Program: HYPER.EXE Author: Dr J S Eastery Dept. of Biochemistry The University PO Box 147 Liverpool L69 3BX UK E-Mail: New Version 1.02a --------------------------- Version 1.02a recognises the International Settings and allows the comma to be used as a decimal separator. It also fixes a minor bug when calc.exe is absent from the system. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hyper.exe is a program for the analysis of enzyme kinetic data on the IBM PC and compatibles. It runs under Microsoft Windows Version 3.x in standard or enhanced mode and requires VGA graphics or better. Enzyme kinetic data are subjected to non-linear regression analysis and the results may be displayed in the five standard graphical forms which may be printed at printer resolution. The program is intended for teaching and research purposes in The Life Sciences and allows the standard methods of data analysis to be demonstrated to students. The file should be expanded to a floppy disk from whence Hyper may be installed from within Windows using its own setup program present on the disk. The setup program creates a Program Manager group and icons.