I. What these programs do: All widely-used methods of alignment and phylogeny inference make certain assumptions about sequence evolution. These assumptions may be implicit (e.g. the parsimony method for phylogeny reconstruction, the conventional dynamic programming algorithm for alignment inference) or they may be explicit. The methods implemented here are derived from evolutionary models with explicit assumptions. This set of programs estimates (via an expectation-maximization algorithm) parameters relevant to the evolutionary relationship between a pair of DNA or protein sequences. It performs pairwise alignment and allows reliability of alignment positions to be examined visually. Also, the phylogeny reconstruction method described in Thorne and Kishino (1992, MBE 9:1148-1162) is implemented. To understand these programs a bit better and find a list of relevant references, read the file ``statprogs.doc''. It may also be worthwhile to read the files ``arcs2ps.doc'' and ``trees.doc''. The latter two files respectively explain the alignment visualization and phylogeny reconstruction software. Use these programs at your own risk !! They can require massive amounts of computer time (don't attempt to use them if you don't have a workstation or better) and they are user-rude. A little familiarity with Unix, a computer that can compile C code, and ability to edit files are essential. Despite these drawbacks, the methods implemented here can yield comparatively accurate estimates of evolutionary parameters and relatively high quality alignments. For the most part, these programs were written by Jeff Thorne with intellectual help from Hirohisa Kishino, Gary Churchill, and Joseph Felsenstein. Sean Lamont and Kerry Neef supplied helpful programming tips. Leigh Thorne provided constructive comments. Programs not written by Jeff Thorne are part of the phylogeny inference package (PHYLIP) distributed by Joseph Felsenstein. Those programs from PHYLIP are noted in the following section. ------------------------------------------------- II. Files that you will need ... A. ...if you want to read this file -> readme (this file) B. ...if you want to estimate evolutionary parameters that relate a pair of sequences or want a maximum likelihood alignment between the sequences -> statprogs.doc (documentation for the relevant software) -> arrayutil.c -> commontg3.c -> dens4.c -> docons4.c (only when you want statprotC or statdnaC -- see statprogs.doc) -> domask.c -> domin4.c (only when you want statprot or statdna -- see statprogs.doc) -> emhtg3.c -> gsearchtg3.c -> inout.c -> inv3.c -> main.c -> recreate3.c -> topstg3.c -> common.h -> dna.h (only for DNA sequence analysis) -> emh4ps.h -> prottg.h (only for protein sequence analysis) -> evalfile (only for protein sequence analysis) -> evecfile (only for protein sequence analysis) -> ievecfile (only for protein sequence analysis) -> reveqps (only for protein sequence analysis) -> thisfar -> dnamask.dat (only for DNA sequence analysis) -> protmask.dat (only for protein sequence analysis) -> makefile C. ...if you also want to produce postscript output that will help visualize alignment reliability, you will need the files of Section B and ... -> arcs2ps.doc (documentation for alignment-visualization software) -> arcs2ps.c -> control.dat (to produce black-and-white postscript output) -> controlcol.dat (to produce color postscript output) D. ...if you want to infer phylogenies, you will need the files of Section B and ... -> consense.c (a consensus program from PHYLIP) -> consense.doc (documentation for the consense.c, also part of PHYLIP) -> fitch.doc (a documentation file from PHYLIP) -> inseed -> medians.c -> modfitch35.c (a slight modification of the fitch.c program in PHYLIP) -> phylip.h (another file from PHYLIP) -> seqshell -> shellprog.c -> simdists.c -> trees.doc (documentation for ``alignment-free'' phylogeny inference) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- III. My address Jeffrey Thorne Program in Statistical Genetics, Statistics Department North Carolina State University Raleigh NC 27695-8203 email: thorne@stat.ncsu.edu phone: (919) 515-1946 FAX: (919) 515-7591