the model and needs to be adjusted in some other way. I would prefer to alter the weather input because during times of year when the storms are of a more typical type, the new CN would be incorrect. Any comments or suggestions on my problem would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Joseph Millen E-mail: USDA-ARS Voice: 803.669.5203 x167 2611 W. Lucas St. Fax: 803.669.6970 Florence, SC 29501-1241
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 1997 15:48:45 GMT From: "Donald MacKerron" <> Subject: Vacancies JOB VACANCIES ============= [1] COMPUTER SCIENCE/ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 3 year appointment Salaray range stlg13,951 - stlg19,289 (non-contributory pension scheme provided) [2] CROP PHYSIOLOGY/AGRONOMY 3 year appointment Salaray range stlg13,951 - stlg19,289 (non-contributory pension scheme provided) SUBJECT AREA: Potato Research and Development AIM: Develop a Management Advisory Package for Potato LOCATION: Scottish Crop Research Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA, Scotland, UK. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: Friday 31 January 1997 If you are interested in either position read on +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SCOTTISH CROP RESEARCH INSTITUTE COMPUTER SCIENCE/ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (MRS/1/97) Salary range stlg13,951 - stlg19,289 (non-contributory pension scheme provided) Mylnefield Research Services (MRS) Ltd, the commercial arm of the Scottish Crop Research Institute (SCRI) is seeking to appoint a person to develop a Management Advisory Package for Potato (MAPP). The project is jointly funded by the Potato Marketing Board, Scottish Enterprise Tayside and MRS Ltd for three years. The postholder will have the skills to contribute immediately to the project, will be involved in product specification, and will be solely responsible for implementing the AI part of the project. Applicants should have a minimum of two years post graduate experience or equivalent, and have experience in the production of rule-based models and the development of graphical user interfaces. Familiarity with Bayesian models would be an advantage. They should be competent in programming in suitable languages such as C/C++ and Prolog, and familiarity with higher level AI languages would be advantageous. CROP PHYSIOLOGY/AGRONOMY (CEP/1/97) Salary range stlg13,951 - stlg19,289 (non-contributory pension scheme provided) Scottish Crop Research Institute (SCRI) is seeking to appoint a person to work within a multi-disciplinary team quantifying the influence of environment, genetics and management on the yield and quality of potatoes. The three year project is collaborative with the Agricultural Development and Advisory Service (ADAS) and funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF). The post holder will be responsible for the analysis and interpretation of existing, extensive data sets collected by SCRI and ADAS, the selection and summarising of relevant published data in the literature and the conducting of further field experiments both at SCRI and on commercial farms. Applicants should have a research background in environmental/crop physiology or agronomy, have experience in conducting field experiments and, preferably, experience with the potato crop. It is expected that both post holders will interact closely and with staff at SCRI and ADAS, and with industry in developing MAPP. An excellent opportunity to join a thriving, international research institute in the beautiful location of Tayside. The Institute and MRS Ltd are equal opportunities employers and the Institute is grant aided by the Scottish Office Agriculture, Environment and Fisheries Department (SOAEFD). Applications including a full Curriculum Vitae with the names and addresses of two referees, should be returned to, Mr Ian Paxton, Personnel Office, Scottish Crop Research Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA, Sotland, UK. by Friday 31 January, 1997 quoting the appropriate reference number, (MRS/1/97) for Computer Science/AI position and (CEP/1/97) for Crop Physiology/ Agronomy position. Further information for both posts can be obtained from Dr Bruce Marshall, Tel: 01382 562731. Fax: 01382 562426. Email: PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR FULL NAME, POSTAL ADDRESS AND CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER IN ANY CORRESPONDENCE, INCLUDING E-MAIL. Thankyou for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you.
