CC -------------------------------------------------------------------- CC CC EMBO Journal CC Table of Contents: January-December 1991. CC CC -------------------------------------------------------------------- // RA Coll M., Guasch A., Aviles F.X., Huber R.; RT "Three-dimensional structure of porcine procarboxypeptidase B: a RT structural basis of its inactivity"; RL EMBO J. 10:1-9(1991). // RA Vendrell J., Billeter M., Wider G., Aviles F.X., Wuethrich K.; RT "The NMR structure of the activation domain isolated from porcine RT procarboxypeptidase B"; RL EMBO J. 10:11-15(1991). // RA Derbyshire V., Grindley N.D.F., Joyce C.M.; RT "The 3' - 5' exonuclease of DNA polymerase I of Escherichia coli: RT contribution of each amino acid at the active site to the reaction"; RL EMBO J. 10:17-24(1991). // RA Beese L.S., Steitz T.A.; RT "Structural basis for the 3' - 5' exonuclease activity of Escherichia RT coli DNA polymerase I: a two metal ion mechanism"; RL EMBO J. 10:25-33(1991). // RA Heinemann U., Alings C.; RT "The conformation of a B-DNA decamer is mainly determined by its sequence RT and not by crystal environment"; RL EMBO J. 10:35-43(1991). // RA Regulla S., Schneider T., Nastainczyk W., Meyer H.E., Hofmann F.; RT "Identification of the site of interaction of the dihydropyridine channel RT blockers nitrendipine and azidopine with the calcium-channel alpha 1 RT subunit"; RL EMBO J. 10:45-49(1991). // RA Ikonen E., Baumann M., Gron K., Syvanen A.C., Enomaa N., Halila R., RA Aula P., Peltonen L.; RT "Aspartylglucosaminuria: cDNA encoding human aspartylglucosaminidase and RT the missense mutation causing the disease"; RL EMBO J. 10:51-58(1991). // RA Leroy P., Krust A., Zelent A., Mendelsohn C., Garnier J.M., Kastner P., RA Dierich A., Chambon P.; RT "Multiple isoforms of the mouse retinoic acid receptor alpha are RT generated by alternative splicing and differential induction by retinoic RT acid"; RL EMBO J. 10:59-69(1991). // RA Zelent A., Mendelsohn C., Kastner P., Krust A., Garnier J.M., RA Ruffenach F., Leroy P., Chambon P.; RT "Differentially expressed isoforms of the mouse retinoic acid receptor RT beta are generated by usage of two promoters and alternative splicing"; RL EMBO J. 10:71-81(1991). // RA McVay L.D., Carding S.R., Bottomly K., Hayday A.C.; RT "Regulated expression and structure of T cell receptor gamma/delta RT transcripts in human thymic ontogeny"; RL EMBO J. 10:83-91(1991). // RA Kishi H., Borgulya P., Scott B., Karjalainen K., Traunecker A., RA Kaufman J., von Boehmer H.; RT "Surface expression of the beta T cell receptor (TCR) chain in the RT absence of other TCR or CD3 proteins on immature T cells"; RL EMBO J. 10:93-100(1991). // RA Nissim A., Jouvin M.H., Eshhar Z.; RT "Mapping of the high affinity Fc epsilon receptor binding site to the RT third constant region domain of IgE"; RL EMBO J. 10:101-107(1991). // RA Haliday E.M., Ramesha C.S., Ringold G.; RT "TNF induces c-fos via a novel pathway requiring conversion of RT arachidonic acid to a lipoxygenase metabolite"; RL EMBO J. 10:109-115(1991). // RA Nagamine Y., Ziegler A.; RT "Okadaic acid induction of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator gene RT occurs independently of cAMP-dependent protein kinase and protein kinase RT C and is sensitive to protein synthesis inhibition"; RL EMBO J. 10:117-122(1991). // RA van de Wetering M., Oosterwegel M., Dooijes D., Clevers H.; RT "Identification and cloning of TCF-1, a T lymphocyte- specific RT transcription factor containing a sequence- specific HMG box"; RL EMBO J. 10:123-132(1991). // RA Eilers M., Schirm S., Bishop J.M.; RT "The MYC protein activates transcription of the alpha- prothymosin gene"; RL EMBO J. 10:133-141(1991). // RA Walls D., Perricaudet M.; RT "Novel downstream elements upregulate transcription initiated from an RT Epstein-Barr virus latent promoter"; RL EMBO J. 10:143-151(1991). // RA Zink B., Engstrom Y., Gehring W.J., Paro R.; RT "Direct interaction of the Polycomb protein with Antennapedia regulatory RT sequences in polytene chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster"; RL EMBO J. 10:153-162(1991). // RA Samakovlis C., Kylsten P., Kimbrell D.A., Engstrom A., Hultmark D.; RT "The Andropin gene and its product, a male-specific antibacterial peptide RT in Drosophila melanogaster"; RL EMBO J. 10:163-169(1991). // RA Okkema P.G., Kimble J.; RT "Molecular analysis of tra-2, a sex determining gene in C.elegans"; RL EMBO J. 10:171-176(1991). // RA Gautier J., Maller J.L.; RT "Cyclin B in Xenopus oocytes: implications for the mechanism of pre-MPF RT activation"; RL EMBO J. 10:177-182(1991). // RA Niki H., Jaffe A., Imamura R., Ogura T., Hiraga S.; RT "The