No. 6
February 1995

It is highly desirable for beekeepers and growers to have a written agreement when honey bee colonies are being rented for pollination services. Such a contract will help to prevent misunderstandings and thus insure better pollination service. Key points that should be included in the contract are:

Attached is a sample contract for your consideration. If you would like additional copies, contact the Department of Entomology, Cooperative Extension, Penn State University, 501 ASI Building, University Park, PA 16802.

Where trade names are used, no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by Penn State Cooperative Extension is implied. Pest Sheets are intended to serve as a quick reference guide and should not be used as a substitute for product label information. Although every attempt is made to produce Pest Sheets that are complete, timely, and accurate, the pesticide user bears the responsibility of consulting the pesticide label and adhering to those directions.

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of Congress May 8 and June 30, 1914 in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Pennsylvania Legislature. T. R. Alter, Interim Director of the Cooperative Extension Service. The Pennsylvania State University.

The Pennsylvania State University is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to programs, facilities, admission, and employment without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications as determined by University policy or by state or federal authorities. The Pennsylvania State University does not discriminate against any person because of age, ancestry, color, disability or handicap, national origin, race, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

Maryann Frazier
Senior Extension Associate
Department of Entomology
Penn State University
February 1995


This agreement is made  _________, 19___, between ______________________,
                          (date)                     (grower's name)
and __________________________.
        (beekeeper's name)

l.  TERM OF AGREEMENT.  The term of this agreement shall be for the 19___ 
                                                                 growing season.


    a.  The beekeeper shall supply the grower with ____________ hives (colonies) of

    honey bees to be delivered to the ________________________ as follows:
                                       (orchard, field, etc.)

(Fill in the appropriate line or lines and cross out those that do not apply)

Approximate date of introduction ____________________.  Number of days after written

notice from the grower _________________.

Time in relation to the following amount of bloom ________________________________


DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION(S): ____________________________________________


(For additional space attach a separate sheet dated and signed by both parties)

The beekeeper shall locate said bees in accordance with directions of the grower, or, if none are given, according to his judgment in providing the maximum pollination coverage.

    b.  The beekeeper agrees to provide colonies of the following minimum standards:

    Disease-free colonies with a laying queen as evidenced by brood

    frames with brood

    frames covered with adult bees

    pounds of honey stores or other food

    story hives

The beekeeper agrees to open and demonstrate the strength of colonies randomly selected by the grower.

    c  The beekeeper agrees to maintain the bees in proper pollinating condition by judicious
    inspection and supering or honey removal as needed.

    d. The beekeeper agrees to leave the bees on the crop until:

    (Fill in the appropriate line or lines and cross out those that do not apply)

    Approximate date of removal ___________.  Number of days of written notice from grower     

    Time in relation to amount of crop bloom _______________________________________

    Other ___________________________________________________________________


    a. The grower agrees to provide a suitable place to locate the hives.  The site must be 
    accessible to a truck and/or other vehicles used in handling and servicing the colonies. 
    The grower shall allow the beekeeper entry on the premises whenever necessary to service 
    the bees, and the grower assumes full responsibility for all loss and damage to his fields 
    or crops resulting from the use of trucks or other vehicles in handling and servicing such 
    colonies of honey bees.

    b. The grower agrees not to apply pesticides toxic to bees to the crop while the bees are 
    being used as pollinators nor immediately prior to their movement into the field or orchard
    if the residue would endanger the colonies.  

    c.  The following pesticides, other agricultural chemicals and methods of application are 
    mutually agreed to be suitable while the bees are on the crop: _______________________



    d. The grower also agrees to properly dispose of all pesticide solutions in such a manner 
    that bees will not be able to contact the material while searching for a water source.

    e. The grower agrees to give the beekeeper a 48 hour notice if hazardous materials not 
    listed on this contract need to be applied.  The cost of moving the bees away from and back
    to the crop to prevent damage from toxic materials shall be borne by the grower.

    f. The grower agrees to pay for _______ colonies of bees at the rate of $_______ per 
	                                   (number)                                 (amount)
    colony.  Payment shall be made to the beekeeper as follows: $_______ per colony on 
    delivery and the balance on or before _______________ of said year.  Additional
    moves or settings shall require $_______ per hive per move.
    g. The grower agrees to provide adequate watering facilities for the bees if none are  
    available within one-half mile of each colony used in pollinating the crop.

Signed:					Date:	______________________________

______________________________		______________________________
            Grower                         Beekeeper

Address: ________________________________  Address: _________________________________ 					

Phone Number: ______________               Phone Number: ______________					

(Sample contract designed by Department of Entomology, Cooperative Extension, Penn State
University, 501 ASI Building, University Park, PA 16802)