Digest: V1 #115

via AB4EL Web Digests @ SunSITE

Purpose: building and operating vacuum tube-based QRP rigs

AB4EL Ham Radio Homepage @ SunSITE

Subject: glowbugs V1 #115
glowbugs          Friday, September 19 1997          Volume 01 : Number 115

Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 15:31:27 -0700 From: Jim Haynes <haynes@cats.ucsc.edu> Subject: 715 tubes Now and then somebody asks what a 715 is for, and the usual answer is that it is a radar modulator - stands very high voltage when cut off and conducts very large current when biased into conduction. Last night at the computer museum I noticed that four of the 715 tubes were used in the scope display for SAGE. I don't know what they do in the circuit; but I would presume they are in the deflection amplifier.
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 17:33:26 -0700 From: Walt Turansky <turansky@xroads.com> Subject: Re: Call for GB topics Conard, I think it is a great idea! It's starting to cool down in PHX (about 100 today) so I can start thinking about getting out into the garage workshop. Topics I can think of are: Regen receiver Universal VFO (xtal replacement) Self excited Hartley Dow ECO Big Bertha Radiomarine look alike Single tube xtal xmitter At 04:56 PM 9/17/97 -0500, you wrote: > Hello gals and guys, >I would really like to see some organized activity within the GB community >this winter. How about a topic for each month from October to March? >Something like October is regen receiver month followed by November as >self-excited Hartley month ... these are just examples ..... I want >suggestions from everyone. >During each month those interested will attempt to build and operate an >example of the featured circuit with the help and encouragement of the >entire list. Maybe some interested parties will volunteer to sponsor a >circuit type and offer a prize to the top performer ...? >If this works out like I want it to we will get some great discussion going >on a new topic every month as well as some great operating experiences ..... >that's what it's all about, right? >What'cha all think? >73, >ZUT, >de Conard WS4S > > > > > 73 de N7QFN, Walt
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 00:26:28 -0700 From: "Paul Carreiro, N6EV" <carreiro@barepower.net> Subject: N6EV Glowbug Web Site back up / updated Hello fellow Glowbuggies.. My ISP troubles seem to be solved for now so have put the Glowbugs site back on the air. I've also updated the page with a few new items. First, on an experimental basis (which is what we do best right?) I've created a Glowbugs Web Chat page. This will give the ability for live chat amoung those who are connected to the page. Depending on activity, you may or may not run into anyone. I suggest trying near or on the top of the hour. I'll try to check in as much as I can. Unfortunately, there is a 10 minute auto- logout with no activity, so you can't just connect and walk away. Send a few characters from time to time and you'll hang in there. If this does not pan out, I'll delete it from the page. As always.. your comments are welcome, pro or con. Second, I've started a project of copying sections from the ARRL handbook onto the web page with scanned diagrams. The sections I plan on including will include the basic building block circuit sections. The project sections are represented with schematics / parts lists only in the individual year web (1957 and 1961 currently on line). To start, I've reproduced the "Crystal Oscillators" section from the 1968 handbook. These sections are retyped, with the associated tube circuit diagrams scanned in and linked. I'll slowly add sections as time permits. Please indicate if you have a desired section that you would like to see put on the page. Also indicate what year (approx) that you want. I'll try to find the most up-to-date tube related info from the handbooks. Third, thanks to the folks over on QSL.NET, I've secured some web space there. This will allow me to add more, without worrying about space limitations on my ISP (I've hit the limit). The Glowbugs page URL will remain unchanged to avoid confusion and existing links. But don't be suprised if when you select a hyperlink, it routes over to QSL.NET. In the near future, I'll add a photo section. So if you have a picture of anything you'd like posted, please forward it to me. All comments on the page are appreciated. See below for the top level URL. 73 till next time. Paul N6EV Paul F. Carreiro - N6EV - ex-N6HCS - El Camino Village, CA E-Mail: carreiro@barepower.net - http://www.barepower.net/~carreiro/ QRP - Boatanchors - Glowbugs - Mobile CW - QRQ +45WPM - ZUT! SCQS #1 - NorCal #367 - QRP-L #236 - QRP ARCI #8885 - FISTS #1407 Zuni Loop Mountain Expeditionary Force (QRP Field Day)
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 10:28:47 +0200 From: Jan Axing <janax@li.icl.se> Subject: Re: Call for GB topics Conard Murray wrote: > > Hello gals and guys, > I would really like to see some organized activity within the GB community > this winter. How about a topic for each month from October to March? It sounds like a good idea. I've already started the glowbug season on my own, September belongs to the "dark" season over here with 8 C this morning. My vote for topics are: October as the Month of the Regennys November for the Hartleys then we'll see. Jan, SM5GNN (who has started the boiler for the season... Brr.)
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 09:02:55 -0500 From: Conard Murray <cfm5723@tntech.edu> Subject: Fw: Call for GB topics - -----Original Message----- From: Dexter Francis <cwest@xmission.com> To: Conard Murray <cfm5723@tntech.edu> Date: Wednesday, September 17, 1997 6:18 PM Subject: Re: Call for GB topics >Conard - > >That sounds like great fun. Sort of a kit of the month. >Please drop by my web page and see if any of the tubes there >may be useful. I'd be gald to offer special pricing for other >GB list members who are doing the monthly projects. > >Please forward this to the list, as all my replies to the server >are bouncing at the moment. > >-df > >-----------------------Visit our Web site at------------------------- > http://www.xmission.com/~cwest/ > or e-mail to: tubes@usa.net >
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 15:08:56 -0400 (EDT) From: rdkeys@csemail.cropsci.ncsu.edu Subject: The passing of a bit of radio history..... With some sadness, I want to QSP the passing of a local ham, of some historical merit, this past July. He was Irving Strobing/N4FLW. He lived a few miles up the road from us in Raleigh, and is noted for being the Army op who sent the last messages out of Corrigedor before its fall, in WWII. The historical aspects were well covered in an in-depth article in American Heritage, about 15 years back. The plight was used quite effectively in propaganda, during the war, and there were some recorded re-enactments of those last messages from the Malinta Tunnel. Back in 1995, W4TIM and I put on a historical display commemorating the 50th anniversary of the end of WWII, with more OT boatanchors than you could shake a stick at, at the NC Museum of History, and we made it a special treat to invite Irving along, for some commentary. He even brough along a book of photos from that era. He was a quiet gentleman, with a nice CW fist, the time or two I worked him on CW, and he was always around on 2M for some discussions. Although he was not one to make much flap about those times, his narrative of the fall of Corregidor, and the voyage to Japan in a rustbucket freighter, packed standing room only, with the following years in a pow camp, were something you had to hear, firsthand, to really appreciate. Although, we talked several times about those days, I don't remember what the exact boatanchor equipment was that he used to send those final messages, but, if I am not mistaken, they were sent in CW. If you ever run across that American Heritage article on the fall of Corregidor, it is something you will most definitely want to read, for sure. Irving was one of those interesting little tidbits of radio history, that we will all miss. QST has him in the SK section, this month. RIP/73/ZUT IRV VA DE NA4G UP
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 10:21:12 -0400 (EDT) From: EWoodman@aol.com Subject: TNT Transmitter Can someone give me a description of the TNT transmitter from the 1932 Handbook? Tnx and 73 Eric KA1YRV
End of glowbugs V1 #115 ***********************
AB4EL Ham Radio Homepage @ SunSITE

Created by Steve Modena, AB4EL
Comments and suggestions to modena@SunSITE.unc.edu