new gene mukB codes for a 177 kd protein with coiled-coil domains RT involved in chromosome partitioning of E.coli"; RL EMBO J. 10:183-193(1991). // RA Carmo-Fonseca M., Tollervey D., Pepperkok R., Barabino S.M.L., Merdes A., RA Brunner C., Zamore P.D., Green M.R., Hurt E., Lamond A.I.; RT "Mammalian nuclei contain foci which are highly enriched in components of RT the pre-mRNA splicing machinery"; RL EMBO J. 10:195-206(1991). // RA Zamore P.D., Green M.R.; RT "Biochemical characterization of U2 snRNP auxiliary factor: an essential RT pre-mRNA splicing factor with a novel intranuclear distribution"; RL EMBO J. 10:207-214(1991). // RA Weiss E.A., Gilmartin G.M., Nevins J.R.; RT "Poly(A) site efficiency reflects the stability of complex formation RT involving the downstream element"; RL EMBO J. 10:215-219(1991). // RA Iino Y., Sugimoto A., Yamamoto M.; RT "S.pombe pac1+, whose overexpression inhibits sexual development, encodes RT a ribonuclease III-like RNase"; RL EMBO J. 10:221-226(1991). // RA McGrath J.P., Jentsch S., Varshavsky A.; RT "UBA1: an essential yeast gene encoding ubiquitin-activating enzyme"; RL EMBO J. 10:227-236(1991). // RA Altman E., Kumamoto C.A., Emr S.D.; RT "Heat-shock proteins can substitute for SecB function during protein RT export in Escherichia coli."; RL EMBO J. 10:239-245(1991). // RA Schneider A., Behrens M., Scherer P., Pratje E., Michaelis G., Schatz G.; RT "Inner membrane protease 1, An enzyme mediating intramitochondrial RT protein sorting in yeast."; RL EMBO J. 10:247-254(1991). // RA Inglis J.D., Hill R.E.; RT "The murine Spi-2 proteinase inhibitor locus: a multigene family with a RT hypervariable reactive site domain."; RL EMBO J. 10:255-261(1991). // RA Martinez E., Givel F., Wahli W.; RT "A common ancestor DNA motif for invertebrate and vertebrate hormone RT response elements."; RL EMBO J. 10:263-268(1991). // RA Forrest D., Hallbook F., Persson H., Vennstrom B.; RT "Distinct functions for thyroid hormone receptors (alpha) and (beta) in RT brain development indicated by differential expression of receptor genes."; RL EMBO J. 10:269-275(1991). // RA Li W., Stanley E.R.; RT "Role of dimerization and modification of the CSF-1 receptor in its RT activation and internalization during the CSF-1 response."; RL EMBO J. 10:277-288(1991). // RA Wirak D.O., Bayney R., Kundel C.A., Lee A., Scangos G.A., Trapp B.D., RA Unterbeck J.; RT "Regulatory region of human amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene promotes RT neuron-specific gene expression in the CNS of transgenic mice."; RL EMBO J. 10:289-296(1991). // RA Richards S.J., Waters J.J., Beyreuther K., Masters C.L., Wischik C.M., RA Sparkman D.R., White C.l. III, Abraham C.R., Dunnett S.B.; RT "Transplants of mouse trisomy 16 hippocampus provide a model of RT Alzheimer's disease neuropathology."; RL EMBO J. 10:297-303(1991). // RA Krek W., Nigg E.A.; RT "Differential phosphorylation of vertebrate p34 (superscript cdc2) kinase RT at the G1/S and G2/M transitions of the cell cycle: identification of RT major phosphorylation sites."; RL EMBO J. 10:305-316(1991). // RA Ben david Y., Letwin K., Tannock L., Bernstein A., Pawson T.; RT "A mammalian protein kinase with potential for serine/threonine and RT tyrosine phosphorylation is related to cell cycle regulators."; RL EMBO J. 10:317-325(1991). // RA Rolink A., Kudo A., Karasuyama H., Kikuchi Y., Melchers F.; RT "Long-term proliferating early pre B cell lines and clones with the RT potential to develop to surface Ig-positive, mitogen reactive B cells in RT vitro and in vivo"; RL EMBO J. 10:327-336(1991). // RA Era T., Ogawa M., Nishikawa S., Okamoto M., Honjo T., Akagi K., RA Miyazaki J., Yamamura K.; RT "Differentiation of growth signal requirement of B lymphocyte precursor RT is directed by expression of immunoglobulin."; RL EMBO J. 10:337-342(1991). // RA Stamenkovic I., Aruffo A., Amiot M., Seed B.; RT "The hematopoietic and epithelial forms of CD44 are distinct polypeptides RT with different adhesion potentials for hyaluronate- bearing cells."; RL EMBO J. 10:343-348(1991). // RA Feger G., De vendittis E., Vitelli A., Masturzo P., Zahn r. verrotti A.C., RA Kavounis C., Pal G.P., Fasano O.; RT "Identification of regulatory residues of the yeast adenylyl cyclase."; RL EMBO J. 10:349-359(1991). // RA Straka C., Horz W.; RT "A functional role for nucleosomes in the repression of a yeast promoter."; RL EMBO J. 10:361-368(1991). // RA Jakobsen B.K., Pelham H.R.B.; RT "A conserved heptapeptide restrains the activity of the yeast heat shock RT transcription factor."; RL EMBO J. 10:369-375(1991). // RA Beyers A.D., Davis S.J., Cantrell D.A., Izquierdo M., Williams A.F.; RT "Autonomous roles for the cytoplasmic domains of the CD2 and CD4 T cell RT surface antigens."; RL EMBO J. 10:377-385(1991). // RA Clark D.J., Felsenfeld G.; RT "Formation of nucleosomes on positively supercoiled DNA."; RL EMBO J. 10:387-395(1991). // RA Papavassiliou A.G., Wilcox K.W., Silverstein S.J.; RT "The interaction of ICP4 with cell/infected- cell factors and its state RT of phosphorylation modulate differential recognition of leader sequences RT in herpes simplex virus DNA."; RL EMBO J. 10:397-406(1991). // RA Tanda S., Corces V.G.; RT "Retrotransposon-induced overexpression of a homeobox gene causes defects RT in eye morphogenesis in Drosophila."; RL EMBO J. 10:407-417(1991). // RA Komma D.J., Horne A.S., Endow S.A.; RT "Separation of meiotic and mitotic effects of claret nondisjunctional on RT chromosome segregation in Drosophila."; RL EMBO J. 10:419-424(1991). // RA Ast G., Goldblatt D., Offen D., Sperling J., Sperling R.; RT "A novel splicing factor is an integral component of 200S large nuclear RT ribonucleoprotein (InRNP) particles."; RL EMBO J. 10:425-432(1991). // RA Copertino D.W., Hallick R.B.; RT "Group II twintron: an intron within an intron in a chloroplast RT cytochrome b-559 gene."; RL EMBO J. 10:433-442(1991). // RA Pelet T., Curran J., Kolakofsky D.; RT "The P gene of bovine parainfluenza virus 3 expresses all three reading RT frames from a single mRNA editing site."; RL EMBO J. 10:443-448(1991). // RA Ustav M., Stenlund A.; RT "Transient replication of BPV-1 requires two viral polypeptides encoded RT by the E1 and E2 open reading frames."; RL EMBO J. 10:449-457(1991). // RA Toczyski D.P.W., Steitz J.A.; RT "EAP, a highly conserved cellular protein associated with Epstein-Barr RT virus small RNAs (EBERs)."; RL EMBO J. 10:459-466(1991). // RA Vizan J.L., Hernandez-Chico C., del Castillo I., Moreno F.; RT "The peptide antibiotic microcin B17 induces double-strand cleavage of RT DNA mediated by E.coli DNA gyrase."; RL EMBO J. 10:467-476(1991). // RA Jonsson A.B., Nyberg G., Normark S.; RT "Phase variation of gonococcal pili by frameshift mutation in pilC, a RT novel gene for pilus assembly."; RL EMBO J. 10:477-488(1991). // RA Muller W.H., van der krift T.P., Krouwer A.J.J., Wosten H.A.B., RA van der Voort L.H.M., Smaal E.B., Verkleij A.J.; RT "Localization of the pathway of the penicillin biosynthesis in RT Penicillium chrysogenum."; RL EMBO J. 10:489-495(1991). // RA Christen R., Ratto A., Baroin A., Perasso R., Grell K.G., Adoutte A.; RT "An analysis of the origin of metazoans, using comparisons of partial RT sequences of the 28S RNA, reveals an early emergence of triploblasts."; RL EMBO J. 10:499-503(1991). // RA Schwager J., Burckert N., Schwager M., Wilson M.; RT "Evolution of immunoglobulin light chain genes: analysis of Xenopus IgL RT isotypes and their contribution to antibody diversity."; RL EMBO J. 10:505-511(1991). // RA Tagliavini F., Prelli F., Ghiso J., Bugiani O., Serban D., Prusiner S.B., RA Farlow M.R., Ghetti B., Frangione B.; RT "Amyloid protein of Gerstmann-Straussler- Scheinker disease (Indiana RT kindred) is an 11 kd fragment of prion protein with an N-terminal glycine RT at codon 58."; RL EMBO J. 10:513-519(1991). // RA Koch M.H.J., Dencher N.A., Oesterhelt D., Plohn H.J., Rapp G., Buldt G.; RT "Time-resolved X-ray diffraction study of structural changes associated RT with the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin."; RL EMBO J. 10:521-526(1991). // RA Petersen C.C.H., Toescu E.C., Petersen O.H.; RT "Different patterns of receptor-activated cytoplasmic Ca2+ oscillations RT in single pancreatic acinar cells: dependence on receptor type, agonist RT concentration and intracellular Ca2+ buffering."; RL EMBO J. 10:527-533(1991). // RA Rhee S.S., Hunter E.; RT "Amino acid substitutions within the matrix protein of type D RT retroviruses affect assembly, transport and membrane association of a RT capsid."; RL EMBO J. 10:535-546(1991). // RA Thomas D., Cherest H., Surdin-Kerjan Y.; RT "Identification of the structural gene for glucose-6-phosphate RT dehydrogenase in yeast. Inactivation leads to a nutritional requirement RT for organic sulfur."; RL EMBO J. 10:547-553(1991). // RA Heinemeyer W., Kleinschmidt J.A., Saidowsky J., Escher C., Wolf D.H.; RT "Proteinase yscE, the yeast proteasome/multicatalytic-multifunctional RT proteinase: mutants unravel its function in stress induced proteolysis RT and uncover its necessity for cell survival."; RL EMBO J. 10:555-562(1991). // RA Russo P., Li W.Z., Hampsey D.M., Zaret K.S., Sherman F.; RT "Distinct cis-acting signals enhance 3' endpoint formation of CYC1 mRNA RT in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae."; RL