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 1997 08:57:05 -0700 From: (Greg Johnson) Subject: Re: CERES-Maize and CN runoff method Joseph: >I am looking for suggestions on a way to adjust my rainfall or CN in the >model to more closely represent actual runoff from a site in Florence, SC. > >My problem is that storms have a short duration high intensity during part >of the year. The storm type is ignored by the model and needs to be >adjusted in some other way. I would prefer to alter the weather input >because during times of year when the storms are of a more typical type, the >new CN would be incorrect. ....What are you using for weather input now....a weather generator? I'm not familiar with the inputs for this model.....are they hourly? Maybe if I had a little more information I could help you. I am working with several other people in the ARS on a new weather generator. One aspect of it in development is a new storm generator, that should be able to generate accurate breakpoint rainfall for a location. The lead on this is Jim Bonta at ARS-Coshocton, OH. I am cc'ing Jim on this so he might have some comments for you, too. Another alternative would be to use actual NOAA 15 min. or hourly data. In some cases these data have flaws, but some stations have nice 30+ year records that are about the best source you could have. > >Any comments or suggestions on my problem would be greatly appreciated. > >Thanks. >Joseph Millen E-mail: >USDA-ARS Voice: 803.669.5203 x167 >2611 W. Lucas St. Fax: 803.669.6970 >Florence, SC 29501-1241 > > ....I'd be glad to help in any way I can. Greg Johnson +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *** * * Dr. Greg Johnson * * Research Meteorologist * * Northwest Watershed Research Center * * USDA-ARS * * 800 Park Blvd., Plaza IV, Suite 105 * ^ * ** Boise ID 83712-7716 * ^^ ^* * * * ^ + ^^^ ^^ * * ^^ ^ * ph. (208) 422-0717 Fax: (208) 334-1502 * ^^^ * ***************** Homepage: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 1997 08:57:05 -0700 From: (Greg Johnson) Subject: Re: CERES-Maize and CN runoff method Joseph: >I am looking for suggestions on a way to adjust my rainfall or CN in the >model to more closely represent actual runoff from a site in Florence, SC. > >My problem is that storms have a short duration high intensity during part >of the year. The storm type is ignored by the model and needs to be >adjusted in some other way. I would prefer to alter the weather input >because during times of year when the storms are of a more typical type, the >new CN would be incorrect. ....What are you using for weather input now....a weather generator? I'm not familiar with the inputs for this model.....are they hourly? Maybe if I had a little more information I could help you. I am working with several other people in the ARS on a new weather generator. One aspect of it in development is a new storm generator, that should be able to generate accurate breakpoint rainfall for a location. The lead on this is Jim Bonta at ARS-Coshocton, OH. I am cc'ing Jim on this so he might have some comments for you, too. Another alternative would be to use actual NOAA 15 min. or hourly data. In some cases these data have flaws, but some stations have nice 30+ year records that are about the best source you could have. > >Any comments or suggestions on my problem would be greatly appreciated. > >Thanks. >Joseph Millen E-mail: >USDA-ARS Voice: 803.669.5203 x167 >2611 W. Lucas St. Fax: 803.669.6970 >Florence, SC 29501-1241 > > ....I'd be glad to help in any way I can. Greg Johnson +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *** * * Dr. Greg Johnson * * Research Meteorologist * * Northwest Watershed Research Center * * USDA-ARS * * 800 Park Blvd., Plaza IV, Suite 105 * ^ * ** Boise ID 83712-7716 * ^^ ^* * * * ^ + ^^^ ^^ * * ^^ ^ * ph. (208) 422-0717 Fax: (208) 334-1502 * ^^^ * ***************** Homepage: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 1997 08:40:41 -0800 (PST) From: Tom Hodges <> Subject: Re: CERES-Maize and CN runoff method You probably need to look at a subroutine using hourly rainfall data. If ceres-maize is still using daily data (you didn't say what model version) then it assumes that rain fell over 24 hours. A 15 cm storm occurring in 2 hours will cause different runoff patterns than one lasting 20 hours. Tom Hodges On Wed, 8 Jan 1997, Joseph Millen wrote: > I am looking for suggestions on a way to adjust my rainfall or CN in the > model to more closely represent actual runoff from a site in Florence, SC. > > My problem is that storms have a short duration high intensity during part > of the year. The storm type is ignored by the model and needs to be > adjusted in some other way. I would prefer to alter the weather input > because during times of year when the storms are of a more typical type, the > new CN would be incorrect. > > Any comments or suggestions on my problem would be greatly appreciated. > > Thanks. > Joseph Millen E-mail: > USDA-ARS Voice: 803..669.5203 x167 > 2611 W. Lucas St. Fax: 803.669.6970 > Florence, SC 29501-1241 > > >
