¥ Automatic-BLAST for the Macintosh This is an AppleScript that automatically sends sequences by email to the BLAST server at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov at prescribed times, daily or weekly. The script uses the scriptable email program Eudora. ¥ REQUIREMENTS - You must have a version of Eudora that understands Applescript, which I believe means version 1.4 or later. - You must have AppleScript installed. - You must have the files "System Folder:Extensions:Scripting Additions:Read/Write Commands" and "System Folder:Extensions:Scripting Additions:Current Date" (which are normally installed along with AppleScript). NOTE : READ/WRITE COMMANDS V. 1.1 APPEARS NOT TO WORK! USE AT LEAST VERSION 1.1.1. ¥ The Automatic-BLAST folder This folder should contain Automatic-BLAST, the 'Schedule' file, a 'Log File', the 'BLAST parameters' file, and folders named, for example, 'daily blastx' and 'weekly blastx'. ¥ The sequences The sequences should be plain TEXT files, one sequence per file. They can be in plain, DNA Strider ASCII, or Pearson/Fasta format. Put them in a 'daily' or 'weekly' folder in the Automatic-BLAST folder. ¥ The 'Schedule' file This file should be in the same folder as Automatic-BLAST. If you modify it make sure to save it as a TEXT file. It should look like this : 3:35 AM Saturday Automatic-BLAST reads this file once, on starting up. Thereafter, it will send sequences to the BLAST server at 3:35 AM daily (those in 'daily' folders) and every Saturday at 3:35 AM (those in the 'weekly' folders). ¥ The 'BLAST parameters' file This file should be in the same folder as Automatic-BLAST. It contains the parameters that will be sent to the BLAST server along with each sequence. If you modify it make sure to save it as a TEXT file. ¥ The 'Log File' Contains the names of the sequences and the times they were sent. The name of the sequence is the file name, not the name in the header line. ¥ Known BUGS - The script can't accept every single common sequence format. - The script can't accept multiple sequences in 1 file. - The script runs out of memory if the length of the sequence > 4000 characters. Try increasing its memory through the 'Get Info' box. Use this script at your own risk. I do not guarantee that it will work for you, but it does work for me. I should add that I'm a satisfied Eudora user, but have no other connection to the company (for availability write eudora-sales@qualcomm.com). © 1995 Brian Osborne Distribute this freely, but do not sell it, or portions of it, without my permission. Brian Osborne bosborne@nature.berkeley.edu http://pgebaker4.pw.usda.gov/bio/bio.html Plant Gene Expression Center 1.15.95