EMBO J. 10:563-571(1991). // RA Tollervey D., Lehtonen H., Carmo-Fonseca M., Hurt E.C.; RT "The small nucleolar RNP protein NOP1 (fibrillarin) is required for RT pre-rRNA processing in yeast."; RL EMBO J. 10:573-583(1991). // RA Belazzi T., Wagner A., Wieser R., Schanz M., Adam G., Hartig A., Ruis H.; RT "Negative regulation of transcription of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RT catalase T (CTT1) gene by cAMP is mediated by a positive control element."; RL EMBO J. 10:585-592(1991). // RA Jakubowski H.; RT "Proofreading in vivo: editing of homocysteine by methionyl-tRNA RT synthetase in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae."; RL EMBO J. 10:593-598(1991). // RA Carbon P., Krol A.; RT "Transcription of the Xenopus laevis selenocysteine tRNA (Ser)Se gene: a RT system that combines an internal B box and upstream elements also found RT in U6 snRNA genes."; RL EMBO J. 10:599-606(1991). // RA Lee M.S., Garrard W.T.; RT "Transcription-induced nucleosome "splitting": an underlying structure RT for DNase I sensitive chromatin."; RL EMBO J. 10:607-615(1991). // RA Lohmer S., Maddaloni M., Motto M., Di fonzo N., Hartings H., Salamini F., RA Thompson R.D.; RT "The maize regulatory locus Opaque-2 encodes a DNA-binding protein which RT activates the transcription of the b-32 gene."; RL EMBO J. 10:617-624(1991). // RA Klarsfeld A., Bessereau J.L., Salmon A.M., Triller A., Babinet c. RA Changeux J.P.; RT "An acetylcholine receptor alpha-subunit promoter conferring preferential RT synaptic expression in muscle of transgenic mice."; RL EMBO J. 10:625-632(1991). // RA Rihs H.P., Jans D.A., Fan H., Peters R.; RT "The rate of nuclear cytoplasmic protein transport is determined by the RT casein kinase II site flanking the nuclear localization sequence of the RT SV40 T-antigen."; RL EMBO J. 10:633-639(1991). // RA Hancock J.F., Cadwallader K., Marshall C.J.; RT "Methylation and proteolysis are essential for efficient membrane binding RT of prenylated p21K- ras(B)."; RL EMBO J. 10:641-646(1991). // RA Lev S., Givol D., Yarden Y.; RT "A specific combination of substrates is involved in signal transduction RT by the kit- encoded receptor."; RL EMBO J. 10:647-654(1991). // RA Saris C.J.M., Domen J., Berns A.; RT "The pim-1 oncogene encodes two related protein-serine/threonine kinases RT by alternative initiation at AUG and CUG."; RL EMBO J. 10:655-664(1991). // RA Brown J.L., Sonoda S., Ueda H., Scott M.P., Wu C.; RT "Repression of the Drosophila fushi tarazu (ftz) segmentation gene."; RL EMBO J. 10:665-674(1991). // RA Cortay J.C., Negre D., Galinier A., Duclos B., Perriere G., Cozzone A.J.; RT "Regulation of the acetate operon in Escherichia coli: purification and RT functional characterization of the IclR repressor."; RL EMBO J. 10:675-679(1991). // RA Shiroishi T., Sagai T., Hanzawa N., Gotoh H., Moriwaki K.; RT "Genetic control of sex-dependent meiotic recombination in the major RT histocompatibility complex of the mouse."; RL EMBO J. 10:681-686(1991). // RA Bonnefoy E., Rouviere-Yaniv J.; RT "HU and IHF, two homologous histone-like proteins of Escherichia coli, RT form different protein - DNA complexes with short DNA fragments."; RL EMBO J. 10:687-696(1991). // RA Mayerhofer R., Koncz-Kalman Z., Nawrath C., Bakkeren G., Crameri A., RA Angelis K., Redei G.P., Schell J., Hohn B., Koncz C.; RT "T-DNA integration: a mode of illegitimate recombination in plants."; RL EMBO J. 10:697-704(1991). // RA Escoubas J.M., Prere M.F., Fayet O., Salvignol I., Galas D., Zerbib D., RA Chandler M.; RT "Translational control of transposition activity of the bacterial RT insertion sequence IS1."; RL EMBO J. 10:705-712(1991). // RA Murchie A.I.H., Portugal J., Lilley D.M.J.; RT "Cleavage of a four-way DNA junction by a restriction enzyme spanning the RT point of strand exchange."; RL EMBO J. 10:713-718(1991). // RA Loss P., Schmitz M., Steger G., Riesner D.; RT "Formation of a thermodynamically metastable structure containing hairpin RT II is critical for infectivity of potato spindle tuber viroid RNA."; RL EMBO J. 10:719-727(1991). // RA Shapira R., Choi G.H., Nuss D.L.; RT "Virus-like genetic organization and expression strategy for a RT double-stranded RNA genetic element associated with biological control of RT chestnut blight."; RL EMBO J. 10:731-739(1991). // RA Shapira R., Choi G.H., Hillman B.I., Nuss D.L.; RT "The contribution of defective RNAs to the complexity of viral- encoded RT double-stranded RNA populations present in hypovirulent strains of the RT chestnut blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica."; RL EMBO J. 10:741-746(1991). // RA Cross R.A., Greeves M.A., Kendrick-Jones J.; RT "A nucleation - elongation mechanism for the self-assembly of side polar RT sheets of smooth muscle myosin."; RL EMBO J. 10:747-756(1991). // RA Prendergast G.C., Ziff E.B.; RT "Mbh1: a novel gelsolin/severin-related protein which binds actin in RT vitro and exhibits nuclear localization in vivo."; RL EMBO J. 10:757-766(1991). // RA Andreazzoli M., Gerbi S.A.; RT "Changes in 7SL RNA conformation during the signal recognition particle RT cycle."; RL EMBO J. 10:767-777(1991). // RA Anborgh P.H., Parmeggiani A.; RT "New antibiotic that acts specifically on the GTP-bound form of RT elongation factor Tu."; RL EMBO J. 10:779-784(1991). // RA Becker J., Tan T.J., Trepte H.