I've drawn human chromosomes using conventions commonly used when gene localization relative to bands is presented. I've compared them to drawings on two sources (1,2) to ensure correct proportions and band names. Each chromosome is oriented with its short arm (p) toward the top of the page and its long arm (q) toward the bottom of the page. The chromosomes were drawn using Macintosh object (vector) graphics to facilitate easy scaling. They were then saved in the PICT format. Feel free to copy, modify and use these pictures in you articles. I hope you find them useful, -Heikki Heikki Lehv{slaiho Bitnet:lehvasla@finuh.bitnet X.400: G=Heikki;S=Lehvaslaiho;O=Helsinki;ADMD=fumail;C=fi Meilahti Medical Departments, University of Helsinki Haartmaninkatu 3, SF-00290 Helsinki, FINLAND Phone: +358-0-434 6408 FAX: +358-0-434 6491 References: 1. Cancer Cells, February 1990, 2(2); Cancer Cells, December 1989, 1(4). 2. New Haven Human Gene Mapping Library Chromosome Plots Number 4, HGM9.5, November 1988, Howard Huges Medical Institute, Human Gene Mapping Library.