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 1997 12:21:51 -0500 From: Joseph Millen <> Subject: MORE INFO ON CERES-Maize and CN runoff method As far as I know, the model only accept daily rainfall data. Therefore, I believe I must adjust this data before entering it into the model. My rainfall is from recorded history. I have actual yields to verify the model, but the water balance allows too much infiltration and the plants are not showing water stress as much as they should. The results on most of my soils indicate a much higher than actual yield. Thanks for responses so far. Joe At 11:11 AM 1/8/97 -0600, you wrote: >Joseph: > > >>I am looking for suggestions on a way to adjust my rainfall or CN in the >>model to more closely represent actual runoff from a site in Florence, SC. >> >>My problem is that storms have a short duration high intensity during part >>of the year. The storm type is ignored by the model and needs to be >>adjusted in some other way. I would prefer to alter the weather input >>because during times of year when the storms are of a more typical type, the >>new CN would be incorrect. > >....What are you using for weather input now....a weather generator? I'm not >familiar with the inputs for this model.....are they hourly? Maybe if >I had a little more information I could help you. I am working with >several other people in the ARS on a new weather generator. One aspect >of it in development is a new storm generator, that should be able >to generate accurate breakpoint rainfall for a location. The lead on >this is Jim Bonta at ARS-Coshocton, OH. I am cc'ing Jim on this >so he might have some comments for you, too. Another alternative would >be to use actual NOAA 15 min. or hourly data. In some cases these >data have flaws, but some stations have nice 30+ year records that >are about the best source you could have. > >> >>Any comments or suggestions on my problem would be greatly appreciated. >> >>Thanks. >>Joseph Millen E-mail: >>USDA-ARS Voice: 803.669.5203 x167 >>2611 W. Lucas St. Fax: 803.669.6970 >>Florence, SC 29501-1241 >> >> >....I'd be glad to help in any way I can. > >Greg Johnson >+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > > *** > * * >Dr. Greg Johnson * * >Research Meteorologist * * >Northwest Watershed Research Center * * >USDA-ARS * * >800 Park Blvd., Plaza IV, Suite 105 * ^ * ** >Boise ID 83712-7716 * ^^ ^* * * > * ^ + ^^^ ^^ * > * ^^ ^ * >ph. (208) 422-0717 Fax: (208) 334-1502 * ^^^ * > ***************** >Homepage: > >+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > > Joseph Millen E-mail: USDA-ARS Voice: 803.669.5203 x167 2611 W. Lucas St. Fax: 803.669.6970 Florence, SC 29501-1241
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 1997 16:27:48 -0500 From: "Peter D. Spyke" <> Subject: Re: MORE INFO ON CERES-Maize and CN runoff method Hello, Group. My name is Pete Spyke, and I have been a lurker for awhile. This current discussion led me to comment. I have been working with a company called Adcon Telemetry, which manufactures automated weather stations. The stations have sensors, including rainfall, which measure surface information and relay it to a base station via radio. The Base is connected to a PC, which will accept the data and load it directly into models. They have had great success in a number of ag industries around the world. You can read more about them by following their link on our company Web Page: I'm a citrus grower in Florida, and am working on development of Precision Ag for our industry. Adcon has emerged as the best choice for loading weather-sensitive models. Hope this helps. Pete Spyke At 01:25 PM 1/8/97 -0600, you wrote: >As far as I know, the model only accept daily rainfall data. Therefore, I >believe I must adjust this data before entering it into the model. My >rainfall is from recorded history. I have actual yields to verify the >model, but the water balance allows too much infiltration and the plants are >not showing water stress as much as they should. The results on most of my >soils indicate a much higher than actual yield. > >Thanks for responses so far. > >Joe >At 11:11 AM 1/8/97 -0600, you wrote: >>Joseph: >> >> >>>I am looking for suggestions on a way to adjust my rainfall or CN in the >>>model to more closely represent actual runoff from a site in Florence, SC. >>> >>>My problem is that storms have a short duration high intensity during part >>>of the year. The storm type is ignored by the model and needs to be >>>adjusted in some other way. I would prefer to alter the weather input >>>because during times of year when the storms are of a more typical type, the >>>new CN would be incorrect. >> >>....What are you using for weather input now....a weather generator? I'm not >>familiar with the inputs for this model.....are they hourly? Maybe if >>I had a little more information I could help you. I am working with >>several other people in the ARS on a new weather generator. One aspect >>of it in development is a new storm generator, that should be able >>to generate accurate breakpoint rainfall for a location. The lead on >>this is Jim Bonta at ARS-Coshocton, OH. I am cc'ing Jim on this >>so he might have some comments for you, too. Another alternative would >>be to use actual NOAA 15 min. or hourly data. In some cases these >>data have flaws, but some stations have nice 30+ year records that >>are about the best source you could have. >> >>> >>>Any comments or suggestions on my problem would be greatly appreciated. >>> >>>Thanks. >>>Joseph Millen E-mail: >>>USDA-ARS Voice: 803.669.5203 x167 >>>2611 W. Lucas St. Fax: 803.669.6970 >>>Florence, SC 29501-1241 >>> >>> >>....I'd be glad to help in any way I can. >> >>Greg Johnson >>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >> >> *** >> * * >>Dr. Greg Johnson * * >>Research Meteorologist * * >>Northwest Watershed Research Center * * >>USDA-ARS * * >>800 Park Blvd., Plaza IV, Suite 105 * ^ * ** >>Boise ID 83712-7716 * ^^ ^* * * >> * ^ + ^^^ ^^ * >> * ^^ ^ * >>ph. (208) 422-0717 Fax: (208) 334-1502 * ^^^ * >> ***************** >>Homepage: >> >>+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >> >> >Joseph Millen E-mail: >USDA-ARS Voice: 803.669.5203 x167 >2611 W. Lucas St. Fax: 803.669.6970 >Florence, SC 29501-1241 > > >
End of Digest

Prepared by Steve Modena, AB4EL
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