-H., Gallwitz D.; RT "Mutational analysis of the putative effector domain of the GTP-binding RT Ypt1 protein in yeast suggests specific regulation by a novel GAP RT activity."; RL EMBO J. 10:785-792(1991). // RA Lambrecht H.G., Koch K.W.; RT "A 26 kd calcium binding protein from bovine rod outer segments as RT modulator of photoreceptor guanylate cyclase."; RL EMBO J. 10:793-798(1991). // RA Molven A., Njolstad P.R., Fjose A.; RT "Genomic structure and restricted neural expression of the zebrafish RT wnt-1 (int-1) gene."; RL EMBO J. 10:799-807(1991). // RA Heilig J.S., Freeman M., Laverty T., Lee K.J., Campos A.R., Rubin G.M., RA Steller H.; RT "Isolation and charactization of the disconnected gene of Drosophila RT melanogaster."; RL EMBO J. 10:809-815(1991). // RA Lee K.J., Freeman M., Steller H.; RT "Expression of the disconnected gene during development of Drosophila RT melanogaster."; RL EMBO J. 10:817-826(1991). // RA Ostade X.V., Tavernier J., Prange T., Fiers W.; RT "Localization of the active site of human tumour necrosis factor (hTNF) RT by mutational analysis."; RL EMBO J. 10:827-836(1991). // RA Metz T., Graf T., Leutz A.; RT "Activation of cMGF expression is a critical step in avian myeloid RT leukemogenesis."; RL EMBO J. 10:837-844(1991). // RA Petti L., Nilson L.A., Dimaio D.; RT "Activation of the platelet-derived growth factor receptor by the bovine RT papillomavirus E5 transforming protein."; RL EMBO J. 10:845-855(1991). // RA Lin B. T.-Y., Gruenwald S., Morla A.O., Lee W.-H., Wang J.Y.J.; RT "Retinoblastoma cancer suppressor gene product is a substrate of the cell RT cycle regulator cdc2 kinase."; RL EMBO J. 10:857-864(1991). // RA Luescher B., Brizuela L., Beach D., Eisenman R.N.; RT "A role for the p34 cdc2 kinase and phosphatases in the regulation of RT phosphorylation and disassembly of lamin B2 during the cell cycle."; RL EMBO J. 10:865-875(1991). // RA Carlberg K., Tapley P., Haystead C., Rohrschneider L.; RT "The role of kinase activity and the kinase insert region in RT ligand-induced internalization and degradation of the c-fms protein."; RL EMBO J. 10:877-883(1991). // RA Payne D.M., Rossomando A.J., Martino P., Erickson A.K., Her J.H., RA Shabanowitz J., Hunt D.F., Weber M.J., Sturgill T.W.; RT "Identification of the regulatory phosphorylation sites in RT pp42/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase)."; RL EMBO J. 10:885-892(1991). // RA Cyster J.G., Shotton D.M., Williams A.F.; RT "The dimensions of the T lymphocyte glycoprotein leukosialin and RT identification of linear protein epitopes that can be modified by RT glycosylation."; RL EMBO J. 10:893-902(1991). // RA Alarcon B., Ley S.C., Sanchez-madrid F., Blumberg R.S., Ju S.T., RA Fresno M., Terhorst C.; RT "The CD3-gamma and CD3-delta subunits of the T cell antigen receptor can RT be expressed within distinct functional TCR/CD3 complexes."; RL EMBO J. 10:903-912(1991). // RA Borgulya P., Kishi H., Muller U., Kirberg J., von boehmer H.; RT "Development of the CD4 and CD8 lineage of T cells: instruction versus RT selection."; RL EMBO J. 10:913-918(1991). // RA Delcayre A.X., Salas F., Mathur S., Kovats K., Lotz M., Lernhardt W.; RT "Epstein Barr virus/complement C3d receptor is an interferon alpha RT receptor."; RL EMBO J. 10:919-926(1991). // RA Decker T., Lew D.J., Mirkovitch J., Darnell J.E.; RT "Cytoplasmic activation of GAF, an IFN-gamma-regulated DNA-binding RT factor."; RL EMBO J. 10:927-932(1991). // RA Mohun T.J., Chambers A.E., Towers N., Taylor M.V.; RT "Expression of genes encoding the transcription factor SRF during early RT development of Xenopus laevis: identification of a CArG box-binding RT activity as SRF."; RL EMBO J. 10:933-940(1991). // RA Figueroa N., Wills N., Bossi L.; RT "Common sequence determinants of the response of a prokaryotic promoter RT to DNA bending and supercoiling."; RL EMBO J. 10:941-949(1991). // RA Gubler M., Bickle T.A.; RT "Increased protein flexibility leads to promiscuous protein-DNA RT interactions in type IC restriction - modification systems."; RL EMBO J. 10:951-957(1991). // RA Bennett-cook E.R., Hassell J.A.; RT "Activation of polyomavirus DNA replication by yeast GAL4 is dependent RT on its transcriptional activation domains."; RL EMBO J. 10:959-969(1991). // RA Smith S., Stillman B.; RT "Stepwise assembly of chromatin during DNA replication in vitro."; RL EMBO J. 10:971-980(1991). // RA Schmidt A.M.A., Herterich S.U., Krauss G.; RT "A single-stranded DNA binding protein from S.cerevisiae specifically RT recognizes the T-rich strand of the core sequence of ARS elements and RT discriminates against mutant sequences."; RL EMBO J. 10:981-985(1991). // RA Symington L.S.; RT "Double-strand-break repair and recombination catalyzed by a nuclear RT extract of Saccharomyces cerevisiae."; RL EMBO J. 10:987-996(1991). // RA Lahaye A., Stahl H., Thines-Sempoux D., Foury F.; RT "PIF1: a DNA helicase in yeast mitochondria."; RL EMBO J. 10:997-1007(1991). // RA Ouellette M., Hettema E., Wust D., Fase-fowler F., Borst P.; RT "Direct and inverted DNA repeats associated with P-glycoprotein gene RT amplification in drug resistant Leishmania."; RL EMBO J. 10:1009-1016(1991). // RA Hirvas L., Koski P., Vaara M.; RT "Identification and sequence analysis of the gene mutated in the RT conditionally lethal outer membrane permeability mutant SS-C of RT Salmonella typhimurium."; RL EMBO J. 10:1017-1023(1991). // RA Vincentz M., Caboche M.; RT "Constitutive expression of nitrate reductase allows normal growth and RT development of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia plants."; RL EMBO J. 10:1027-1035(1991). // RA Bartels D., Engelhardt K., Roncarati R., Schneider K., Rotter M., RA Salamini F.; RT "An ABA and GA modulated gene expressed in the barley embryo encodes an RT aldose reductase related protein."; RL EMBO J. 10:1037-1043(1991). // RA Hunt M.D., Newton K.J.; RT "The NCS3 mutation: genetic evidence for the expression of ribosomal RT protein genes in Zea mays mitochondria."; RL EMBO J. 10:1045-1052(1991). // RA Rippmann F., Taylor W.R., Rothbard J.B., Green N.M.; RT "A hypothetical model for the peptide binding domain of hsp70 based on RT the peptide binding domain of HLA."; RL EMBO J. 10:1053-1059(1991). // RA Schell D., Evers R., Preis D., Ziegelbauer K., Kiefer H., Lottspeich F., RA Cornelissen A.W.C.A., Overath P.; RT "A transferrin-binding protein of Trypanosoma brucei is encoded by one of RT the genes in the variant surface glycoprotein gene expression site."; RL EMBO J. 10:1061-1066(1991). // RA Moss E.G., Racaniello V.R.; RT "Host range determinants located on the interior of the poliovirus RT capsid."; RL EMBO J. 10:1067-1074(1991). // RA Jowett T., Wajidi M.F.F., Oxtoby E., Wolf C.R.; 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RT "A new human p34 protein kinase CDK2, identified by complementation of a RT cdc28 mutation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is a homolog of Xenopus Eg1."; RL EMBO J. 10:2653-2659(1991). // RA Gotoh Y., Moriyama K., Matsuda S., Okumura E., Kishimoto T., Kawasaki H., RA Suzuki K., Yahara I., Sakai H., Nishida E.; RT "Xenopus M phase MAP kinase: isolation of its cDNA and activation by RT MPF."; RL EMBO J. 10:2661-2668(1991). // RA Osmani A.H., O'Donnell K., Pu R.T., Osmani S.A.; RT "Activation of the nimA protein kinase plays a unique role during mitosis RT that cannot be bypassed by absence of the bimE checkpoint."; RL EMBO J. 10:2669-2679(1991). // RA Hata S., Kouchi H., Suzuka I., Ishii T.; RT "Isolation and characterization of cDNA clones for plant cyclins."; RL EMBO J. 10:2681-2688(1991). // RA Reygers U., Wessel R., Muller H., Hoffmann-Berling H.; RT "Endonuclease activity of Escherichia coli DNA helicase I directed RT against the transfer origin of the F factor."; RL EMBO J. 10:2689-2694(1991). // RA Hewat E.A., Ruigrok R.W.H., Dicapua E.; 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RT "The integrity of the conserved 'WS motif' common to IL-2 and other RT cytokine receptors is essential for ligand binding and signal RT transduction."; RL EMBO J. 10:3191-3197(1991). // RA Sudhof T.C., Newton C.L., Archer B.T. 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RT "A 210 kDa nuclear matrix protein is a functional part of the mitotic RT spindle; a microinjection study using SPN monoclonal antibodies."; RL EMBO J. 10:3351-3362(1991). // RA Wang X., De Boer P.A.J., Rothfield L.I.; RT "A factor that a positively regulates cell division by activating RT transcription of the major cluster of essential cell division genes of RT Escherichia coli."; RL EMBO J. 10:3363-3372(1991). // RA Nehlin J.O., Carlberg M., Ronne H.; RT "Control of yeast GAL genes by MIG1 repressor: a transcriptional cascade RT in the glucose response."; RL EMBO J. 10:3373-3377(1991). // RA Sherman D.R., Janz L., Hug M., Clayton C.; RT "Anatomy of the parp gene promoter of Trypanosoma brucei."; RL EMBO J. 10:3379-3386(1991). // RA Rudenko G., Chung H.M.M., Pham V.P., van der Ploeg L.H.T.; RT "RNA polymerase I can mediate expression of CAT and neo protein-coding RT genes in Trypanosoma brucei."; RL EMBO J. 10:3387-3397(1991). // RA Lund L.R., Romer J., Ronne E., Ellis V., Blasi F., Dano K.; RT "Urokinase-receptor biosynthesis, mRNA level and gene transcription are RT increased by transforming growth factor beta1 in human A549 lung RT carcinoma cells."; RL EMBO J. 10:3399-3407(1991). // RA Hagman J., Travis A., Grosschedl R.; RT "A novel lineage-specific nuclear factor regulates mb-1 gene RT transcription at the early stages of B cell differentiation."; RL EMBO J. 10:3409-3417(1991). // RA Clark D.J., Wolffe A.; RT "Superhelical stress and nucleosome-mediated repression of 5S RNA gene RT transcription in vitro."; RL EMBO J. 10:3419-3428(1991). // RA Rojo F., Salas M.; RT "A DNA curvature can substitute phage phi29 regulatory protein p4 when RT acting as a transcriptional repressor."; RL EMBO J. 10:3429-3438(1991). // RA Reach M., Xu L.X., Young C.S.H.; RT "Transcription from the adenovirus major late promoter uses redundant RT activating elements."; RL EMBO J. 10:3439-3446(1991). // RA Jessen T.H., Oubridge C., Teo C.H., Pritchard C., Nagai K.; RT "Identification of molecular contacts between the U1 A small"; 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RT "T-DNA gene 5 of Agrobacterium modulates auxin response by autoregulated RT synthesis of a growth hormone antagonist in plants."; RL EMBO J. 11:3983-3991(1991). // RA Danon A., Mayfield S.P.Y.; RT "Light regulated translational activators: identification of chloroplast RT gene specific mRNA binding proteins."; RL EMBO J. 11:3993-4001(1991). // RA Feldmar S., Kunze R.; RT "The ORFa protein, the putative transposase of maize transposable element RT Ac, has a basic DNA binding domain."; RL EMBO J. 11:4003-4010(1991). // RA He S., Modi S., Bendall D.S., Gray J.C.; RT "The surface-exposed tyrosine residue Tyr83 of pea plastocyanin is RT involved in both binding and electron transfer reactions with cytochrome RT f."; RL EMBO J. 11:4011-4016(1991). // RA Voigt M.M., Laurie D.J., Seeburg P.H., Bach A.; RT "Molecular cloning and characterization of a rat brain cDNA encoding a RT 5-hydroxytryptamine1B receptor."; RL EMBO J. 11:4017-4023(1991). // RA Keffer J., Probert L., Cazlaris H., Georgopoulos S., Kaslaris E., RA Kioussis D., Kollias G.; RT "Transgenic mice expressing human tumour necrosis factor: a predictive RT genetic model of arthritis."; RL EMBO J. 11:4025-4031(1991). // RA Hancock J.F., Cadwallader K., Paterson H., Marshall C.J.; RT "A CAAX or a CAAL motif and a second signal are sufficient for plasma RT membrane targeting of ras proteins."; RL EMBO J. 11:4033-4039(1991). // RA Zhou X.Y., Galjart N.J., Willemsen R., Gillemans N., Galjaard H., RA d'Azzo A.; RT "A mutation in a mild form of galactosialidosis impairs dimerization of RT the protective protein and renders it unstable."; RL EMBO J. 11:4041-4048(1991). // RA Herman P.K., Stack J.H., Emr S.; RT "A genetic and structural analysis of the yeast Vps15 protein kinase: RT evidence for a direct role of Vps15p in vacuolar protein delivery."; RL EMBO J. 11:4049-4060(1991). // RA Hermoso T., Fishelson Z., Becker S.I., Hirschberg K., Jaffe C.L.; RT "Leishmanial protein kinases phosphorylate components of the complement RT system."; RL EMBO J. 11:4061-4067(1991). // RA Yogev D., Rosengarten R., Watson-McKown R., Wise K.S.; RT "Molecular basis of Mycoplasma surface antigenic variation: a novel set RT of divergent genes undergo spontaneous mutation of periodic coding RT regions and 5'regulatory sequences."; RL EMBO J. 11:4069-4079(1991). // RA Cappellaro C., Hauser K., Mrza V., Watzele M., Watzele G., Gruber C., RA Tanner W.; RT "Saccharomyces cerevisiae a- and `-agglutinin: characterization of their RT molecular interaction."; RL EMBO J. 11:4081-4088(1991). // RA Mould A.P., Humphries M.J.; RT "Identification of a novel recognition sequence for the integrin `4 beta1 RT in the COOH-terminal heparin-binding domain of fibronectin."; RL EMBO J. 11:4089-4095(1991). // RA de Hostos E.L., Bradtke B., Lottspeich F., Guggenheim R., Gerisch G.; RT "Coronin, an actin binding protein of Dictyostelium discoideum localized RT to cell surface projections, has sequence similarities to G protein » RT subunits."; RL EMBO J. 11:4097-4104(1991). // RA Shanafelt A.B., Miyajima A., Kitamura T., Kastelein R.A.; RT "The amino-terminal helix of GM-CSF and IL-5 governs high affinity RT binding to their receptors."; 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RT "HOX4 genes encode transcription factors with potential auto- and RT cross-regulatory capacities."; RL EMBO J. 11:4177-4187(1991). // RA Marciniak R.A., Sharp P.A.; RT "HIV-1 Tat protein promotes formation of more-processive elongation RT complexes."; RL EMBO J. 11:4189-4196(1991). // RA Ashfield R., Enriquez-Harris P., Proudfoot N.J.; RT "Transcriptional termination between the closely linked human complement RT genes C2 and Factor B: common termination factor for C2 and c-myc?"; RL EMBO J. 11:4197-4207(1991). // RA Primig M., Winkler H., Ammerer G.; RT "The DNA binding and oligomerization domain of MCM1 is sufficient for its RT interaction with other regulatory proteins."; RL EMBO J. 11:4209-4218(1991). // RA Mueller C.G.F., Nordheim A.; RT "A protein domain conserved between yeast MCM1 and human SRF directs RT ternary complex formation."; RL EMBO J. 11:4219-4229(1991). // RA Hughes J.M.X., Ares M. Jr.; RT "Depletion of U3 small nucleolar RNA inhibits cleavage in the 5' external RT transcribed spacer of yeast pre-ribosomal RNA and impairs formation of RT 18S ribosomal RNA."; RL EMBO J. 11:4231-4239(1991). // RA Keller W., Bienroth S., Lang K.M., Christofori G.; RT "Cleavage and polyadenylation factor CPF specifically interacts with the RT pre-mRNA 3' processing signal AAUAAA"; RL EMBO J. 11:4241-4249(1991). // RA Wahle E., Martin G., Schiltz E., Keller W.; RT "Isolation and expression of cDNA clones encoding mammalian poly(A) RT polymerase."; RL EMBO J. 11:4251-4257(1991). // RA Marcey D., Watkins W.S., Hazelrigg T.; RT "The temporal and spatial distribution pattern of maternal exuperantia RT protein: evidence for a role in establishment but not maintenance of RT bicoid mRNA localization."; RL EMBO J. 11:4259-4366(1991). // RA Cerini C., Kerjan P., Astier M., Gratecos D., Mirande M., Semeriva M.; RT "A component of the multisynnthetase complex is a multifunctional RT aminoacyl-tRNA sythetase."; RL EMBO J. 11:4267-4277(1991). // RA Lees J.A., Buchkovich K.J., Marshak D.R., Anderson C.W., Harlow E.; RT "The retinoblastoma protein is phosphorylated on multiple sites by human RT cdc2."; RL EMBO J. 11:4279-4289(1991). // RA Warbrick E., Fantes P.A.; RT "The wis 1 protein kinase is a dosage-dependent regulator of mitosis in RT Schizosaccharomyces pombe."; RL EMBO J. 11:4291-4299(1991). // RA Millar J.B.A., McGowan C.H., Lenaers G., Jones R., Russell P.; RT "p80cdc25 mitotic inducer is the tyrosine phosphatase that activates RT p34cdc2 kinase in fission yeast."; RL EMBO J. 11:4301-4309(1991). // RA Luca F.C., Shibuya E.K., Dohrmann C.E., Ruderman J.V.; RT "Boyth cyclin Adelta60 and Bdelta97 are stable and arrest cells in RT M-phase, but only cyclin Bdelta97 turns on cyclin destruction."; RL EMBO J. 11:4311-4320(1991). // RA Ustav M., Ustav E., Szymanski P., Stenlund A.; RT "Identification of the origin of replication of bovine papillomavirus and RT characterization of the viral origin recognition factor E1."; RL EMBO J. 11:4321-4329(1991). // RA Rogerson B., Hackett J. Jr., Peters A., Haasch D., Storb U.; RT "Mutation pattern of immunoglobin transgenes is compatible with a model RT of somatic hypermutation in which targeting of the mutator is linked to RT the direction of DNA replication."; RL EMBO J. 11:4331-4341(1991). // RA Kerr S.M., Johnston L.H., Odell M., Duncan S.A., Law K.M., Smith G.L.; RT "Vaccinia DNA ligase complements Saccharmoyces cerevisiae cdc9, localizes RT in cytoplasmic factories and affects virulence and virus senstivity to RT DNA damaging agents."; RL EMBO J. 11:4343-4350(1991). // RA Burhans W.C., Vassilev L.T., Wu J., Sogo J.M., Nallaseth F.S., RA Depamphilis M.L.; RT "Emetine allows identification of origins of mammalian DNA replpication RT by imbalanced DNA sythesis, not through conservative nucleosome RT segregation."; RL EMBO J. 11:4351-4360(1991). // RA Crevel G., Cotterill S.; RT "DNA replication in cell-free extracts from Drosophila melanogaster."; RL EMBO J. 11:4361-4369(1991). // RA De-Boer P.A.J., Crossley R.E., Hand A.R., Rothchild L.I.; RT "The MinD protein is a membrane ATPase required for the correct placement RT of the Escherichia coli division site."; RL EMBO J. 11:4371-4380(1991). // RA Iwasaki H., Takahagi M., Shiba T., Nakata A., Shinagawa H.; RT "Escherichia coli RuvC protein is an endonuclease that resolves the RT Holliday structure."; RL EMBO J. 11:4381-4389(1991). // RA Rosselli W., Stasiak A.; RT "The ATPase activity of RecA is needed to push the DNA strand exchange RT through heterologous regions"; RL EMBO J. 11:4391-4396(1991). //